Friday, May 9, 2008


Sometimes we just need to set aside the bullshit and focus on something that's actually important to our way of life and the future we want our children to enjoy!!!
On that note, I would like to convey some information to you.

The 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution guarantess we citizens the right to keep and bare arms.
These Constitutional rights are things that CAN NOT be taken away from us EVER!!!
So why the following???..............

David Olofson, married man and father of 3, living in a small Wisconsin town.
He served his nation in the Army, was honorably discharged, and then joined the Army reserves.
He was a model citizen and a pillar of his community and had an absolutely spotless record.
As a hobby he enjoyed collecting guns and spending time at the local shooting range.
Ok, you with me so far??

One day Mr. Olofson lent an old AR-15 rifle to a young neighbor and took him to the shooting range. By all accounts the young man fired hundreds of rounds (at least 800) on several different occasions with no problems at all, but then the rifle produced 2 multi-round bursts of fire and jammed one day.
Well thats all it took!!!!

The shooting range notified the ATF of the incident and the ATF went after Mr. Olofson.
The ATF and S.W.A.T. teams swarmed his house in full battle gear, not even bothering to knock on the man's front door but instead broke down the door and burst in with guns raised, ready to shoot! They never even bothered to show this man a warrant.
Mr. Olofson explained to them that the rifle was 20 years old and had simply malfuctioned and needed to be repaired. It most definately was NOT a machine gun.
The ATF did not seem to like this story and they forged ahead seizing all the man's guns, his computer, and even his gun owner's manuals.
BTW, absolutely nothing illegal was found at Mr. Olofson's home.

Still not satified, the ATF (a branch of the US government) slapped Mr. Olofson with federal weapons charges (having a "machine gun").

The ATF themselves preformed testing on the rifle in question and the results were that the rifle was indeed NOT a machine gun...however since they did not find any malfunction they decided to go ahead with the charges anyway.

A second ATF test of the gun did result in them finding the malfunction....a fairly common malfuction called the "hammer follow",
But they still refused to drop the charges!!!

Infact the makers of this particular AR-15 rifle (Olympic Arms SGW) had much earlier notified authorities of a malfunction in the weapon which could cause multiple burst firing at times.
The company had even issued a recall on the AR-15 rifles.

Even though the ATF's own tests proved the rifle was definately NOT a machine gun, and that the gun definately DID have a malfunction.... the U.S. government said that the strict interpretation of the law states that the malfunction DOES make the rifle a machine gun and therefore they were goning to continue the prosecution of Mr. Olofson.

So Mr. Olofson was charged, and convicted Jan 8th this year on felony gun charges (transporting a "machine gun") and could receive up to 6 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
He has already had his military pension taken away and was forced to leave the Army reserves.

We see these things creeping in on us more and more as time goes by and we have sat quietly by, so far anyway, and just let it happen!!
The 1st amendment has been under full assault for years.
We can't say certain words anymore or we will be charged with hate crimes.
We are being gagged more and more under the banner of political correctness!!!

Now it's the second amendment. The government has been trying to curb our gun rights for years..but this is a new low even for them!!!

Even if you hate guns and have never owned one, this SHOULD concern you very much. YOUR Constitution is being shredded along with your rights.
What shall you do about that????

These AR-15 rifles are sold legally in the U.S. and tens of thousands of people own this particular type of rifle.
Gun owners are now wondering..... if their guns misfire, will they go to prison?

Mr. Olofson was to be sentenced this week, but due to some last minute motions by his attorneys that has been postponed.


Anonymous said...

I'm not at all surprised and this is just one of the hundreds of incidences were the ATF has acted as if they were above the law, in fact many lawmakers even question the reason for the ATF to exist when in all reality thier job belongs to the FBI.
Just a few years ago thier was an incident in Lousiana were a man and his wife were in bed asleep at around 3 am when someone slammed his bedroom door down dressed all in black with no identification visable, pointing an assault rifle at him. the man reached down to grab his pants and the ATF opened up on him killing him and his wife whom was asleep next to him for no reason, in fact the man did not even own a gun, and what is really the sad thing about it all, is later it was found that the the ATF stormed the wrong house because the informant gave them the wrong street number when it was another home down the street they were supposed to have raided, all this was based on the word of one informant and never investigated by the ATF.
As rogue orginizaions like the ATF continue to use gestapo like tactics, people will less and less trust thier own government and these laws that people think are out of line, people will start to ignore them and the ATF will have to search just about every house in America for an automatic weapon , because people will feel they need them just to protect themselves from thier own government.

Islam is a danger to Women, Children, and all living things.


loki said...

Yes Lowglow I am beginning to see a grim future in front of us all!

J*A*C*K said...

This could give a whole new meaning to Bang, Bang!!!

loki said...

lol and what do YOU know about bang, bang?

Anonymous said...

sorry you put that annoying, loud, crappy music on your blog. i used to enjoy visiting your blog, but i wont be coming back until the blasting music is gone.

loki said...

Is it really that annoying???

I was just trying something new, was not meaning to offend anyone!!

But if you never come back how will you ever know if the music is gone or still here???