Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Even the Islamic apologists are finding it harder these days to defend radical Islamic beliefs as simply a few bad guys who have hijacked a nice little religion.

A federal investigation released last week reveals that some Islamic textbooks used here in the U.S. actually are teaching kids that it's ok to kill adulterers and converts from Islam.
The books have been used by the Islamic Saudi Academy, which teaches 900 students in grades K-12 at two campuses in Alexandria and Fairfax. The schools receives much of its funding from the Saudi government.

Last year, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a panel formed by Congress, recommended the schools be shut down out of concern it promoted violence.
In the review, the panel recommended that the school make all of its textbooks available to the State Department so changes can be made before the next school year.

School officials acknowledged that some of the Saudi textbooks contain harsh language. They say the texts have improved and are revised as needed by the academy before being distributed to students.

The commission said the texts did appear to contain numerous revisions, including pages that were removed or passages that were whited out. But numerous troubling passages remained, the panel said. Some of those passages include.

- The authors of a 12th-grade text on Koranic interpretation state that apostates (those who convert from Islam), adulterers and people who murder Muslims can be permissibly killed.

- The authors of a 12th-grade text on monotheism write that "major polytheism makes blood and wealth permissible," meaning that a Muslim can take with impunity the life and property of someone believed guilty of polytheism.
According to the panel, the strict Saudi interpretation of polytheism includes Shiite and Sufi Muslims as well as Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists.

- A social studies text offers the view that Jews were responsible for the split between Sunni and Shiite Muslims: "The cause of the discord: The Jews conspired against Islam and its people. A sly, wicked person who sinfully and deceitfully professed Islam infiltrated (the Muslims)."

More generally, the panel found that the academy textbooks hold the view that the Muslim world was strong when united under a single caliph, the Arabic language, and the Sunni creed.
The textbooks also hold that Muslims have grown weak because of foreign influence and internal divisions.


tommy_g_95376 said...

I'm not saying I knew all this....But none of this surprises me....and we give a pass to the infidel women who go into chat rooms and befriend them....those ppl should be kicked out of this country....but that's not gonna happen.....Muslims are the filth of this world and anyone who thinks differntly I'd rather not be friends with.....maybe sounds a little radical.....but who cares....

and the scums that are going to vote for the muzzie Barack Hussein Osama....are the real enemies....enemy within

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah I agree.

The biggest problem is that alot of us DID already know all this but the government, who is supposed to be on top of things didn't know, or pretend they didn't know this shit!!!

And now they are gonna act all surprised about it???
Most still don't know it even now. They wear blinder on their eyes so as not to have to admit the truth!!!
It makes me sick!!!

Nothing wrong with being radical when your enemy is mega radical!!
I am proud to be called a radical Islamophobic mega-bitch!!!

tommy_g_95376 said...

My enemy is all muslims....the ones who say....well we are not like that....bullshit....there all enablers

but the ones who scare me the most are the ones who befriend them...it really does.....

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah, so one might be wise to re-examine the company that one keeps.

Just a suggestion of course!

Anonymous said...

tommy_g_95376 said...

I'm not saying I knew all this....But none of this surprises me....and we give a pass to the infidel women who go into chat rooms and befriend them....


Anonymous said...

Blogger tommy_g_95376 said...

but the ones who scare me the most are the ones who befriend them...it really does.....


LOKI - Nana said...


Abdalla I. Al-Shabnan the director of a Saudi government-funded Islamic school has been arrested and charged with failing to report a child abuse allegation, and obstructing justice.

Al-Shabnan's arrest came after police alleged he covered up an incident in which a 5-year-old girl attending the school reported that she was being sexually abused by her father.

According to court papers, Al-Shabnan, 52, told police that he didn't believe the girl, and advised the girl's parents to put her into counseling.

But state law requires school authorities to report alleged child abuse within 72 hours of learning of the allegation. Al-Shabnan is free pending trial.

Police said in court papers that Al-Shabnan ordered a report about the girl's complaint, which had been prepared by other school officials, to be deleted from a school computer.

Andrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition, said the arrest of al-Shabnan is just further evidence of problems at the school.

"The academy is a virtual one-stop shopping center for law enforcement," she said, citing the case of a former school valedictorian, Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was convicted of joining al-Qaida after leaving the school and plotting to assassinate President Bush.

The misdemeanor counts come at a time when the private school is under heavy criticism from a federal commission and others over textbooks that allegedly teach violence and hate.

The school issued a statement saying the textbooks had been mistranslated and misinterpreted and that some of the textbooks studied by the commission are no longer in use here in the U.S.

Apparently these things ARE deemed ok to teach in the muzzie world, but not here in the U.S. because then we might all know the truth about Islam.


Anonymous said...

I hope someone burns that fucking school down.

tommy_g_95376 said...

Anonymous said...
Blogger tommy_g_95376 said...

but the ones who scare me the most are the ones who befriend them...it really does.....


I don't know anyone by the name ferret.....so I'm not scared of anything....but you maybe

Anonymous said...

tommy, you can lie all you want, like you lied when you claimed that you never threatened to cut anyones throat, but the only person you are fooling is yourself, because we all know the truth. we all know the truth about ferret, and you do too, but you keep trying to convince yourself. all it does is let people know you are a liar, stupid, and get you laughed at.

tommy_g_95376 said...

Anonymous said...
tommy, you can lie all you want, like you lied when you claimed that you never threatened to cut anyones throat, but the only person you are fooling is yourself, because we all know the truth. we all know the truth about ferret, and you do too, but you keep trying to convince yourself. all it does is let people know you are a liar, stupid, and get you laughed at.

anon you're one stupid muther fucking coward....I don't know anyoen named ferret.....I never threatened anyone you asshole....until now.......lock you're doors at nite....I do know who you are by the way.....and I will and you will soon see......lock the doors and windows......

loki said...

No threats on my blog please.

And you DO know that ferret is Chrissy.

tommy_g_95376 said...

I do not know ferret is Chrissy.....

lock the doors and lock the windows.....certainly not a threat.....its sefty advise....wouldnt want anyone on these blogs getting hurt

LOKI - Nana said...

tommy_g_95376 said...
I never threatened anyone you asshole....until now.......lock you're doors at nite....I do know who you are by the way

Sure sounds like a threat.

Perhaps it was the......

"I never threatened anyone of you assholes UNTIL NOW"

........that fooled me.