Friday, May 2, 2008


It began in the late 1990's as a program to predict possible stock futures.
This program uses independent mini programs, called spiders or agents, to comb
the internet for hints of future financial news.
The concept behind the web-bots is that massive scans of language will reveal a direct connection to the collective conscious and a hint of the future.
A window into the universal subconscious mind if you will.

It's track record so far has been impressive.
In August 2004 it predicted earthquakes, water rising, 300,000 dead,..... and
4 months later....the tsunami hit Indonesia.
It fortold the Anthrax attacks in Washington DC in 2001,
the massive East Coast power outages of 2003,
and the destruction of hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Keep in mind....all of these things were predicted by the program BEFORE they occurred!!!

It has also made more predictions of things yet to come!!!
According to the web-bots there will be some type of limited nuclear war in the 2008-2009 time frame.
The web-bots also say that a series of catastrophies will reach their peak in the
year 2012.

OMG!!!!...There's that 2012 date AGAIN!!!


Anonymous said...

Loki you need to stop listening to chicken little
Go get laid or something

Anonymous said...


Future is now said...

Check out this link loki you will like it.

Anonymous said...

Loki...I would be glad to share my toys with you..bang bang....;)

loki said...

WOO HOO Glockster!!!

I'll meet you at the church! LOL


Anonymous said...

W T F ?!

Anonymous said...

You forgot one... it also predicted 9/11