Sunday, June 15, 2008


Louisiana's top election official has launched an investigation into a voter registration drive by the Washington-based "Voting is Power" organization, which is sponsored by the Muslim American Society and was hired by Democrats, after registrars were "flooded" with fake forms, including a couple for a gentleman named George W. Bush.

Secretary of State Jay Dardenne said this past week he already has met with Voting Is Power, which has a stated goal of signing up millions of Muslims to vote in U.S. elections.
He said he's seeking information about the company's methodology and information on why so many voter registration applications turned out to be incomplete, duplicates, or just plain fraudulent.

According to a report from the Associated Press, the Washington-based VIP was hired by national Democrats to register up to 70,000 new voters before this fall's election.

But Dardenne said the organization's drives in Shreveport, Baton Rouge, New Orleans and Jefferson Parish resulted in "piles of sketchy applications" that demanded investigators' time.

It has been a long-running joke amongst pundits that Election Day should be renamed 'Zombie Day' given all the dead people who seemingly rise from the graves and vote,

"Mind you, this is just one of many reasons why states are starting to get more stringent when it comes to voters needing identification before they can vote.
Many people – the majority on the Left (liberal democrats) – have had a tizzy over the enforcement of such laws. Arizona was challenged when they enacted tougher laws regarding voter identification, but that was due to the illegal alien population, and their tendency to vote when they are not legally allowed to do so," said Dardenne.

"We have some very real concerns about the data we are getting from them," Dardenne continued.
Caddo Parish, for example, had George W. Bush as a voter applicant; other cards have been filed for inmates who cannot vote as well as various dead people, Dardenne confirmed.

I wonder why a Muslim organization with links to the Muslim Brotherhood was hired by the Democratic National Party. I wonder why Barack Hussien Obama is the choice of Hamas, and the likes of Moamer Kadhafi the leader of Libya.

It is more important than ever that we vote this year, no matter what illegal game the muzzies and democrats wish to play....they will never have enough votes to pull it off if the rest of us simply take our responsible role in this society and VOTE!!!!!


Anonymous said...

voter fraud is nothing new its been around since the invention of the vote how do you think bush won in 2000 it does concern me though that the muslims have figured it out and are using the scam in order to put obama in to office it also bothers me that less than half of americans bother to vote at all just imagine how different things would be if every single american over the age of 18 voted in every single presidential election the government would be more willing to listen to us if they knew we were serious about how our country is run as it is now they know most of us could care less as long as our own personal little spaces are as we like them we kind of deserve what we get because we are lazy and complacent dont you think

Anonymous said...

loki sweetheart I see you are still arguing with that shit for brains tommy_g don't waste your time with his retarded ass waste your time with me instead I promise you will have a lot more fun that way
hubba hubba baby