Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Every year in July, for over a century now, the global elite of the world gather for a 2 week "retreat" at a place called the "Bohemian grove" which is about 80 miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma county.
The Bohemian Grove is 2700 acres of privately owned redwood forest land.
Up to 2000 members attend the "retreat" each year. No women are allowed, even the staff workers are all men.

For the most part the men are all over 50, highly successful, and politically conservative.
Membership is by invitation only, and the waiting list to join is 10-15 years.
Privacy is top on their list and members are not allowed to record, photograph, speak or write about the activities that go on at the "retreat".

It all started over 100 years ago when locals began to spread rumors of bizzare occult rituals being conducted in the ancient redwood groves of northern California.
As the decades past it became clear that these stories had a basis in truth and many reporters attempted to infiltrate the grove but were unsuccessful due to very heavy security.

Before the year 2000 the mainstream media denied that rituals were taking place there and said that the elites of the world were simply meeting there in secret to "have a good time".
However in 2000 a documentary filmmaker named Alex Jones was able to sneak into the grove and managed to film the opening ceremonies, and after the footage aired in Britian and in the US the media changed their tune.

The San Francisco Chronicle published many articles detailing the bizzare activities that were taking place inside the grove.
The New York Post along with many other newspapers wrote about the homosexual activity that went on and reported that a gay porn star, Chad Savage, was "servicing the mogals" at the grove.
Even the New York Times reported on the grove activities.

Unbelievably though the media treated it all as if it were really no big deal, and suggested that we should all just leave them alone, (not really the normal character for the media you must admit), and instead they turned their fury on those who had exposed it all.

Now why would the normally very nosey media NOT be nosey about all of this???

Well lets look at some of the past and present members of the "Bohemian club"
Just to name a few.........................

Theodore Roosevelt - (26th US president)
William H. Taft - (27th US president)
Calvin coolidge - (30th US president)
Harry Truman - (33rd US president)
Dwight D. Eisenhower - (US military general, 34th US president)
Richard Nixon - (37th US president)
Gerald Ford - (38th US president)
Jimmy Carter - (39th US president)
Ronald Reagan - ( actor, governor of Cal, 40th US president)
George Bush Sr -. (41st US president)
Bill Clinton - (42nd US president)
George Bush Jr -. (43rd US president)

Clarence Thomas - (Supreme court justice)
Herbert Hoover - (former director of the FBI)
William Casey - (former CIA director)
John Mccomb - (former CIA director)
Dick Cheney - (US vice-president)
Nelson Rockefeller - (former US vice-president, governor of New York)
Casper Weinburger - (former sec. of defense)
Colin Powell - (Us military general, sec. of state)
David Gergen - (presidential adviser to 4 administrations)
Robert Kennedy - (former US senator)
George Schultz - (US sec. of labor1969, treasury1972, state 1982)
William French Smith - (former US attorney general)
Newt Gingrich - (former Speaker of the house)
Henry Kissinger - (former national security adviser, Sec. of state)
Donald Rumsfeld - (former sec. of defense)
Jack Kemp - (former US senator)
James Baker lll - (former sec. of state, sec. of treasury, white house chief of staff)

Alan Greenspan - (former federal reserve chairman)
Bill Richardson - (NM governor)
Jeb Bush - (former Florida governor)
Arnold Schwarzenneger - (actor, Cal. governor)
Paul Volcker - (former federal reserve chairman)
Clint Eastwood - (actor, former Carmel-by-the-sea Cali. Mayor)
Kenneth Star - (lawyer and Judge)
Karl Rove - (former deputy chief of staff for Bush Jr)
James Wolfensohn - (former president of world bank, special envoy for Gaza disengagement)
Glenn Seaborg - (gave the world plutonium)

Helmut Schmidt - (former German chancellor)
Lee Kwan Yew - (was 1st prime minister of Singapore)
John Major - (former prime minister of Great Britian)
Prince Philip - (Queen Elizabeth's hubby)

Neil Armstrong - (astronaut)
Richard Leakey - (naturalist)
Earl Warren - (a Judge)
Willaim Frist - (a doctor)
Walter Kronkite - (broadcast journalist)
Robert Novak - (political commentator, journalist)
William F.Buckley Jr - (author, political commentator)
Charlton Heston - (actor)
Mark Twain - (American author)
Art Linkletter - (TV host)
Francis Ford Coppola - (film director, producer, screenwriter)
Merv Griffen - (the Merv Griffen show)
Jack London - (American author)

Leonard Firestone - (ambassador, philanthropist)
Malcolm Forbes - (publisher of Forbes magazine)
Edger Kaiser -(business tycoon)
Jack Welch - (general electric)
David Packard - (co-founder of Hewlett-Packard)
Riley P. Bechtel - (chairman & CEO Bechtel Corporation)
Henry Ford ll - (president of ford motor company)
Charles B. Johnson - (US businessman worth estimated $4.3 Billion)
David Rockefeller - (US banker)
David rockefeller Jr - (wealthy philanthropist)

And the list just goes on and on and on.
Maybe the media is just afraid to say to much!!!

One of the activities that takes place at the grove, and certainly the most disturbing, is a ceremony called the "cremation of cares" where the men dress in hooded robes, play the bagpipes, and after chants are said by the "high priest" a doll (an effigy of a child), which is supposed to represent concerns and woes, is burned on an alter while all the men clap and cheer.

***now remember most of those men are our supposed christian conservative leaders***

The alter stands in front of a 40 ft. statue of an owl.
The owl represents Molech/Baal - a semetic diety, mentioned in the bible, whose worship was marked by the sacrificing and burning of children who were offered up by their own parents.
The Canaanite diety was worshipped in Greece, Babylon, and later on in Europe and is often pictured as a bull or an owl or some type of horned beast and children really were sacrificed to it.
This was the precurser for all modern death cults.

***It is said that they used to sacrifice REAL people at the grove, but apparently these days they just use a doll, lets hope so anyway!***

Other activities include plays with major sets and elaborate costumes
They drink privately labeled wine called "Bohemian club"
And there are many reports of homosexual activity at the grove.
Richard Nixon himself said "it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine".

Many political ideas and business deals have been made at the grove...............

Discussions at the grove in the 1930's helped lead to the development of nuclear power and the atomic bomb.
In 1967 Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan hashed out differences over their presidential ambitions while on retreat at the grove.
The Strategic defense initiative (better know as Star wars) was born at the grove.
At the height of the cold war, top Soviet dignitaries traveled to the grove for secret meetings with the heads of the US government as well as corporate leaders.
Carl Rove tapped Arnold Schwarzenneger to run for California governor while at the grove.
Evidence suggests that much of the world's decisions are made at the grove.


Photos of Bohemian grove activities


Anonymous said...

Wow Loki!...Being a member of the VRC, Tri Lateral Commission, and the son of a Mason, I have never heard of this. I will have to do some more research into this. After having been to Area 51 and another place I can't name, I am sure I would have been invited to Bohemian Grove, but then all my friends know how rabidly anti-faggot I am so maybe that is why I am not invited. Kiss kiss. Bang Bang

Anonymous said...

what really makes me wonder is anyone who believes anything that the well documented nutjob alex jones says about anything. amazing how when you look at those pics, the ones that contain poses from which someone is identifiable, the men are dressed normally and posing for the camera. amazing how this is supposedly going on for a century now and we dont have a single photo of someone identifiable doing any of this weird shit? loki, you really should check out alex jones before you lend him any credibility. jones makes his living writing nutjob books making up shit to scare people. yes, world leaders do stage retreats there. not alex jones nor anyone else has ever taken a single photo of one of them doing anything like jones describes. and apparently you dont really understand that most business is done in golf clubs, over dinners, and through private networking. do you really believe that communist leaders that have been there would have passed up the opportunity to photograph a western leader doing something weird or bizarre and splash it across the world's media? believe me, no one gets to search their luggage to see if they smuggled a camera or tape recorder in. like i said, nuts like alex jones make a living making up shit and really stupid people support them by buying their shit. apply logic to the situation and dont believe everything some nut says.

loki said...

Hey I was just offering the information.
You guys can make up your own minds.

And I have seen the video of the cremation of cares ceremony and they do chant, wear hooded robes, and burn an effigy on an alter in front of a giant owl statue.....

what that all means is up to everyone to decide for themselves!!!

Oh and glock....Bang, Bang sugar baby lol

Anonymous said...

have u seen anyone recognizable at those bizzare things that a pupportedly done. I happen to agree with the write who mentioned alex jones. Alex Jones is a crazy SOB and he's just an opportunist who's benefitting and gaining financial gain via ignorant peoples fears. People like Alex Jones are the ones to be concerned about in this country and world.

Anonymous said...

loki, you saw a video of some people in robes at some location at some time. you have no way of verifying who, what, when, or where. how do you know those arent scenes from some b movie? i saw a t rex chasing a jeep once and i could hear it and listen to its heavy feet thudding on the ground. small problem, it was all a scene in a movie. this is like the space ship crap that we are subjected to on an almost daily basis. i've always been amazed how all these space aliens are always kidnapping the dumbest fucking hillbilly they can find. why would they want some stupid SOB? they are supposedly always doing experiments on them and learning about our anatomy. these beings are supposedly so brilliant they can travel through the universe and defeat the space-time continuum, but they apparently cant learn human anatomy in the space of 60 or more years. funny how human medical students manage to do that in one semester. bottom line, logic and common sense will save you from believing a lot of shit. excuse me, i am ranting. bye now

loki said...

Gosh, touchy touchy people!!!

Believe or don't believe, nobody is trying to shove it down your throats!!!
Makes no difference to me one way or another!!!

I simply found it interesting and wrote about it on my blog, which I believe to be my prerogative.