Thursday, May 29, 2008


McCain is too Old and Confused to be President. That's the message that Obama supporters are trying to put out and they have a point. After all McCain is clearly old. McCain is an aged 71 while Obama is a spring chicken at the tender age of 46.

Unlike McCain, Obama is not confused and is on the ball all the time.

For example......
Obama knows that there are 57 states in the Union and he's visited every one of them.

Obama knows that 10,000 people died in a Kansas tornado that actually killed only 10 people. Clearly math was never his strong subject.

At Selma, Obama informed us that his parents met four years after he was born and that his Kenyan diplomat father had a flag draped coffin.

Obama knows that Canada's Prime Minister is actually a President

Obama knows they speak Arabic in Afghanistan and that there are poppy fields in Iraq

Obama knows that Matt Lauer is really Tim Russert

Obama knows that his great uncle helped liberate Auschwitz's concentration camp, even though that particular camp was actually liberated by the Soviets.

And Obama had absolutely no idea whatsoever that his home church and the reverend with whom he had a 20 year relationship was a crazy America hating racist.

Hell Obama couldn't even figure out how to use the voting buttons in the Illinois State Senate......

On March 19, 1997, he announced he had fumbled an election-reform vote the day before, on a measure that passed 51 to 6: "I was trying to vote yes on this, and I was recorded as a no," he said. The next day, he acknowledged voting "present" on a key telecommunications vote.

On Nov. 14, 1997, he backed legislation to permit riverboat casinos to operate even when the boats were dockside. Moments after its passage he rose to say, "I'd like to be recorded as a no vote," explaining that he had mistakenly voted for it.

He stood on March 11, 1999, to take back his vote against legislation to end good-behavior credits for certain felons in county jails. "I pressed the wrong button on that," he said.

On Feb. 24, 2000 Obama was the lone dissenter against 57 yeas for a ban on human cloning. "I pressed the wrong button by accident," he said.

In June 2002, Barack Obama angered fellow Democrats in the Illinois Senate when he voted to strip millions of dollars from a child welfare office on Chicago's West Side.
But Obama had a ready explanation: He goofed.
"I was not aware that I had voted no," he said, asking that the record be changed to reflect that he "intended to vote yes."

Maybe Obama was just tired all these years and needed a nap. Let's just hope he manages to figure out how the nuclear button and the intercom button works before he blows up the planet while trying to order some Spanish ham.

But don't worry, when Obama makes a mistake, it's always his staffers who are at fault.
After the media raised questions about a questionnaire that Obama had filled out in 1996, Obama supporter Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wa. said "He didn't fill it out and he did not support those positions then . . . That was a questionnaire filled out in his first state Senate campaign back in 1996, NOT by Senator Obama but by somebody on his staff that didn't get it cleared."

Well that sort of thing can happen once or twice, right? But over and over again???
Oh well what can you expect from a guy who doesn't even know what letters he's writing or for whom?

In a March 2008 interview with the Chicago Sun-Times to answer questions about Tony Rezko, Obama was asked about the fact that he had told the newspaper in November 2006 that he had never been asked to do anything to advance Rezko's business interests.
BUT the Sun-Times had already learned about an October 28, 1998 letter Obama wrote to city and state housing officials on behalf of a housing project for seniors that Rezko was working on.

Obama responded: "I wasn't even aware that we wrote the letter. The answer that I gave at the time was accurate as far as I knew...This was one of many form letters, or letters of recommendation we would send out constantly for all sorts of projects. And I wasn’t a decision maker in any of this process."

Who does the buck stop with???
Not with Barack Obama who barely even knows when he's writing a letter in support of building a senior center on a toxic chemical spill waste site for the guy closely tied to his law firm who raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for him.
I mean whatdaya expect anyway? He's not a decision maker.

But with all of Obama's confusion and his ignorance of how many states there are and his constant inability to keep his staff from fooling him, maybe it is really Obama who is just too old and confused to be President.

At 46 isn't it time for Barack Obama who has had a dignified record of pressing the wrong buttons in the Illinois Senate and a hundred days or so in the US Senate voting Present (instead of yea or nea) on many major issues, to be put out to pasture and retire so he can finally enjoy the good life?

Far be it from me to mock Obama's premature senility but it would seem that his age and mental confusion makes the Presidency a too high pressure job for someone with his fragile memory and awareness.

Excerpt from Sultan Knish


Anonymous said...

I only hope the republicans and media display this kind of things on Obama. Which would definitely reflect his inexperience. Obama is such an arrogant prick to think he has so much experience in government when he has even completed 2 terms as a US senator. Besides his inexperience. His views, courage, insight and leadership abilities will not be close to sufficient to even run our nation...all he will accomplish is running american into the ground and no longer being a super power.

How some of the younger generation buys into this is beyond me. We don't care if a person is popular or a good speaker who has a personality. I and most people want a person who has a lot of experience. And foreign affairs is such a vital importance to our nation and that is obama's weakness. You don't vote for someone because you like their personality. You vote for the position of the precidencey based on who's best to lead this nation.

J*A*C*K said...


He is in better health then a lot of men half his age. He has been there, done that. He will do what HE thinks is best, not the Republican party.

admin said...

John McCain is too old for the JOb of president. Dont take my word for it. Go to this site and watch the Old Man Mc"Cane" videos.

Anonymous said...

dont forget that he is also the muslim choice for president.
Makes you wonder why muslims would want an admitted apostate.
They know he will roll over backwards to give them everything they want including disarming the united states of all its nuclear weapons to make it easier for the muslims to kill us all.
obama is a national traitor and the youth of america have no idea what they are getting us in to.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Obama was just tired all these years and needed a nap. Let's just hope he manages to figure out how the nuclear button and the intercom button works before he blows up the planet while trying to order some Spanish ham.

OMFG that is a scarey thought

Anonymous said...

look up the anti-christ and how he will appeal to the people at first and then compare that to obama
if I believed in god I might be worried that obama is the anti-christ

tommy_g_95376 said...

Obama is a " N "

who was the stupd prez who freed them??

there getting too too much voice....time for some letting them know what they are again

loki said...

It should be noted that until 1996 Obama was completely unknown and when he decided to run for the Illinois state senate he made sure that he was the ONLY candidate on the ballot.

How you ask??
Well he hired a team of lawyers to eliminate both of his competitors by using little legal technicalities.

For took 757 signatures to get on the ballot but Obama's team used little things like whether these signatures were written in cursive or print to have them thrown out, taking the needed signatures away from the other candidates.

He did not want to run a race, he simply wanted it handed to him and as a lawyer himself he knew exactly how to do it.

BTW both of his opponents were he showed he is willing to cut the troats of his own people in order to climb that just think what he would be willing to do to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

loki you racist hillbilly you just dont like Obama because hes black

Anonymous said...

Those who cry "racist" are usually the most racist of all.

Anonymous said...

all we really need is someone with a scope and good aim.