Monday, June 30, 2008


Yes, yes...I know...I can already hear you grumbling but I promise if you read on you WILL say WOW!!!
So open your minds and be fascinated!!!
The further you read the more "WOW" you get lol

The fossil records show that many species of both plant and animal were once many times larger than they are is believed by some scientists that atmospheric conditions account for that.
The theory goes....atmospheric conditions allow for "optimal genetic expression" which means..the best that the organism has within its DNA is expressed because of favorable atmospheric conditions.
So were environmental conditions more condusive to giant growth in the distant past??
The fossil records say the answer is definately YES.

Today the atmospheric conditions simply will not allow for the large growth that was found in the past....for instance....prior to the great flood we had a thicker ozone layer. After the great flood the ozone layer thinned out to 1/7th of it original thickness which means less protection from the ionizing radiation from space.

Elephants who today have an 8 or 9 foot stature, once had a 16 to 20 foot stature.
Insects, such as the dragonfly, today have about a 3 inch wing span but the fossil records show that its counterpart had up to a 5 foot wing span.
EVERYTHING was larger in the why not humans too???

MANY past civilizations all over the world believed in giants.

Even the Bible talks of giants in several places including Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, etc......and the Bible is where we should start because after all we Christians do believe in the Bible right???

Genesis 6:4......."There were GIANTS in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God (angels) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown".

And remember David and Goliath?
1 Samuel 17: 1-51.... Goliath of Gath (a philistine) was said to be 9 feet tall, and one of 5 brothers, all of whom were "giants"

Deuteronomy 3:11...... "For only Og king of Basham remained of the remnants of Rephaim....." (Rephaim is the hebrew word for Giants)

2 Samuel 21:20......"And there was a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand 6 fingers, and on every foot 6 toes, four and twenty in number and he also was born to the GIANT".

In the Bible the hebrew word for "sons of God" is Beni ha elhim.
The offspring of the "beni he elhim" are called Nephilim and the bible states these Nephilim became the rulers of the earth.
In Hebrew Nephilim means "the fallen ones" or "they who came down"
The Nephalim then mixed their seed with more humans, and so on, which caused the whole earth to become riddled with evil and so God flooded the earth in order to rid the world of all these offspring.
Only Noah was saved because his line was free from Nephalim (giant) blood.....his bloodline is documented in the book of Genesis all the way back to Adam.

Genesis 6:9......"These are the generations of Noah, Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God"

2 Peter 2:4-5....." For God did not spare the angels that SINNED, but cast them down to Tarturus (hell) and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgement, and spared not the old world, but saved Noah..."

What is this "sin" Peter refers to in regards to the angels??

Jude 1:6........"And to the angels which kept NOT to their first estate, but LEFT their own habitation, he (God) hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto judgement of the great day.
(These would be the fallen angels we have heard about all our lives).

Angels who left their own habitation??...was changing of habitation the real sin??
or was it something else??
Was the real sin the fact that these fallen angels (Satan and his menions) had left heaven, come to earth, and bred with human women???
Well according to Genesis that is exactly what happened.

Jesus himself even stated that God planted seed (human DNA) and Satan mixed weeds (his seed) into that seed.
Daniel 2:43...."....they shall mingle themselves with the seed (DNA) of men...."

A funny little side fact here...........In the book of Joshua...the geographical areas that Joshua failed to rid of these Nephelim (giants) tribes, are the very same geographical areas of the middle east that are still in dispute today.
Hummmmm Most of us believe muzzies are worshipping Satan and perhaps this is why......their seed (DNA )has been forever contaminated with the seed of Satan and his fallen angels. Satan is known as the "great deceiver" you know, so he could have convinced the ancients of anything.

Many past civilizations, all over the world, also believe their creation stemmed from beings who came from the heavens.

here are just a few................

Ancient indian tribes of North America believed in giants
In the Ohio area, the Ronnongwetowanca tribe were said to be giants, and after a time the other people, who had to endure the brutal outrages of these giants, banded together into a force of about 800 warriors and annihilated the Ronnongwetowanca.
This was supposed to have happened about 2,500 years before Columbus discovered America.

Hopi indians believe that "sky gods" came to the earth and bred with their women, and refer to them as their snake brothers.

Ancient Mayan indians believed that a race of giants lived on the earth before the great flood......yes they too talked of a great flood BEFORE Christianity ever came around to tell them about it.

The ancient Greeks also told of the Titans (GIANT gods)
In ancient Greece demigods such as Hercules and Dionysis were said to be the products of the mating of a "god" and a human woman.

The ancient Sumerians told of the "Anunnaki" who had come from the heavens to rule over earth......Anunnaki literally means "those who from heaven to earth came".
Written over 6000 years ago the Sumerian legend goes........
The Anunnaki came from the 10th planet "Nibiru", yes I know we only know of 9 planets, BUT given the accuracy of the Sumerian knowledge about the other 9 planets, the asteroids, comets, and distant stars some 6000 years ago, there is little reason to believe that they were mistaken about a 10th planet in our solar system, which by the way scientists now say DOES exist and NASA has named it "Eris".

The term "Nibiru" which comes from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings means "Planet of the crossing".

Note the solar system depicted in the ancient Sumerian artwork below, and remember this was done some 6000 years ago.
Where did the Sumerians get this knowledge from???
Also note that if the man seated were to stand up he would be very much taller then the other 2 men.

This Eris, formerly known as "planet X" was discovered and photographed by NASA in 1983 and it has been calculated by NASA that it could be 3 or 4 times bigger than Jupiter. NASA is presently in Antartica watching it.
It is said that even the Vatican is sending up a satellite to check it out...kind of strange huh!!!
see the photo below.

Anyway back to the Sumerian legend... the Anunnaki were said to be a belligerent and conquering race. They were fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They were also carnivorous and often cannibalistic.
They demanded human sacrifices of virgins from those they had conquered and from their own kind whom they enslaved.
****If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki.
These Anunnaki were said to be "GIANTS" between 8 and 15 feet tall, many with 6 fingers on each hand and 6 toes on each foot.
hummmm sound familiar??.....(2 Samuel 21:20)

The Sumerians believed that the Anunnaki had came to earth to mine for gold and other natural resources in order to repair the atmosphere of their own planet...of course they didn't want to get there own hands dirty so the legend says they genetically engineered primitive man (the missing link maybe??), gave us technologies, and forced us to serve as slaves for their mission.

It should be remembered here that back then man WAS very primitive but seemingly overnight gained vast technology and started building giant monuments all over the world. Things we still can not duplicate even today.
How did they gain such knowledge and why build so big???

Some of the Anunnaki mated with human women and their offspring were called the Nephilim which means "they who came down", and these Nephilim were said to be giants who ruled the earth and were completely out of control.
again sound familiar?? (Genesis 6:4)
Could the Anunnaki really be the fallen angels???

At some point the Anunnaki decided to destroy their offspring in a great flood.....not all were destroyed though according to this legend.
A great flood?? where have I heard that story before?? oh yes, in Genesis of course!!!
When the Anunnaki left Earth, the legend says that some stayed behind in order to continue their rule over the earth until the others returned.
The legend says that every 3,600 years when their planet comes close to ours they come back to Earth and "check in" to see how we are doing and to give us more new technologies.
If all this were true then the eliptical orbit of Planet X/Eris (Nibiru) would explain why there are 3,600 years between "visits", and why "planet of the crossing" (Nibiru) is an appropriate name.

Could the Sumerians have been fooled into thinking that Satan and his fallen angels were really aliens from another planet???
Satan is the "great deceiver" afterall.
Or when Nibiru's orbit brings it around this way again are we all going to be in for a very big surprise???

I find the similarities and implications of all this quite interesting!!!
I am not saying it's true but it IS fascinating!!!
And all of this would certainly go a long way in explaining the MANY unexplained mysteries of our ancient past.

Just one more little is said that Eris (Nibiru) will be at it's closest orbit to Earth in the year 2012.

That date just keeps popping up doesn't it!!!


Anonymous said...

wow lol

Anonymous said...

From this we might conclude that the continuing increase in gravity persists and that it is bringing an end to the taller and larger animals. We may not be able to perceive this so clearly today, because this increase in gravity occurs very slowly, and its effects only become evident through much longer time spans, such as thousands and millions of years. .

Anonymous said...

So Loki what do you think? aliens or demons?

Anonymous said...

loki your a fruitcake I cant believe you by into this garbage I thought you were smarter then that

Anonymous said...

loki, there are many apache myths that include giants.


Anonymous said...

Anything is possible. Nothing is impossible. The fact that you exist is just one proof of that.

loki said...

Well twisted,
I am NOT the one who placed these passages in the Bible, and I am NOT the one who made up these legends.

I am simply relaying these things to you. You can see the similarities or you can keep the blinders on your eyes.
It really makes no difference to me!

Anonymous 1:38,
I am not taking any position really, although as a Christian I am supposed to believe in Satan and his fallen angels, and that they do and always have caused trouble and confusion for mankind.

It is not Satan's intention to make us believe that he exists but rather to make us believe that God does NOT exist.

And what better way to do that then to make us believe in aliens, and that earth is really just a giant petre dish, and we are all simply a scientific experiment.

I just find all of it extremely fascinating to think about!!!

Amd Alicia,
Yes you are right, there are many more peoples with giant legends then I mentioned, I was just trying to keep the post short
Still ended up being long as shit huh

Anonymous said...

I got a giant boner does that count?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I got a giant boner does that count?

July 1, 2008 9:22 PM

I can help you.

loki said...

Anonymous said...
I got a giant boner does that count?

Of course it counts...but only in your own dreams

Anonymous said...

people...please, the concept of satan and god is ridculous and primitive all by itself... So what, so what if homosapain was engineered to be slaves and servants of a different race...get over it...get over the fact that all known religion today is a LIE!a deception..there is your SATAN...we were gentically engineered, and they way those beings "look" might not be so pleasant to us, and they might be every bit as aggresive as some say or claim, but they are not gods and demons..wake up...they are an older race and more advanced, there is not doubt about that, but the are not gods or demons. It seems we will find out very soon what intentions they might have...slavery or enlightenment? maybe both...maybe's all conjecture at this point. I'm sure the vatican is very interested in this crossing planet, it would ruin their hard earned, twisted, attempt at maintaining control...we must believe in ourselves, there is no god. That is a primitive mindset.

Anonymous said...

WOW, Great job. Your right fascinating!!! WOW wow wow, all these years we were lied to and miseducated, shame on you America!

Anonymous said...

Ok, it is 2013 and "planet x/ nabiru/ eris" has yet to appear, can any of you people explain this bit of misinformation? Oh, and guess what, the end of an epoch according to an ancient civilization does not mean the end of the world.