Wednesday, June 18, 2008


We here in the U.S. have a moratorium against offshore drilling for oil & natural gas in place until June 2012. It has been in effect since 1982.
The only place we are allowed to drill right now is in the gulf region.

The problem is that Cuba is now working with the Chinese to drill for oil in international waters between Florida and Cuba.
A place where we would be already drilling if it were not for this moratorium.

The truth is that countries such as Canada, India, Norway, Vietnam, Venezuela, and Spain are ALREADY exploring for oil AND purchasing leases in Cuban waters, while we continue to prohibit U.S. involvement in these activities.

Does that really make any sense???

Now the environmentally conscious tree hugger in me does not want any offshore drilling to be done, it's bad for the environment and could be potentially castostropic when the next big hurricane rolls around.
And even though environmental safety protocols and procedures are a lot better than they were in 1982, and they have underwater shut off valves which are used when bad weather occurs, these safety measures may dramatically limit oil spills but they will not stop an oil spill completely.

And how much would drilling offshore lessen our dependence on foreign oil anyway???
And would it really lower the price of gas???

The practical side of me, on the other hand, thinks that since it doesn't look like we will get off of the oil anytime soon, we should get the oil that's laying right off our own shores rather than just let the Chinese have it.
And I know that the Chinese will NOT be as strict as we are when it comes to environmental safety protocols. One big hurricane WILL be completely devastating to us if it hits a Chinese offshore oil rig.
We all know this!!!

I also want us off of the oil entirely, or at least less dependent on it, because I am sick an tired of supporting muzzie terrorists with our oil money.

As far as where the Presidential candidates stand on this issue......

McCain, who used to support the moratorium, now says we should drop the restrictions and drill offshore.
Obama wants the moratorium to stay in place, and accuses McCain of being a flip-flopper.

President Bush will ask Congress again today to lift the ban on offshore drilling.

What do you all think???
Good Idea or not???

Over the past 27 years:
Democrats have blocked the development of new sources of petroleum.

They have blocked........
drilling in Anwar.
drilling off the coast of Florida.
drilling off of the east coast.
drilling off of the west coast.
drilling off the Alaskan coast.
the building of new oil refineries.
clean nuclear energy production.
clean coal production.

67% of Americans now support offshore drilling
and 64% believe that it would lower gas prices.


Anonymous said...

I think we should drill it all till its dry and make a deal that by the time its all gone we will have something else in its place that will get us off the oil forever but I know that wont happen the democrats want us to keep buying oil from the muslims for some reason

Anonymous said...

The america people are going to speak out and sooner I hope rather than later we do start to drill. Obama's contention is that the drilling will not help with gas prices for at least five years. Well, how does he know this for a fact. And what wait to take action in 3-5 years and then wait those 5 yrs to see a differenec when gas cost $10 a gallon.

First of all by drilling it will offer alot in the interim. It will create new jobs. People who are unemployed or under-employed will be contributing to the tax system opposed to being a burden on it. Since our nation thrives on fair competition this will drive prices down. As well as, new companies will be devoloped and offer jobs. And while our nation is playing catch up to become self reliant on our own oil. We will need to build at least 6-10 oil refineries to handle the shipments of foreign oil imported, as well as what we produce. So, now we have more jobs to build, maintain, operate and manage the new oil refineries and oil platforms to get the oil from the ground.

So, how Obama doesn't see some of the things I mentioned above is beyond me. I believe the democrats do this shit because they want to be seen as the saviours of America when the facts are they're the ones destroying our country.

Due to technological advances, we are very capable of drilling for oil and being evironmental sound to the surrounding area. Drilling for our own oil is a win win situation for america and her citizens. It's said we have plenty of our own oil reserves. And look at the price the nations who produce crude oil pay for it on their own country. All the democrats want to do is tax the current oil companies. And those comps will just pass the tax down onto the product in which the american consumer will pay the tax in the end. And taxing the oil companies is not going to bring down prices. It simply has to do with supply and demand. Increase the supply and be competitive in selling our oil in the open markets and this will drive prices down and in a relative quick manner too.

As for Obama calling McCain a flip flopper is childish. So, people can change their minds when new information comes to light. I rather have someone change their minds because new info is presented and it warrants doing the "Right" thing for americans. Opposed to someone standby their original principles for the sake of saving face. This comment Obama made about McCain and the oil drilling is just one of many things that reflects Obama is not fit or experience to run America. He will drive out nation into the ground. To this day no one can say what has Obama accomplished in 3 yrs in the US Senate. He hasn't written one bill that has come close to being approved. Obama states he's in touch with the people. Well to being the US Senate for such a short time and think he's the answer to extremely arrogant, as well as being dangerous. And how some people can't see this is beyond me. So Obama is a good speech giver that doesn't make him qualified to be in the most powerful position in the world. People are extremely stupid to think along these lines. Just because he has a good personality and speakes well is nearly enough for me.

The main topic or issues for this presidential run will be....1. the economy; 2. gasoline and food prices; 3. healthcare and then 4. the war on that order. And as far as I can see Obama's answer to everything is to increase taxes which doesnt work. In fact when we had the energy criss and oil problems when Carter was president. Carter raised taxes and it made it so much hard on the american people. And the companies still got richer. People wake up and do not let history repeat itself.

Anonymous said...

We need oil exploration of our coasts from Maine to Washington. It's ridiculous that we have to depend on any foreign sources of energy when we have the resources here. In ANWR alone it's estimated to have enough oil to completely eliminate our dependance on foreign oil in less than 5 years of drilling there. There was a recent discovery of a large shale trapped oil field in Montana. We are beholden to foreign sources of oil because of the far left and their agenda to destroy this country and guess's working. Gas is 25 CENTS a gallon in Venezuela. Why??....because they produce far more than they consume. When was the last time there was a major "oil" related disaster in the US????...The EXXON Valdez back in the 80's. That was a result of a drunk ship captain and the use of single hull tankers. It had nothing to do with the exploration or extraction of the oil...just the transportation of it. If you think $4 a gallon for gas is bad now. Just wait and see what happens when Osama Obama is elected. He will raise taxes on the oil industry and they will just pass it on to the consumer. There will be no further exploration of oil here in the US. I agree we should be looking for alternative energy sources, but let's get real....that being the norm is still decades away. We need to fix the problem now and quit being held hostage to raghead run organizations like OPEC. In a perfect world...we would drill in every place possible for oil and drive the world price down to $25 bucks a barrel and put the dune coons out of business. ....Keep your powder dry......Bang Bang Lady Morgon

Anonymous said...

My concern about off shore drilling is the impact it will have on sealife. (and of course, a big hurricane and we're screwed.)

I still say that we should just drill mexico. mexicans are invading America and many Americans are paying the price for this mexican invasion so we should just invade their oil since we have such a bad reputation for invading a country for it's oil, let's live up to our rep. Fuck what the other countries think of us. I really don't care anymore about what other countries think of our great nation. We do such much for other countries... TIME WE DO SOMETHING FOR OUR COUNTRY!


LOKI - Nana said...

Bang, bang me lil glockster

LOKI - Nana said...

NM Governor Bill Richardson (D) said today that offshore drilling would take 30 years to lower gas prices

I find that a little ridiculous

He says that Bush just wants to drill because he is addicted to oil LOL

He says that the American people may need to just "sacrifice a little" in terms of energy using appliances and such!!!

Yeah right, we need to suffer and sacrifice so that the government can keep arguing and not fixing anything and so that corporate America can just keep getting richer!!!

I think that's fair...NOT!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If they agreed to offshore drilling today it would be years before we would see a difference because first they have to explore and find the oil then they have to set up oil riggs and start drilling. all of this would take at least a couple of years if not more. then there is the problem of refining the oil. we do not have the capacity to refine the oil that we produce now. all of our oil exports now go to canada where they refine it and sell it back to us as gasoline.
So we would have to invest in new refineries and update the ones we already have. It is a very complicated process.
We really need to push the government to invest in alternative energy sources whether they want to or not. It is our only valid choice at this point.

LOKI - Nana said...

The U.S. uses about 8 Billion barrels of oil a year.

And I heard some analyst today say that offshore drilling would only give us a total of 18 Billion barrels, which would last only 2 years.

I don't know if this is true, but this is what he said.

If it is true then offshore drilling seems like a big waste of time.
Of course it could all just be a big Democratic lie because they don't want us to drill.

Who knows anymore.

I also heard that in the green river basin we have the potential for 1 trillion barrels of oil from "oil shale" which is stone with oil content in it that can be made into oil.

This would be alot of oil BUT it would probably mean strip mining or something similar to that which I do not agree with and I am positive would never be allowed by environmentalists or the Democrats anyway.
So that's out!!!

I agree with the above poster who said alternative energy sources are our only option.

And it really makes me mad that the technology is ALREADY there but we don't run with it.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter what we want or what we need they are going to do whatever they want to do.
Haven't you people figured that out yet?

Anonymous said...

sorry to see that most of you guys just dont get it. dont you understand that the democrat party does not want the price of gas to be lower. they have advocated that we pay more for gas for years and recently obama said gas should cost more. that way the government can exercise more control over people and collect more gas taxes. that way we can be forced into tiny cars and buses and more people will be in poverty and the government will need to take more of your money to create more social welfare programs and make more people dependent on the government. why do you think that the democrats want to nationalize the oil companies? why do you think they want to take oil company profits? neither of those options will produce a single extra drop of oil or construct a single refinery, but it will give the government billions of more dollars out of our pockets. they dont want the energy crises solved. if they did want it, it would be done. the saudis are catching on tho. they have figured out that demand is dropping and taking money out of their pockets and they suddenly decided to start pumping half a million more barrels a day, because they cant afford their gold toilet fixtures right now. even stupid fucking muslims understand the laws of supply and demand, but democrats dont.

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

just-dont-care said...

It does not matter what we want or what we need they are going to do whatever they want to do.
Haven't you people figured that out yet?

This person is very much correct. Nothing that we moan and cry about is going to change what is in motion. Stand up for your rights yes, but be realistic also. Politicians do not care in the least what the people want, or what the country needs. Thats why I try and enjoy things and not get all stressed. Won't do a damn bit of good but give you a heart attack. Enjoy what you have. Some of you will hate that, but hey...its all gonna happen with or without ya.

LOKI - Nana said...

I agree with the fact that the politicians don't give a shit about what we think.

I disagree however on just sitting back and doing nothing!!!

This is the attitude that has gotten where we are today. The politicians know that we don't give a shit and they have taken great advantage of that fact!!!

We have to stand up and together we make a very powerful force, the problem is that most of us do not stand up.

Just like with this whole illegal alien issue.
I know that most Americans do NOT want illegals here...but when I go to the rallies there a very few people who actually care enough to show up.
If a couple million people took to the streets every time we had a rally then the government would know we are serious.
As it stands they know we hate it but they also know we are to lazy to really stand up against it, and therefore the illegals just keep flooding in!!!

If we stand up en mass they WILL listen, the problem is that most of us bitch about it in the privacy of their own homes but will NOT put their money where their mouth is.

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

hehehe no one said sit back and do nothing, but think about what you're doing..

LOKI - Nana said...

yeah "thinking" is always a smart thing to do lol