Thursday, May 15, 2008


China, who produces some of the crappiest products on the face of the earth, has decided to expand their crappiosity.

They are starting a company to build jumbo jets.

Do they actually expect people to fly thousands of feet above the earth in something they made???
I tell you what, when America decides to buy airliners from China because they are cheaper...I will NEVER EVER fly again!!!

On a side note by still under the heading of OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!

Mr. Olofson, whom I wrote about on May 9th, has been sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison.
Incase you don't remember the story, he was the one who owned an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle that malfunctioned causing 2 multi-round bursts of fire.
He was convicted for having a "machine gun"
BUT the AR-15 is a legal weapon in the U.S. and is NOT an automatic weapon (machine gun), but apparently that didn't matter to the ATF or to the court.

Imagine going to prison because your gun malfunctions!!!
The case is of course being appealed!!

It should be noted that the law states that a gun, even if it contains M-16 parts, is NOT considered a machine gun UNLESS the gun has an "auto-seer".
Mr. Olofson's gun did NOT have an auto-seer.

So you tell me what the fuck is going on in this country!!!



Anonymous said...

fuck that is a scary thought

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...


First off I am lovin the shit outta the new word! And omfg, China gonna make more shit! Like we need that like a hole in the head! Does it ever end??? Oh and crumb, I am ROFLMAO @ peachy tryin to take you on in Nukes blog. That girl never learns. More power to the crackersssssssss!

oh shit, calm down, inside joke, not racist remark....LMFAO!

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah I thought crappiosity was pretty clever myself lol

Regarding Rerun (Peachy) a while back we got into it alittle, but she knows not to push to far with me because she is simply not in my league.

If you notice she has already shut up

She is easy to manipulate and it's so very easy to get her going.
She, on the other hand, has found it impossible to come up with a suitable insult to get under my skin.
She just keeps playing the same old tired reruns, hence her new nickname "Rerun"....I suggest we all start calling her that because I know for a fact it pisses her off because she believes herself to be quite clever

And if anyone doesn't get the inside joke FUCK EM!!!!!!

LOKI - Nana said...

In the news....

Well it finally happened
Gas over $4 a gallon

Alaska is now paying $4.02

National average is now $3.78 so I guess we'll all be seeing $4 a gallon real soon!!!
So much for the summer road trip!!!

tommy_g_95376 said...

I've been paying $4.09 a gallon for a few months in cali.....87 octane

loki said...

Well the price I quoted was for regular unleaded.

Oh and BTW Tommy,
I guess you're happy today knowing that the Cali supreme court overturned the ban on same sex marriage.

I just do not agree with same sex marriage as Marriage is basically a religious undertaking and homosexuality definately does not fit into any religion.

Oh well, God will judge, so I don't need to worry about it I guess!!!

tommy_g_95376 said...

Yes Loki I did see that.....but I have no plans on getting married B/F

now if Joseph ever came around again.....hmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter what the states do in regard to same sex laws. The states are not over federal law. And federal laws do and will continue to ban or acknowledge same sex marriages. It's why the very states that recongnize same sex marriages, call them civil unions. This topic is joke. As Loki point out very clearily what the meaning of marriage means by how the law defines it. As for me I don't condone the homosexuals. People can do whatever they wish in the privacy of their own home. But, I am adamantly against same sex marriages.

In fact by the laws of nature, homosexuality is not normal. If it was, then both sexes would be able to produce a child so our species can continue to grow. The laws of Nature is telling us that homosexuality is not meant to be in the animal kingdom.

I believe homosexuality as well as, diseases exist so nature can control the population on this planet. Nature has a funny way of doing things. But, nature always wins no matter what we do. We cure a disease and new one pops up.