Friday, March 28, 2008


Another tidbit of wisdom from across the pond!

5 mins & 59 secs long
I wish even one of our elected leaders understood Islam just a 10th as much as this guy does!!!

What this gentleman describes is exactly what we here in America have in store for us if we do not nip it in the bud pretty damn soon!!!!


Anonymous said...

Loki, though I worry and am concern about islam and how it's in america. I am extremely optimistic that we will prevail. We are much different than the europeans. They like to pacify these people thinking the problem will just go away...which it doesn't and makes matters even worse. In america we don't act like the europeans and don't take crap.

Remember when the illegal mexicans a few years ago were protesting and some kids missed school to protest. Stating they aren't criminals. Well, notice how they shut the "F" up as soon as americans spoke out against them. And the local governments began to do something about illegals since the feds wouldnt. Now, the illegals are all quiet. Sometimes america is slow to catch on or do something about a vexing and complex problem. But, in the end we do begin to see things and rectify it. What preplexes me on this is when we do something about it later on...just cost us more money. Instead of being addressed early on and getting a firm grip on the problem, as well as the cost is less too.

Now, the local and state jails and prisons are going to report to the feds on illegals who commit crimes and in their system. In which the fed govt said they would take possession of the illegals and prosecute them if the crime is serious. Or deport them if the crime is not so severe. It's progress and definitely not fast enough for me or you...but progress is better than nothing. Also, will be no more sancutary cities either...if a local govt is caught doing this...they will lose all their federal funding untill they're in complice with the mandate. Which is to report all illegals to the feds (I.C.E.). We have to start somewhere. And new legislature is coming up in the spring. Which will be that anyone who has duel citizenship will have to pick one and denounce the other. Also, make immigrating here a bit more difficult to come here....even for a student visa. Whether these initiative get passed or not. I don't know. But, if americans speak out enough then they will be passed eventually if not the first time.

But, I'm like you...and extremely inpatient when it comes to these matters. Seems like we have idiots in upper govt. Many of these issues are workable on both party sides. Just wish lobbist and corporations didn't have so much pull in washington. Obama, wants to raise taxes and have more govt spending and how people think he would be a good president is beyond me. If and I say a big if....he's elected those same people who voted him in will be the first ones complaining. Hilary just as bad as Obama. But, if Hilary gets the nominee then McCain will have an easier time in defeating her as oppose to the muzzy Obama.

Anonymous said...

I know this may sound silly but I want to send out a request if possible.
I would like to get everyone to work together on this to put a hamper on the muslim oil companies and hurt them in the pocket.
I would like to ask that to start off with, that everyone turn off all power in your homes for one hour a week, just one hour will cost Muzzies millions, also if possible everyone please do not drive for one day a week, plan your errands in advance and make sure you have everything done before the day you pick not to drive.
Oh and this is not an effort started by me, but is being oraganized world wide by various orginizations. Thanks everyone for your help, lets put a hurting on these terrorists.

Islam is a danger to Women, Children, and all living things

loki said...

I am completely onboard with hurting the muzzies in the pocketbook.

I have done several things on my own to protest the fuckers.

For instance, I use only those weird light bulbs that save energy.
I traded in my beloved Suburban for a crappy little economy car that I HATE!!
If EVERYONE would do just those 2 things alone it would have a huge impact.

Also I noticed bigger things are in the works...such as, the truckers of America are talking about going on strike due to the outragiously high gas (diesel) prices.

If this happens (and I hope it does) EVERYONE will feel it because what they haul is everything we buy everyday.

The crap imported from China will stay on the docks.
The corporate fuckers who grow rich off our sweat will be sweating themselves.
And so on and so on!!

We will all suffer BUT I think that is what it is going to take for us all to finally stand up together and demand that our government cut its ties to the oil, and finally get serious about alternative energy sources.

These type of things are the only way we will ever get off arab oil.
These things will have to be done by we the people because our government is addicted to oil as surely as the whore on the street is addicted to crack!!

We break the oil habit and we break the muzzies back FOREVER!!!

Anonymous said...

quit worrying about hurting muslims by buying different light bulbs. btw, fyi, those light bulbs contain mercury and if you are unfortunate enough to break one in your home, you are going to have to pay to have the hazardous waste cleaned up professionally. it cost one lady 3k to have her childs bedroom cleaned of the mercury contamination so that the child could actually sleep in it again. dont even think about throwing one of those things in the regular garbage either. the mercury will leach into the water table and contaminate it and kill fish. but i digress. what you need to do is concentrate on getting people elected who will actually allow the USA to drill for oil in ANWAR and off our coasts. we arent allowed to use our own oil by the environmental crazies, even tho russia and mexico seem to have no problem drilling in the gulf coast. the USA has plenty of oil so that we dont need to depend on foreign oil. we just arent allowed to use it. thats what you need to focus on.

LOKI - Nana said...

I do not think that finding new ways to continue using oil is the best course of action for us.

We need to somehow, someway get completely off of oil.
Which I admit will be incredibly hard to do as it is sooo fucking entreanched in our lives, not only gas and heating oil but in many products we use everyday.

And thanks for the info on those light bulbs. I did not know about any mercury content and will be very careful with them from now on.

My ultimate goal is to take myself completely off the grid.
If things go as I am planning, in a few years I will have no electric or gas bills whatsoever.
I am still mulling over whether to use wind or solar power or a combination of both.
Anyway when that day comes, if all goes as planned, I will have no utility bills at all, I will be growing my own food, I will have my own well, and I will have an electric car that I can charge at my house with my own electricity.

Anyway, thats the plan and I am working hard to make it happen.

Think of all the money I will save and think of how comforting it will be!!!

Anonymous said...

the best time to buy gasoline is on WED mornings. on wed afternoon...prices are adjusted when the weekly analysis is conducted. also, if people just didn't fill up at gas stations for a day that would hurt the oil companies. but not buying gas for a few days would hurt us as well as the oil companies. this would set the mechantile exchange into a frizzy and raise the prices for delivery on on the gas futures market.

Also, one reason food has gone up so much lately. Is because the cost of gas...which we need trucks to bring the products to the stores so on so and so on. We need to tell the muzzies in opec to increase output of oil even if demand isn't more. this will help drive the price down a bit. and then make the oil refinery comps. build new refineries too. this all helps in the short run.

then we should use our own oil and even trade and sell it on the open market and compete with the middle east. this would drop prices down significantly.

Anonymous said...

gee my gas prices seem to adjust every damn day. up.