Friday, February 1, 2008


The FDA (Food & Drug administration) is responsible for the safety of our food, our drugs, and the medical devices used on us.
They are under-funded, under-staffed, and most definately under-preforming!!!

Did you know that 50% of all the ingredients in our prescription AND over the counter drugs comes from China?
Also much of our food comes from foreign sources too.

The FDA commissioner says that U.S. food & drugs are the best reviewed in the world, however we continue to have recall after recall.

The FDA has a $20 Billion yearly operating budget which has remained unchanged since 1988.
Think about just how much MORE stuff we import since 1988, and yet the budget for this department has not increased at all.

It's scarey to think about just how vulnerable we really are.
A vulnerability forced on us by our own government.
"We the people" mean nothing to them, and this is just one little example that proves this fact!!!


Anonymous said...

What concerns me is that inflation has been increasing from 2.0% to 3.5% since 1988. And you hope the FDA has been adding staff to deal with the more influx of foods and drugs coming into the country. Yet, their budget remains the same. Now, we know why so many incidents are progressively occurring. The FDA is either serverely under-staffed and/or under-budgetted...yet the agency wonders why they have a problem.

Anonymous said...

this is old news we all know this is the way it is and as long as our politicians are healthy happy and rich they could care less about the suffering of the rest of us.