Thursday, June 5, 2008


The most popular weapon in the muzzie arsenal is denial, and they use it fervently!!

We have heard many, many muzzies deny that pedophilia is practiced in Islam. We have heard them at the same time try to explain away Mohamheads own pedophilic practices with lame ass excuses like, "well everyone married young back then" or some other bullshit excuse like that.

I have found that our best weapon against their denial is to simply keep an eye open and let them prove themselves the liars that they truely are time after time after time.

Case in point!............

In Pakistan, the practice of Vanni (exchanging women to settle differences) was outlawed in 2004. (if it was not practiced then why did they have to outlaw it?)
Anyway, because the Pakistani tribal areas pretty much do as they please, the vanni practice continues, and the latest act shows just how sick and perverted these fuckers really are.
And it all started with a dead dog!!!

A dog owned by one tribe, the Chakranis, was shot dead because it strayed too close to another tribe, the Qalandaris.
In revenge the Chakranis shot a donkey belonging to the other side.
A ferocious bout of tit-for-tat killings ensued in which 19 people, including 5 women, were killed.

The fighting ended in 2002 when Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti brought the two tribes together at a jirga, (tribal council) and ordered the Chakranis to hand over 15 child brides (ages 3 to 10) in compensation.
Last Friday they finally agreed to make good on that promise.

The new government, led by the party of the late Benazir Bhutto, has promised to act and says it will not allow young girls to be traded like this.

However, Asma Jahangir, a leading human rights activist, says the tribal areas do not listen to the government and adds the government is unwilling to use its authority to protect women. She says the government will find any excuse not to.

Meanwhile, 15 more little girls, have been betrayed by their own parents and sold into sexual bondage, to sooth the perverse desires of dirty old men who call themselves "men of God"!!!

I wonder how the muzzies will defend this one!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nothing new but I do get your point loki the more they deny the more they prove themselves to be lying through their teeth. We dont even have to go looking for things to hold against them because they openly show us what nasty uncivilised barbarians they are every single day. I feel sorry for the little girls born into this stinking religion. It would be better if they were never born at all