Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Some people just don't deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us and I am going to tell you why.

Here in Vegas, on Mother's Day no less, a newborn baby boy was found dead in a bathroom trash can at the Excaliber hotel/casino.
The poor little thing had been wrapped in a pillow case and stuffed into a hotel gift bag and then simply thrown away as nothing more than a piece of garbage!!!

To add insult to injury here in Vegas, like many cities in America, we have a program where anyone who doesn't want their baby can simply drop it off at any fire department, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
So there is absolutely no reason to do this...well actually there is NO reason or excuse good enough whatsoever to do this kind of thing EVER!!!

To have some scumbag piece of shit good for nothing woman do this...well I can't even express the raging anger that I feel!!!

2 years ago a newborn baby girl was found dead in a trash dumpster at the Mirage hotel/casino. The mother of that baby turned out to be a 16 year old girl who was visiting Vegas with her parents. The police did track her down!!

I would almost bet that this latest incident will lead straight to a stupid teenage girl also.

Stupid fucking teenagers think they're old enough to fuck but they sure ain't old enough to accept the consequences that can bring.

I have said it before and I will say it again....I HATE TEENAGERS!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Loki, that is such a shame that this is happening in America. How could someone do that to an innocent newborn child. And you're right, teens have a tendency to think they know it all and brighter than the rest of us. When in fact their just immature, scared and arrogant people who need to get their shit together.

It's easy and yes even a lot of pleasure to produce a child. But, the hard work and responsibility comes after the pregnancy is done. As a society, we cannot just put ALL the blame on the teens doing this. In many incidences the teenage mother is so scared of what her parents would do or say...especially the father. The teenager would over hear the father or mother say this or that. Like we would dis-own our child. And in some cases this is true and in other cases the parents are just responding out of anger.

It's a great idea that a person can bring a child to a firehouse or other place with no questions asked to ensure the child safety. Unfortunately, the media is not giving enough attention to masses to let them know this viable option is available. It's like a catch-22. You advertise it too much and you kind of condone the action in the publics minds. And you don't advertise it enough...and the end result is what occurred in the hotel bathroom.

The real issue is to educate these kids in school. And inform them of the consequences, responsibilities and affect there action would have on them as well as societies. We need to do a much better job at doing that. There's plenty of room to place the blame on many people. Education at an appropriate age is the best action to impede this from happening. Just a shame how a baby has to pay for the ignorance of many people. I wouldn't be pleased if my teenager had a bad and ruined her life or the potential of doing things in life...before she was ready to take on the responsibilities of motherhood. At the sametime, if this happen, then I would take responsibility and deal with it. The child doesn't deserve to be discarded like yesterdays trash.

As for me I have 2 kids who are pre-teens and we discuss with them all sorts of things...from drugs, being responsible, pregnancy and sex and so forth. It's up to the parents to make an impact on their childrens choices and decisions they make. And when you combine the parents being involved in their kids life and education from the school system...we can help this problem to no longer being such a huge issue which it is currently. Parents, must get involved and be parents...not there friends in this stage of their kids lives. Children look to parents for guidence and we must provide it for them...or else our kids will be doomed to say the least. Sorry for the long post. But, I feel very adamant about this issue. And feel terrible for all the unwanted newborns and kids out there. So, the kids getting into trouble are at fault and deserve to pay for their actions. But, the parents are just as much at fault and they should be held accountable too.

Kathi said...

As the mother of a teenager, there are days I could pull my hair out! I try really hard to keep lines of communication open and I also preach about abstaining from sexual activity. So far it's worked, but we still have many teen years left to survive.


tommy_g_95376 said...

well we all can all thank the left wing whackos for that....Especially Mr. Clinton....his ....I did not have sex with that woman shit.....his definition of sex is penetration only....blowjobs are not sex according to that loser.....but the ppl loved him....I always ask a Clinton supporter what piece of legislation that he passed spurred the economy?? I'm still waiting...I call it trickle down Reaganomics....thanks to Ronald...Clinton looked good....but stupid ppl can't grasp that fact....oh no....did I hurt any sensitive left wingers with that stupid comment? they are SOOOOOO sensitive.... McCain for Prez!!!!

Anonymous said...

She should have just had an abortion or used protection.

Did they say what race the baby was? There are as lot of prostitutes and nigger crack head prostitutes in Vegas. Probably a black crack baby.

Anonymous said...

It's better off dead.

loki said...

No I have not heard yet the race of the child, but you are right there are alot of crack ho's here in Vegas, just like every other city..but they are of ALL colors not just black.

To the first poster....I definately agree that parents are also responsible.
however I have seen MANY teens with very good parents who still do exactly what they want to because they just think they are so damn smart!!

Kathi, I wish you luck with your teens, keep a tight rein on them lol

This is why I refuse to have kids, because I am just not ready to put in the life time of work that a child requires.
On the other hand I just love babies, holding one makes me yern for one of my own, and that's why I rarely ever hold one LOL

I just do not understand the mentality it takes to see a newborn, hold that newborn, and know it is of your own blood, and then to just throw it away!!

I am just very upset and sad about the whole situation.

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

I am speechless. I love my kids so much, I cant imagine. They are almost out of their teens thank god! But my goal was to instill all the best morals in them i could and hope for the best.....they are both in college, one ready to grad, i thank my lucky stars.

smacks crumb :) luvsssssss ya!

loki said...

Hey you mean old cracker..if you smack me I will smack you right back!!!

**throws a big hug around the lowly saltine**

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

oooh i luvs ma crumb!!