Sunday, March 2, 2008


Iran has a new proposed draft penal code which for the first time in the history of the country formally imposes the death penalty on those who leave Islam.
The proposal is currently before parliament.

Athough the death penalty has been carried out in Iran for apostasy(leaving Islam), the punishment has never before been set down in the country’s laws.

If passed, the penal code would impose the death penalty on male apostates and a prison term on female apostates.
They need to keep the jihadi breeders alive right lol

It also establishes two types of apostasy: innate and parental.
1 - Innate = the would-be apostate has Muslim parents, is raised as a Muslim and abandons his faith as an adult.
2 - Parental = the apostate has non-Muslim parents, becomes a Muslim as an adult and then abandons the faith.

According to the new legislation the punishment for "innate apostasy" is death.

The punishment for "parental apostasy" is also death BUT after the final sentencing the criminal will have three days to come back to Islam. In case of refusal to do so, the death penalty would be carried out.

(Someone needs to explain to the Islamic world the definition of "compulsion").

Who is an apostate according to the legislation?
Anyone in the world, (not just Iranians) born to a Muslim parent;
Only one parent needs to be a Muslim at the time of conception for Islam to own that child for life.

Ok so who do we know, who is running for President of these United States, who was born to a muzzie parent, and who is now a muzzie apostate (left Islam for Christianity)??
Yep that's right Mr. Obama himself!!!

If elected President Barack wants to "negotiate" and talk nice with our enemies, and instead of sending diplomats he has said that he himself would make these visits.

So if Barack goes to Iran, and if Iran passes this new law into their official penal code...then we can add 1+1?
It would be highly hypocritical on the Iranians part not to murder him because by the muzzies very own definition
Barack Hussien Obama IS AN APOSTATE!!!

Which is why all the Al Qaeda websites are full of loathing for the man who may be the next U.S. president.
By him denying his Islamic heritage for our sakes (votes) he is enraging the islamic world who view him as a trader to the faith!


Anonymous said...

Yeah muslims have no clue what a lot of words mean in reality. They just make shit up as they go along. Besides what your thread is about and how you raised it's compulsion. Many things in the quran and sunnah are compulsion too.

I like how when there's a contradiction in the quran the muslims say that the last sura will abrogate all the other contradicting suras. Now, when a muslims states that their allah is all knowingly, perfect and can see the future, blah blah blah. Then why wouldn't their allah get the sura's correct the first time and then no need for contradictions and having to abgrogate (to cancel) things.

Also, ask any muslims how many times they pray a day. Many to most of these filthy bastards will say 5 times daily. Well, in the sunnah (mohammeds sayings and actions) it's told for muzzies to pray 5 times a day. Whereas, in the quran three sura's tell muzzies to pray 3 times daily. So, why are muslims following mohammeds command for praying and not what their god wants in regard to praying. Whenever, I ask this to a muslim. I never get an answer, they simply resort to insulting me. Because they know I'm correct. Every so often a muzzy will ask me to post the 3 sura's, which I do and with the text too. And then they suddenly stop debating me and refuse to speak to me.

Also, 3 sura's tell you in the quran how adam was created and each sura is seriously different in how adam was created. Wouldn't the all knowingly god know how he created the first man. That is something that's pretty important and of significance. Just these few aforementioned things just shows that their god has flaws and is far from being perfect. Try telling these muslims I said above...creation of man, praying and abrogating things. And see the response you get. 99% of the time you will be insult. If someone trys to explain it to you, they will make absolutely no sense...which is what islam is all about, it makes no sense at all. Try reading the quran when it's put in chronological order and it can drive you crazy. Many scholars have put the quran in chronological order to see what it would reveal and these experts were even more perplexed. Currently the quran is longest to shortest verse which makes no sense either in why this format is used. For any story to be told it needs to be in chronological order. The logic of a muslim, is they have no logic or common sense. Just a bunch of brainwashed idiots will to die for something they cannot prove. There entire religion is based on the word of just "one Man" with nothing to substantiate it. And if mohammed was such an important messenger/prophet then why didn't god speak directly to him, like he did to other prophets. Also, there's a huge difference in what a messenger is and what a prophet is. Mohammed did nothing of divinity or miracle which proves he wasn't a prophet. And a messenger is simply a person who delievers the words/message of another and nothing more. That is not being a prophet. Funny how you see many muslims always saying mohammed was a messenger. Do these idiots every pick up a book and learn anything?

Anonymous said...

the muslims problem is that they have no clue what the quran says. they learn to chant it in arabic and the majority of muslims dont speak arabic. some imam tells them what the words mean and they believe it. in the west, it doesnt occur to them to buy a copy in english or whatever language and read it. and think about this, most of the muslims in the world live in countries with high illiteracy rates and they cant read or write in any language. it would be sad if it wasnt so damn scary.

Anonymous said...'re absolutely correct. Most ppl are illiterate and just take the word of what the clergy in islam tells them. It's all a part of the islamic agenda. Keep the masses, uneducated, living in fear, oppressed and in poverty. And then the powers to be can easily control the masses. But, what you said was very well said and thank you for adding onto what I initially said.

Long Live the Infidels and Fucking DIE all Muslim scum.