Thursday, June 26, 2008


Modern skeptics are constantly attacking the Bible.
They say parts of the Bible have been lost altered or corrupted over time.
They say the Bible we have in our hands today is vastly different from the original one 2000 years ago.
BUT the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the accuracy of our modern Bibles and muzzled the skeptics, except for the muzzies of course.

The dead Sea Scrolls which were written about 100 BC, and discovered only 50 years ago, contained copies of and quotations from many Old Testament books and prove that the Torah (old test.)that Jesus used, is identical the Torah (old test) used today.

Also there is more abundant and accurate manuscript evidence for the New Testament than for any other book from the ancient world.
The New Testament counts 76 papyri, 250 uncials, 2,646 minuscules, and 1,997 lectionary manuscripts. This would total 4,969.
No other book from antiquity possesses anything like this abundance in manuscripts.

Today, so many Bible cities, names and events have been unearthed, through archeology that the Bible is considered the single most important historical document in existence. MANY lost cities have been located using the Bible as a road map.

One scholar has noted that the unity found in the Bible is vastly superior to the sacred writings of all other world religions, including Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Bahai, and Islam.
Anyone who has ever studied these writings must admit they are jumbles of disjointed material, without order, continuity or unity of any kind.
The 66 books of the Bible on the other hand, weave a unified message from Genesis to Revelation.

The Bible can stand on its own
Unlike the Bible however, the qu'ran is not at all sufficient by itself, but needs also the Hadiths.

The Qur'an declares, that not only did God send the book to Moses (Old test), He also sent the Gospel of Jesus (New test).
These two books, together are stated to be a "guide to mankind."

The Qur'an declares that Muzzies are to believe in all of the writings of the prophets, both the Old and New Testament!
This is an important principle to lay down.
Muslims ARE supposed to believe the Bible!

Surah 2:136 Says
"We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes (the would be the 12 tribes of Isreal), and that given to Moses and Jesus and that given to (all) Prophets from their Lord, we make NO difference between one and another of them, and we bow to God.

By the same token, nothing is said in any of the hadiths about the Injil (Gospels) being insufficient simply because it is not recorded in the language of Isa. (Jesus).

So if Muhammad, their claimed prophet of Allah, did not refuse the book of the Christians because it was not in Aramaic, then Muzzies today have no ground to do so either.


Anonymous said...

Who do your laundwy? You need to ask for no stawch in your panties.

LOKI - Nana said...

lol come back when you can pronounce your R's and maybe I'll hire you.