Friday, June 20, 2008


This is a picture of Obama with his good buddy Raila Odinga!!!

Raila Odinga of kenya is attempting a second coup there (his first attempt in 1982 failed), and he is using the violence as a trump card towards his success by gaining public sympathy.

Odinga is duping the international media into thinking that he and his lou people are the true victims of all the bloodshed.... but the reality is something entirely different.
Very similar to the strategy that Hezbollah and Hamas play when they shoot missiles at Isreal from civilian neighborhoods, and then gain public sympathy when Israel bombs that civilian neighborhood in retalliation, Odinga's lou wreak havoc and then cry foul when the other side fights back.

Obama's ties to Kenya run deep. That's where his daddy is from, and Obama knows the political landscape.
So why would he back such a violent, dangerous man as Odinga, who along with everything else has made a pact with the Muslims to institute sharia law???
Because Odinga and Obama are both Luo (the third largest ethnic group in Kenya),

Now Odinga is not Muslim himself and claims to be a practicing Anglican.
Only a minority of Luo are Muslim (most are Christian).
Kenya on the whole is Christian with only 10% being muslim,
so why would Odinga promise to institute sharia law???
Maybe because he likes the violent, bloody, dictatorship stranglehold that Sharia law provides.

Obama's bias for his fellow Luo was so blatant that a Kenya government spokesman denounced Obama during his visit as Odinga's "stooge."

Obama has had near-daily conversations with the U.S. Ambassador in Kenya or with opposition leader Raila Odinga.
Obama even campaigned for Odinga while in Kenya.
Odinga and his American counterpart and strategist Obama both campaigned on the canard of "change".
Obama has been in Nairobi politicing more recently than he has been to Iraq.

Raila Odinga has said that he has a "close personal friendship" with Barrack Hussein Obama Junior.
Mr Odinga has said that he is a cousin of Mr Obama's, although the Senator's representatives deny that the two men are related.

The Kenyan press had warned the public that some people were buying large quantities of machetes from supermarkets prior to the elections.
Bishop Cornelius Korir of Eldoret confirms the killings were organized and planned.
It is believed Odinga and his ODM Pentagon members had planned it all, long before the elections.
Hundreds of women and children, including boys as young as five, have been gang-raped in a wave of sexual violence that has swept Kenya in the aftermath of the disputed presidential election.
In Oginga's strongholds anyone who voted against his party is being killed.

When Obama went to Kenya in August of 2006, he was hosted by Odinga and spoke in praise of him at rallies in Nairobi.
So why would Obama now pretend that he doesn't know him?
These days Obama is playing deaf, dumb, and blind because he knows this is one very dangerous allegiance.

The Kenyan-American U.S. presidential candidate Barrack Hussien Obama may now wish to avoid meeting with PM Odinga due to concerns that such contact would be used to stoke rumors intended to wound Senator Obama politically.


Watch the following video of the conflict in Kenya months back.
Listen as the Luo calls itself the "Taleban" in the video.

It's graphic and it's gruesome but this IS who Obama supports.

6 minutes & 9 seconds long

Obama supports the "taleban" of kenya.
Will you actually put him in the White House???


Anonymous said...

the more I hear about obama the more scared I get knowing he just might weasel his way into the white house. and isnt it strange that this story has not been on the news. just goes to show you what side the media is really on.
I wonder if mccain knows about this.

Anonymous said...

Obama likes to use plausible deniability all the time. But, things are catching up to him. Currently Obama's strategist are doing a make over for Obama and making him appear more in the middle. So, he appeals to the masses. Yet, Obama says McCain flip flops. This is a dangerous strategy if it works because it could very well sneak Obama into the white house.

At least McCain has admitted he has made mistakes on some views and willing to change. Also, McCain said when he backed an issued and then changed his backing. It was due to new information entered the issued that warrented him to change his position. McCain said that's just being smart. And it reflects experience too. Whereas, Obama is claiming that McCain is flip flopping. I don't see it that way.

What's Obama going to do when issues landscaping has change. Is Obama going to stand by what he initially thought just so he won't be seen as a flip flopper. All that will do is hurt america. Obama definitely will cut his nose off to spite himself to not be regarded as flip flopping even though changing would benefit americans and america.

As an Apostate of Islam. I hope if Obama goes to speak to the leaders in Middle Eastern nations that they kill him. Since it's permissible to kill and Apostate of Islam. But I just prefer that Obama doesn't sneak into the white house at all. Finishes his term in the senate and then no one will re-elected him and his political days are over. Obama is a dangerous man who will just inflict serious harm onto america...he definitely will not help our great nation. He just might bring us down.

Funny how 2 muslim girls wearing head scarves we refused to sit behind Obama at a new conference/rally. Obama down played it and said it was low level ppl who made that decision without him or other being aware of it. Now, ppl aren't that stupid to believe his BS. Most know that the politicians and their staff plant ppl in the audiences especially in the background so the candidate looks cultural diverse. And we all know Obama is trying very hard to distance himself for the muslim thing. Why? because all the polls said that 87%or higher would NOT want a muslim as the next president.

In my opinion this presidential race is the Republicans to Lose. If they use all this ammo on Obama they will need to USE IT to ensure victory. If they don;t use it then it could be over for the republians too. And there is so much ammo that makes Obama look incapable and inexperience it isn't even funny.

Anonymous said...

Loki, sorry for the long post above. But, I'm just as passionate and concern as you are in which direction our great nation is possibly headed. I am sick of so many politicians blowing smoke up our asses. These politicians have forgetten that our nation is for the people and by the people. And now they don't even follow the constitution, rather they interrupt the constitution. The constitution isn't subjective to being interrupted, it's mean't to be followed. It probably one of the best written documents and simple enought for anyone who can read to understand it.

Politicians had to come in and rape the constitution as well as, the declaration of independence.

Also, the Kenya situation is messed up. But, not our problem. We have our own social ills to work out first and foremost. Once we have our issues worked out. Then our nation is in a better position to help others.

For me I believe america shouldn't be helping many of the nations we help currently. Why give money and other aid to nations who only want to see our destruction. Charity begins at home first then we help those who appreciate our assistance. Was interesting that some leading economist and financial experts did some figuring. And they all came to the same conclusion. If america stopped giving financial aid to some nations who hate us. And then reduced the aid to other nations we like by 50%. Our national debt would be reduced by 64%. This is something that can happen over night if it was done. Then these experts said of the money saved. We could take just 15% of it and apply it towards issues like border patrol and even health care and take care of these vexing problems.

Instead when we have issues in america, Obama always wants to increase taxes and spending. Which doesn't work. Many before Obama tried this tactic and it failed to no avail. What makes Obama think it will work when he applies it.

Though Obama is an articulate speaker and gives a good speech...doesn't make him the right person to hold the most powerful position on the planet. In fact his rhetoric is just that, just empty words. He has not accomplished a thing as an individual or jointly while serving the US Senate. What makes him think he can accomplish things while being me that's being pretty arrogant. I don't give a shit if a candidate has an excellent personality, or gives good speeches and so forth. I want someone who has experience. I want someone who will surround themselves with the best and the brightest in their cabinet positions. All the great presidents always had good ppl surrounding him to advise him on things he might not be as well versed in. Though the president makes the finally decision. We don't need a head strong president who thinks he is better and knows more than the experts he assigned to his cabinet. We need someone who will listen and take that advisement wisely.

Though McCain might have his shortcomings. In the end he is the best candidate to run our nation. He has proved he is willing to do what's best for americans and america. He has shown he will not stick to his party and cross that line when he knows the other side decision is better than his side to fix a problem or enhance our nation. And to this day over the last 25 years, McCain has always stood by the CORE VALUES of what the Republician Party represents, which is the important thing.

I like a person who can admit they made a mistake and own up to it and then willing to do what's right to make things better. Not a person who's stubborn who will stand by their decisions even knowing it's wrong...because of pride and they don't wanted to be labelled a flip flopper. Americans, need to wake up and see these things.

When Palestine had their elections. Their officals did the exact samething Obama is doing now. So the people voted Hamas in under "False Pretenses" believing one thing and it never materialized. Now the people in Palestine regret voting in all those ppl from Hamas into their government. And American just might do the samething. People might vote Obama in and then regret it. And then we're stuck with him for 4 years. Which is plenty of time to do significant damage to our great nation.

LOKI - Nana said...

I completely agree!!!

On the Kenyan's not that I give a shit what's going on over there I just thought it was interesting to point out Obama's true colors in the fact that he supports this murderous bastard and thinks he just a nice little fella.

I agree 1000% that we should stop all foreign aide or at least most of it for up to 5 years. This would greatly reduce the deficit.

I am so sick of us helping everyone else, half of whom hate our guts anyway, while our own people suffer.

Call me a protectionist, call me an isolationist, I don't give a damn.
They act like it's a bad thing these days to love America and want whats best for her and her people!!!
Makes me fucking sick!!!!!

Oh and don't worry about the long post..I absolutely love hearing other peoples opinions on issues.
And it is very nice to see people who still have great passion about it all.

Anonymous said...

interesting story loki I didnt know about any of this shit

Anonymous said...

Loki, thanks for your understanding in the long postings. Yes, we think along the same path as do so many others. Obama and his wife are extremely arrogant and they're nothing special. Besides I noticed when he sits down to do a one on one interview. And a tought question is asked. He never truly answers it. He speaks around the question and then diverts his rhetoric onto some other topic. Why, can't he be straight forward and just answer the question initially asked. Obama is ridiculous to be taken seriously.

I don't dispute that he went to the top universities in our country. But, that doesn't qualify him to be our next president. And the key words are, is obama, qualified, experience and capable enough to run our nation...And the answer is a BIG NO.

Many people are sick and tired of giving so much aid to other nations. When a natural disaster occurs I can see american coming forward to offer assistance. But, in the interim it currently isn't necessary. If anything we're only enabling these nations. And then they feel their entitled to the financial aid and other assistance. These nations purport, since we're the most powerful country, it's our obligation to help them. Well, it's the american governments "Obligation" to help our first. We have many vex problems and issues that need addressing.

When I'm in a muzzy chat room and hear some muslim say america has poor and this or that problem. And the person continues to go on how we don't help our own. I always respond by saying....we could easily help our people and fix our problems if we weren't giving so many nations economic aid. Last I recall when you help a person or organization and etc. You simply say thank you and grateful for the help. Instead, we have so many nations who receive help and then they want to kill us or our way of life. Why on earth are we going to continue to offer assistance to ppl who hate us. And then use the money we give them to hurt us somehow. It makes absolutely no sense. We are by proxy helping our enemy to bring us down.

I am optimistic and see the glass as half full. I for one believe that we will come to our sense and stop doing a lot of shit we are doing. America always seems to pull out of these things. But, we can't be so stuck up and arrogant think like this all the time. Because it will only take one incidence in which we don't come out of it and we're done. I think a lot of americans have forgotten what it was like for our ancestors and what they fought for that we enjoy today. We're nothing but custodians of this precious gift our forefathers gave to us. And because of that we have gotten fat and lazy. World War Two woke a lot americans up. And they realized that there are times we have no alternative but to fight to have what we have. And that time to fight again is amongst us. And instead people are against this war or that military involvement. Well, it's necessary and unfortunate for us to do these things. To ensure our way of living. Or do we want to become like europe in the direction they are headed? They claim they're mult-cultured and want to assimilate all these cultures into one to become unique in some preverted way. And of course the people are not freely and peacefully assembling to voice their concerns. And their govts and the EU have done a great job in stiffling the peoples voices.

Even the brits will admit they don't have anything like our constitution that permits the freedom of speech like we have it. What are their govts affraid of?

loki said...

If we do not help ourselves no one else will.

I did not always believe this but the more I watch the more I think we truely are on our own.

Also I too have been in chatrooms and heard muzzies say that America is obligated to help their countries because we are the richest nation in the world.

There is no gratitude, just plain and simple disdain.
So why bother helping them at all.
Why help those whose ONLY goal is to destroy us.

Anonymous said...

Where obligated to help our own and no one else. If we're compelled to offer assistance to other countries. Then it's done because we sincerely want to help the people. And they should be thankful/gratefull in the least. The ones who want to destory us and feel america is obligated...can go to hell. Nothing about us being obligated in help people who want to destroy us or hate us so much. Opportunity is avail for these poor countries to have become wealthy if they just played their cards right. But, no instead they prefer to rely on others to sustain them....I say BS.