Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Geert Wilder, a member of the Dutch parliament since 1998, has made a short film called ‘Fitna,’ an Arabic term for ‘discord.’
It will be approx. 10-15 minutes long and it "intersperses verses of the Koran with footage of terrorist attacks and other Islamist-inspired violence".

Naturally the muslim world is in an uproar, even though nobody has even seen the film yet, and are demanding the film not be aired.
Many muzzie nations have called for a boycott of Netherland products, along with the "death to the Dutch" rhetoric we are all so used to.

Many western leaders, including the Dutch themselves are urging Mr. Wilder not to air the film because they are afraid of the backlash that will occur from muzzies in the Netherlands and around the world.
In other words, they are completely willing to allow islam to take away more of the free world's free speech rights because we wouldn't want to upset the muzzies now would we.

As for Mr. Wilder, he says he WILL air the film no matter what and if he can not find a broadcaster to air it on TV he will show it on the internet here...


So keep checking back with the site and let's all support Mr. Wilder in his fight against Islam by watching this little film.
Lets make sure all our friends and families see it too!!!

He has proposed closing the country to all non-Western immigrants for at least five years and banning construction of Islamic schools and mosques for the same period.

He has also proposed a law that would prevent foreign imams from preaching in the Netherlands and forbid preaching by anyone in any language other than Dutch.

In addition, he has sought to ban the Koran, calling it the Islamic answer to Hitler's manifesto ‘Mein Kampf.’

Every law-abiding nation should follow this man’s example.
There should be numberless individuals speaking the same counsel throughout the world.

Below is some excellent commentary by Pat Condell regarding the appeasement of islam
You will enjoy this I promise!!!

7 mins, 38 secs long


Anonymous said...

GO DUTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I cant believe the Dutch are braver than we are they have done more to fight against the islamic mission to outlaw free speech than we have it makes me feel ashamed

Anonymous said...

Islam should be outlawed in this country as Comunism was.

Anonymous said...

that guy on the video is pretty cool I like what he has to say