Monday, May 19, 2008


The oh-so-holy Democrats have done it yet again!!!

Feinstein and Craig attached an amnesty bill to the new Iraq spending bill.
This new amnesty measure provides ZERO border security and would give amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.

Slipping amnesty into a bill directed at funding our troops is absolutely despicable!!!
They hid it in a troop spending bill, passed it late at night, with NO public debate, and they still want us to believe that "we the people" are in charge of our own fate???

The bill will go to the Senate for a vote soon, maybe this week.

Those who vote against this bill will be labeled as anti-troops, when in fact they are simply anti-amnesty!!!
If this bill is not passed because of the dirty tricks of the democrats....the U.S. military will suffer!!!

I am disgusted!!!!
In other news, the U.S. soldier who recently shot the Qur'an....has been forced to apologize and has been shipped home, and according to the military "he will be disciplined".
I think that's outragious!!!
However as usual this is not good enough for the muzzies.
The Iraqis are demanding that he recieve the "stiffest punishment possible" (death) and said the incident was an aggression against the entire muzzie world!!


tommy_g_95376 said...

Loki dokie is a jokie

isnt she a bore

you know she is I hate to say

a fucking white trash whore

she loves to hate and masterbate

and she dont give a shit

as long as the beaner is around to lick her dirty clit

she used to PM awhile ago, but now I dont even care

when she showed that pic of her pooch that day...with all that fucking hair

I need to go now cause she makes me sick, just like all the rest

so loki make sure you rubs those pimply little breasts.........

LOKI - Nana said...


Anonymous said...

loki it looks like you pissed off fag boy again ROFLMFAO

flyonthewall9210249 said...

The Tommy clone is Ferret. I bet it has been the whole time. Who else would keep defending the traitor? No one but her.

loki said...

Well Ferret is mad at me too so maybe

tommy_g_95376 said...


now I'm chrissy

you ppl are a fucking joke....

hey Loki Dokie is a Jokie

did you see the pics of your toothpicks on my blog??


loki said...

Oh yeah Tommy I saw them.
and my lil feelings are so hurt.
You have crushed me and I may never get over it.
I may have to cry about it all day

wait a minute .....nope, sorry I feel pretty damn good
Better luck next time though dung beatle
okie dokie!!!

Anonymous said...

That is the real Tommy. Flyonthewall is the fake.

tommy_g_95376 said...

I am the real tommy_g

dung beatle? hmmm is that a loki cuss word???? lol

there can be no substitutes......
