Sunday, March 16, 2008


We pay alot of attention to the violent, terroristic, extremly radical part of Islam, but we pay very little attention to the nonviolent radical Islam which is more likely to alter the makeup of Western society over time than is terrorism.
For while it is relatively easy to mobilize public opinion against terrorist groups, however no institutions exist to counter the demands of non-violent extremists.

Lawful Islamists lobby for legislation, influence curriculum and media content, advancing their agenda patiently, through non-violent means, bringing about fundamental changes in society.
They also use "lawfare" (aggressive legal maneuvers) to close down academic, media, and political critics.

As Daniel Pipes said.... "Quietly, lawfully, peacefully, Islamists do their work throughout the West to impose aspects of Islamic law, win special privileges for themselves, shut down criticism of Islam, create Muslim-only zones, and deprive women and non-Muslims of their full civil rights."

Recent examples of lawful Islamism include:

* Leading Muslim students in prayer at a public San Diego elementary school.
* Allowing cab drivers in Vancouver, B.C. to refuse certified guide dogs for reasons of religious conviction.
* Admonishing doctors and nurses in Scotland to refrain from eating in front of their Muslim patients and colleagues during the month of Ramadan.
* Proposing in the Netherlands that people of all faiths refer to God as Allah in order to "create more dialogue."
* The Archbishop of Canterbury's arguing that adopting elements of Shari'a law in Britain would benefit social cohesion.
* Allowing members of polygamous marriages to claim extra welfare benefits in Britain.
* Sponsoring a Muslim lifeguard program for the benefit of private female sessions at the city pool in Mississauga, Canada.
* Dropping Knorbert the piglet as mascot of Fortis Bank for fear of offending Muslims.

There are many other examples of this going on .....

A new website is up and running devoted to the study of lawful Islamism, and to keep you informed about it.
GO TO....


Kathi said...

You are correct in saying the non-violent muslims try to change ciriculum in schools. My childs social studies teacher had to change her teachings of 9/11. Instead of saying muslim terrorists, she had to switch to terrorists. When my child pointed out they were muslims, the teacher told her, no they were terrorists. Apparently the parents of the muslim students called to complain that they were being discriminated against. WELL, we live in a predominately white Christian area. Myself and many other parents called at complained that the truth of history was NOT being taught. This year at least, the teacher was forced to amend her teaching to say the terrorists were indeed radical muslims. I was really glad to know I was not the only parent to call and complain about the omission either. There are more of us than them by far and the truth needs to be taught to our children in school, not just at home.

Kathi said...

I am not sure how it is taught in the school district I formerly lived in. All the white people I knew with kids in the public school have since moved, due to the rising muslim population. When we lived there, my child went to a private school rather than a 50% muslim public school. The area we moved to is just a few miles away and so far, very few muslims.

Anonymous said...

My kids go to private school and they don't allow special priviliages for any particular group. It's the contention of the faculty/administration, that if one group gets this or that. Then other groups will want something special. At least the good news is there are NO muslims in my kids school since they can't afford the annual tutition.

Nonetheless, what muslims are doing in trying to instill little pieces of islam and sharia law amongst us is wrong. And we should all be diligent in not allowing this to happen. If the muzzy bastards tried this shit in my public schools...though my kids don't attend. I would be at a town hall meeting fighting for what our sovereign nation represents. Also, I noticed that Canada is extremely liberal with allowing these little laws or special privilages for muzzies....which is wrong. Canada better not cry for help (from America) when they discover their country was taken over right under their own noses.

And it's going on worldwide in which muslims are making demands. Just recently Havard University allows the pool to be used by muslim woman one time a week for a few hours. If I was attending that university. I would demand that my group has special needs and wants a special time and day to use the public pool. Once other groups begin to make the same demands. Places will have to re-evaluate their decisions. Because it will impede the very essenses of what that thing was intended for initially.

As for in British Columbia, Canada, in which muslim cab drivers do not have to take a passenger who has a working just ridiculous. That would never happen in America. What if a cop with a working dog needed to use a cab for an emergency and the muzzy asshole used that law. And then someone got seriously injured or worse killed. You can bet that law would be reversed. It sickens me that muslims demand these special rights under the disguise of religion...whereas, no other religion or organization doesn't request/demand things.

Like I said previously, islam is going to force us into a war against them. So, a government offends these idiots. They (muzzies) moved to our lands for a reason. To get away from oppression. It's their obligation to conform to our way of life and to assimilate to our culture...not the other way around.

With the war in iraq we are seeing a prelude to all out war. Which will be the free world against the muslims. We cannot forget that our country is based in Christian-Judeo beliefs and islam has nothing to do with how our nation was formulated. This is our country and anyone who migrates here need to assimilate to our ways, it's that simple. We wouldn't go to saudi arabia demanding we get special treatment. If we did, we would be arrested and inprison or possibly killed.

This is why we will be in an all out war against islam sooner, rather than later. And the muslims know they cannot beat us in a real war. It's why they have to stick to terrorism. Go to LionHearts blog and he tells it like it is and it's an extemely informative blog. Here is his site, this blog is a must read for anyone who's serious about learning about what these bastards are trying to do to our societies. He even has a bunch on YouTube videos which displays the muzzy agenda. And it's far from propaganda. Because these videos are from muslims in what they think and what they are doing and what they want to achieve in their objectives. It's very concerning to say the least.

Sorry Loki, for the long post. But, you know how I feel about this and you and I, as well as many others are on the same page.

J*A*C*K said...

Seperation of church and state should apply to Islam also. Where are these people who want prayer taken out of public schools and the 10 Comandments out of government/public buildings when it comes to Islam?

Anonymous said...

Why is it scubas comments is like reading a book? every comment she makes it takes up the whole fucking blog. Im going 2 bed fuck this. *yawns*

Anonymous said...

Well, anonymous sorry for the long post. But, I have a lot to say and back it up with fact. As well as, I stick to the threads subject matter. If you don't want to read what I have to say. Then by all means, skip over it. Believe me I won't be offended. Many of us are concern about islam and trying to educate people on it. Whereas, others just want to deal with the BS drama on the other blogs.

Kathi said...

I enjoy reading your comments Scuba. Keep it up.


Anonymous said...

blah blah blah blah blah


loki said...

J*A*C*K said...
Seperation of church and state should apply to Islam also. Where are these people who want prayer taken out of public schools and the 10 Comandments out of government/public buildings when it comes to Islam?

I second that!!!
Where are they and where are the feminists??
Where are the human rights activists??

They ALL seem to be unusually quiet when it comes to Islam!!!

Kathi said...

It seems like all those in political positions are more concerned with not offending the muzzies or other "interest" groups than they are for sticking up for the majority of the populus.
I am a huge letter writer, emailer and phone caller to my politicians and other elected officials. I vote and pay taxes, so I am damn well going to make certain they hear my opinion.


Anonymous said...

the american people aren't going to put up with islam after a certain point. the other countries mentioned are all very socialistic and their citizens never had the freedoms that we have so its no big deal to them to keep giving up more and more. you don't miss what you never had. but think about this country. americans are used to doing what we damn well please and bitching and protesting if we can't. do you really think that we are going to give up beer, football, nascar, the dallas cowboy cheerleaders, bikini clad women, and all the other wonderful things we have here? not gonna happen. the muslims will push so far, and there will be such a backlash that they will be hiding and shutting the fuck up. remember the damn mexicans 2 years ago, demonstrating, waving spic flags and skipping school and all the other bullshit they were pulling? americans got pissed off, shut down their amnesty bill, and the wetbacks have been really quiet for over a year. you don't see any more huge demonstrations, because they found out we won't put up with it. same goes for muzzies.

loki said...

excellent pount!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree an excellent point and well said. Americans don't put up with shit, because we have a back bone. Wish I could say the same about europe. All the europeans do is bitch about america. When their nations are being taken away from them from the muslim scumbags. And then, who's going to come over there and bail them out will be america. The europeans, especially the UK needs to worry about what the muzzies are doing and not be so concerned with what america does or what we're involved in. They're on the brink of losing their sovereignty. Whereas, american isn't even being close to that breaking point. Like Anonymous said. We only put up with so much Bullshit and rhetoric. And then we stand up and these fools sit down and shut the fuck up. Unfortunately, the Brits are too scared to speak up, because their scared of hurting someones feelings and don't want to insult them. Screw that, the muslims know this and using this tactic against you so they can take over your nation. Don't you brits and europeans have any pride left in you. Better do something before it's too late. And stop thinking america will always be there to bail you out. We always do come through for you people. But, if you continue to bash us and don't tend to the real threat. Then we might just sit this one out and let your countries become islamic.

Funny how muslims think we have this decadant lifestyle, which we do. But, doesn't mean we have to partake in it. Just means it's available to the folks who want to live that kind of life are free to do so.