Thursday, March 13, 2008


2 mins, 14 secs long
Hummmm, and I thought Islam was peaceful and tolerant and oh so very respectful to their women!!!


Anonymous said...

This has been my contention from day one when I argue with a muslim. They purport that islam/muslims are peaceful, loving and tolerant. And I always counter that by saying. That per muslims actions that are practiced and seen are the exact opposite of being loving, peaceful and tolerant. The muslim world rhetoric is beyond being's insanity and savagey. When will these people learn that we are not living in the 1400's. Probably never. And what G-d would tell someone to beat another person or say one group is better than another. To me that is not a G-d of love and free will. How these muslim bastards cannot see that islam was created by mohammed who was subsequently a mad man. In the end, the muslim will learn a very hard lesson. And it's a good possibility that they will be totally eradicated due to their ignorance, as well as their arrogance....which makes up a deadly mixture to have a propensity for violence and killing. And my theory seems to be proving true, since this is what we see from modern day islam.

Peace and Blessings to ALL the good infidels out there. And fuck islam, mohammed and may all muslim die soon. G-d Bless you all....who are against islam

loki said...

Scuba said....
To me that is not a G-d of love and free will.


Yeah exacly, but I have never heard a muzzie say that God is a loving God who gave us free will.

To them God is a monster who cares NOTHING for the lives he created.

And as far as "free will" goes that is a concept that is completely and utterly alien to both muzzies and their allah.

Sick fucking bastards that they are!!!