Saturday, March 29, 2008


Today we did one of our disaster preparedness training excercises here in Vegas.
I participated, I usually do because they are important and because they are actually fun, PLUS I get to hang around me firemen all day

Anyway, It got me to thinking and I was wondering if you guys were doing these types of things every year or so in your cities???

In these times it is imparative that we all be good boy/girl scouts and stay prepared because you never know when some muzzie fucker is going to blow something up!

I know here in Vegas we are a huge target...I believe we even made the official al-qaeda target list lol

Anyway, was just wondering.

On a side note......
Below is a news clip of Geert Wilder regarding his new short film "FITNA"

1 min & 35 secs long


Anonymous said...

Loki, the area I live in is also a huge target for the muzzies to hit. South Florida (on the east coast) has the most jewish population per capita than any other citie...i.e., LA, NY and so on. There's approximately 4-5 million in this vicinity and almost half are jewish. Since my area is all within a 50 mile radius and includes 3 cities from west palm beach down to miami. Ironically, the muslim population is not very big in my area. But, the ones here are ruthless. As all muzzies are.

I always said what will it take to wake up our senior leaders to publicly recognize that muslims are a true threat and they need to stop being so politically correct. Like Newt Gringrich will take an american city to be destroyed before people in govt wake up and realize what we're up against. Newt, also mentioned that though leaders are being politically correct in the public spot light. Behind the scenes, they will comment the exact opposite in what they tell the public regarding the muslims and their religion.

Political correctness is going to destroy ourselves from within. Even the UK says they're a multi-cultural nation. So, what...doesn't mean you hand over centuries of your cultral over to muslims. Unbelievable how the brits will give in to appease just 4% of the population. If the muslims don't like whats going on in the nations they move to. Then tell them to pack up and move out. It's up to the muzzies to assimilate to our way of life and not the other way around.

Kathi said...

We actually keep cases of bottled water contantly at our house, just in case. I also make sure that we have plenty of canned goods in the pantry at all times, along with propane cookstoves, lanterns and flashlight batteries and bulbs. I also keep a huge stack of firewood and waterproof matches around. True, part of it is for Girl Scouts and family camping, but with STL having so many muslims as well as Boeing, its best to be prepared at all times.
So many people don't even think about keeping things close at hand. If not just for an attack, but even for a natural disaster.


Anonymous said...

I am well prepared too. But that's due to the hurricanes. After being in two hurricanes in a 3 week time span. And had no power. Which sucked big time. We were prepared then. But, after that season ended. We got a really good generator and keep 50 gallons of diseal around too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Loki,

That dude from the UK who has a lot of YouTube Videos....his name is Pat Condell and his website which has several voice POD case is:

If you search his name on YouTube you will find all his videos which have been viewed 100.000's of times. And read some of the comments. The dude is getting a solid following. And in fact, I really enjoy what he has to say and agree with everything he says regarding islam. Wasn't sure if you knew his name already or not. So, thought I would tell you about it.

Scuba Girl

Anonymous said...

I am well prepared.

I have a large, floating, queen sized (as in bed)ice chest FULL of ice, beer and whiskey.

It is the size of a bed so I have something to pass out on. It has a tent that quickly pops up to keep me covered and the ice chest lid is a cusion.

Oh, it had large water proof pockets too for cigarettes, lighters and food and water and a first aid kit...
and this floating bed/boat/ice chest has ores so I can row around.

AND... It cannot be tipped over if it is in water. And if it is on land, it has wheels that can pop out so I can pull the fucking thing.

It is my mobile bed, bar, snack shack and shelter.

Anonymous said...

damn dude gots to get me one of those anonymous, 4:48PM...that sounds like the ultimate lazy life to me.

Anonymous said...

Since Pat is not intrested, what do you think about McCain being against abortion and so many repulicans wanting Hillary in office?

I would like to hear opinions from people like Pat, Kathi and you, Loki. But Pat wont listen to reason.

I typed the following to Pat, but he immediatly made a new thread.
Pat you are against abortion? Fair enough, but what about crack addicted mothers? Don't you think that those drug babies are suffering? Born in into poverty and deformed, mentally ill? What about Rape Victims? Should a woman that was brutally raped be forced to carry that baby to term and give birth to it? Incest? Should a young girl that was raped by her brother or father be forced to give birth to that fucked up child? Should a woman let herself die so the unborn fetus has a chance?

What if a good American woman was raped by a muslim terrorist? Should she be forced to give birth to that??

Being Pro Choice does not mean "Pro Abortion," it means Pro Choice as in Pro Birth Control, Pro Sterilization and Promotes the CHOICE of birth control, sterilization abortion OR adoption.

Are any of your female loved ones on The Pill? Do you know that The Pill aborts embryos shortly after conception?

The Pill causes the death of the embryo (fertilized ovum) prior to or during implantation. The Pill kills a fertilized egg. It aborts it.

I hope that someone (besides Nuke) makes a topic on this subject because it is extremely important. Like I said earlier, many Repulicans are going to vote for Hillary now because of this.

It is an extremely important political issue.

Kathi said...

Try to re-post your comment to Pat. I was actually on the phone with him last night and when he was trying to publish some comments and his computer messed up and he lost several.

Pat and I do not agree on the abortion issue. I am completely ProChoice. Pat and I have had many a disagreements over our views on abortion.


Anonymous said...

Kathi can you make a topic on the Republican/Pro Choice issue?

Kathi said...

I put your comment on my blog, so if anyone wants to comment on it they certainly can. I have been a lifelong democrat, so I have always felt strongly pro-choice. This is the first year I have contemplated voting for the other side.


loki said...

Anon 5:02,

My position on abortion I have stated in the past.
Back in September I wrote about it here.

Basically my feelings are.....

I personally would never have an abortion HOWEVER I believe it is MY right and MY right alone to make that decision!!!!

Besides even if abortions were outlawed women WOULD still get them.

That is why they became LEGAL in the first place...because women were going to "back-alley" butchers to get them done and the medical problems from that were tremendous, so it was legalized not only as a right to choose issue but as a national health issue too.

Anonymous said...

Well said Loki.

Too bad Douche Bag Pat can't comprehend that.

Anonymous said...

Pat can't comprehend many things. He's just a simply fucking redneck hillbilly. Pat likes to think of himself being well educated and informed. But, watching a few shows on TV won't do it. Pat, is one of the most narrow minded people I have encountered in sometime. He will never get it. There's so much you can do with a simple mind...he has many limitations when it comes to learning or accepting something.

Future is now said...

I hope that someone (besides Nuke) makes a topic on this subject because it is extremely important. Like I said earlier, many Repulicans are going to vote for Hillary now because of this.

Besides me huh? Yet another spineless tard posting in anon. Yet another immature asshole who never grew up.

Anonymous said...

Look at who is being immature and never grew up.