Sunday, March 9, 2008


This is in Aphganistan
A 12 yr. old girl, in a forced marriage, talks about the abuse she recieves from her husband.
37 seconds long

This man is NOT one of the "bad guys" they keep telling us about,
you know the ones "giving Islam a bad name".
Nope this guy is just the run of the mill muzzie, marrying a 12 yr. old little girl and beating the shit out of her.
Ah yes, Islam is just soooo fucking moral & peaceful!!!

Anything to say about this Ferret or Deception???
I imagine not!!!


liz said...

my heart broke, hu, hu, hu,

Anonymous said...

You could hear the fear in here voice. Fuck islam, that tape made me even more angry. And didn't think that was possible. The child is still a kid and these men are usually in their 30's or older. Besides, NO kid is emotionally or mentally capable of handling a relationship/motherhood. As a society today, things are so much more advanced. And though these muslim bastards did this shit back in the old day. Doesn't mean it conforms with the modern day we live in and a progressing world, in culturally as well as technological advancements. Why these barbaric people refuse to join the modern world is beyond me. They're extreme hypocrites since they're willing to advance in some aspects and then hold onto the ridiculous and disgusting things of their past.

This is just another reason to eradicted these people. They are not worthy of what the world and it's people have to offer. Keep up the good fight against islam everybody. Never forget that good has always prevailed over evil. We usually wait a bit too long to deal with evil, due to denial. But, eventually we end up doing what's just and right.

I'm not the most religious person around. But, a friend of mine who advocates against islam (in the real world) brought this to my attention. It's a scripture from John and not verbatim. But, John said,...that there will be a group of people who will kill christians and others not like them (the killers). Thinking they're doing G-ds work. Now doesn't that sound exactly like the muslims. Since NO OTHER RELIGION is presently killing others not like them in the name of their G-d. And because of this one scripture, I sincerely believe the rest of humanity will rise up and combat these muslim bastards. It's just a prelude what we are doing to muslims now. And within the foreseeable future, we will see things escalate on a grander scale. It will be WW3 and fought in the mid-east and parts of europe and WE will be the victors in this matter.

loki said...


Anonymous said...

The way muslims behave proves just how evil islam really is
They have been totally taken over by satans mindwarp