Monday, June 9, 2008


We here in the U.S. should pay particular attention to what is going on in Britian
(as well as the rest of Europe) because if our politicians and politically correct media have their way we will soon be exactly where they are today!!!

6 minutes & 6 seconds long

This man absolutely knows what he's talking about when it comes to Islam.


Anonymous said...

Pat Condell is spot on when he speaks about islam and the crap it has to offer society. One thing I disagree with him on. Is america will never become like europe and allow the muslims to do what they do over there. The muzzies have made several attempts to do this or that in america to no avail. It's why the muslims don't try the things they do in europe. Even when our govt gives in on something unpopular. And the people rise up and speak out against. The govt ends up changing. Because our politicians know that with out the ppl to vote them back into office they will lose their job. And the american people through out our history have not re-elected a person due to the actions they took on capital hill.

Besides most people own guns and not affraid to use them either. If anything. If the muslims started to upset the masses in america. They are fully aware the masses will take matters into their own hands and do something about it.
And we are entitled to our free speech and freedom to assemble peacefully to have a protest if we want to. These are things european nations are or have taken away from their people. At least our constitution protects us from that.

Don't get me wrong we definitely cannot become complacent and need to be diligent in our views and fight. But americans have always been outspoken people and I don't see us following in europes footpath. If anything I could see a civil war occurring...because we aren't pussy and will defend what is rightfully ours. I wish I could say the same about europe. But, they seem to be in denial or they wait till the problems gets way out hand before they take action. The europeans have forgotten what it's like to take a stand for what is theirs and for that they will pay an aweful price for it. Your figured they would have learned this lesson from WW2.

loki said...

Yes, I do love the fact that when push comes to shove we usually revert to our cowboy ways!!!

I do however fear we are losing that mentality and eventually that will hurt us.

Anonymous said...

understand that if you vote for democrats, their intention is to vote in the fairness doctrine and muzzle talk radio and take away our free speech rights. they are also in favor of gun confiscation. obama has stated that no private citizen should own a weapon. guess harvard law didnt teach the nigger muslim about the 2nd amendment.

Anonymous said...

regardless of obama's views he is still bound to follow the constitution. no way would america follow suit like the UK and other europe nations in restricting what we say. the constitution protects us on that, as well as to bear arms if we want to. We have the right to assembly and protest as long as it's done in a peaceful manner. We still have the rights our forefathers laid down. And though obama would want this or that he still would have to have many things passed in congress. And he can't pull executive order when it breaches the very fundementals of our constitution. The superme court would overide any executive order. then obama would look stupid and ppl would call for his resignation.

Clinton attempted to restrict our gun rights. And it only worked for four years. Since his gun legislature wasn't permanent....once those laws expired, Bush didn't renew them. And the gun laws went right back to what they use to be.

When a president get legislature approved it must be permanent for...or else a new president can easily have it removed. And today most legislature is not permanent when initialy passed.

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said...
regardless of obama's views he is still bound to follow the constitution. no way would america follow suit like the UK and other europe nations in restricting what we say.

Actually we are not as free to say things as we used to be.
All they have to do is slap a hate speech label on it and you're goose is cooked!!!
For example.... if I were to get into a fight with lets say a mexican, and I called him/her a fucking dirty wetback then my judicial punishment would be for more than just simple assault because "hate" was involved.

I believe the taking away of our freedoms is a slow creeping process and the only way to stop it from happening is for us "we the people" to make sure it doesn't.