Saturday, May 24, 2008

WE REMEMBER...................

Those who have laid down their lives so that we can remain free!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, we ALWAYS remember our troops. Not one single American should ever forget the ultimate sacrifice our Troops make for us. Because of them we enjoy the freedoms and liberties we have today.

And regardless if you are for or against a particular war and/or military conflict. No one should ever forget our troops...who are special, brave, proud and loyal to america and her people. I'm extremely honored and proud of all people who are serving and have served in our military...Thank You and G_D Bless, from a loving American.

Nice Tribute too Loki...Cg thank you and your Hubby for your sacrifice too. Your Husband is a TRUE AMERICAN HERO to me. G_D Bless you Both.

tommy_g_95376 said...

Happy Memorial Day !!!!!!!!

And Fuck Allah !!!!!!!