Thursday, March 6, 2008


This is for the morons around here who still think terrorism is not real Islam. Only terrorists do the bad things right?
I mean good ol' regular muslims are just nice, tolerant, simple folks who wouldn't hurt a fly....RIGHT???

Well this happened on 3 March 2008 In Jeddah Saudi Arabia —

A 25 year old man had an argument with his sister and her husband, and apparently he did not get his way because later on he followed his sister to the market where she was shopping with her 15 month old son.

In full view of all the other shoppers and staff at the Al-Marhaba supermarket on Sari Street, this regular good ol' muslim man (not a terrorist) grabbed the baby out of the mother's arms and decapitated him right on the spot.

A police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Arab News, “The murderer was in a dispute with the boy’s mother and her husband. He chopped off the boy’s head in front of the mother to get back at her.”

Ah yes, a muzzie man who gets his lil feelings hurt by his sister.
So what to do, what to do???....hummmm what would Mohamhead do???
Murder a 15 month old baby in the most gruesome way of course!!!
Yeah that'll teach the bitch!!!


Be careful Deception this could be YOUR baby one day!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I have said this many times. Muslims never attempt to settle a dispute or arguement by using other means. Like, ignoring a person till people settle down, compromising, or simply just apologizing or using some kind of reasoning. Nope people...muslims skip what normal people do and go right to killing others. It's in their nature to just kill someone when something goes wrong. And they're always blaming others for their problems and never look within. And they wonder why most of the world is against them. Muslims claim they are peaceful, loving and tolerant. Well, that is meant to be with other muslims and they can't even do that with their own people. And muzzy who says their religion is peaceful, loving and tolerant is just blowing smoke up peoples asses and they think we are buying this

Probably this muslim idiot man will get off or a light sentence. Because, his defense will be that woman are inferior, so his sister shouldn't have argued back with him in the first place. That's right the quran states woman are inferior to men. And these people think the west is poluted and disgusting in our culture. I suppose being savages and doing acts of savagey in public is acceptible in saudi arabia. No wonder the free world hates these fuckers so much. And decapitating someone is extremely agonizing and a slow death. Oh but I forgot, muslims respect and love their woman and children...what a joke.

Anonymous said...

What a joke is right

Anonymous said...

I bet deception wont make a comment on this because she knows your right loki

Anonymous said...

We all know Ferret wont comment either. Or she will "pretend" that she did not read this. Of course she did, she reads these blogs and sits in chat day and night.

Anonymous said...

the man will be executed, for the simple fact that he killed a MALE muslim baby. now if he had chopped off his sisters head, then no one would do anything about it.

Future is now said...

And of coarse no one in the crowd tried to stop this. Here in America someone would of took him out or police would of shot him or at very least people would of stopped it.

loki said...

I agree, people here would have murdered him right on the spot for doing that to a baby!!!