Sunday, April 27, 2008


The "Special Inspector General, in charge of Iraqi reconstruction" says that the Iraqi Government is still paying thousands of dead, injured, and missing Iraqi soldiers and policemen.

And no surprise here but they are using U.S. tax dollars to do it!!!!
To the tune of $20 BILLION so far!!!

Why you may ask....well to "compensate" their families of course!!!

I wonder how "compensating" they would feel if they were using Iraqi money to do this!!!


Anonymous said...

why would any of us expect anything else

Anonymous said...

Hey loki what ever happend to the hundreds of millions dolla's they found in saddam's palace's. Surely they shoulda used that to pump back into iraq instead of american tax money. And offcourse the 20 billion is well pay'd back with the amount of black gold they draining from these oil pumps in iraq. I think maybe your'e goverment is pulling the wool over uour eyes. Og! ps thanks for the vote loks on jami&cass blog, much appreciated