Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The FDA announced today that they may NEVER be able to find the source of the Salmonella tainted tomatoes.
Why you may ask?
Well there are a couple of reasons............

#1 - Although the govermental powers that be are making trade deals at break neck speeds, those same governmental powers have reduced the number of employees and the budget for the FDA.
The FDA is severally under-staffed and under-funded and therefore unable to do a competent job at protecting you and me.

#2 - 5 years ago a law was passed called the "Country Of Origin Labeling" law, which would require that all foods be labeled as to which country they come from.
But in the last few years I have learned that passing a law is a multi-step process.
First you pass the law and then you have to vote AGAIN to provide funding to impliment that law.
The funding for this particular law has NOT been passed, even though 5 years have passed, and therefore the law is not being implemented or enforced.
**Same thing happened with the whole border fence issue, which is why so little of it is being built.

Lobbyists, who outnumber members of congress 77 to 1, have fought hard, and so far won, the battle to stop the country of origin labeling law.

So the FDA is left with no choice but to go around to all the states and countries who we get our tomatoes from and rule them out as the culprits.
This is a very slow and tedious process which quite likely will end up giving them no answers as to where the tainted tomatoes came from.

So far 17 states have been affected by the Salmonella tainted tomatoes.
160+ people have been made sick,
at least 2 dozen of those have had to be hospitalized,
and it has contributed to at least one death.

I am just glad I don't like tomatoes anyway, so I won't miss never eating them again.
A tomato is not worth my life, is it worth yours? of my friends is betting that they came from Mexico
I must say he has reason to be suspicious of them. lol

On a side note..........The government announced today that we can expect $4/gallon gas (or higher) until a least the end of next year (2009).

The national average for a gallon of gas today is $4.02
(which means gas running anywhere from $3.50 to $4.50/gallon)

A friend of mine in California told me she paid $4.49/gallon today.
I, here in Vegas, paid $4.13/gallon yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Loki very good thread. And what you said is absolutely true. I happen to hold a masters degree in Political Science...not bragging but wanted know what I am speaking about.

Also what's killing our nation and it's people are "Earmarks." Essentially a rep from the house or senate has funds and can apply it towards anything they believe is worthy. Now on paper this sounds fine and dandy. And stops the hold up of voting and implementing a law if subsequently you mentionedd above. Now, the problem is once an earmark is approved lets say to a city who wants to widen a heavy traffic road. Once the city gets the money (earmark in the millions). The city entity can use the earmark money for something for a park which might not be needed. Or they can give the earmark to an individual or group for research. Basically they can get millions under false pretenses, knowing all along the money was going to something total stupid. And their is no accountability for this. This is how approximately 500 plus ppl have free rein to spend our money.

Now many congress representatives like the system as it is. No questions ask. Whereas, senator McCain wants to get rid of earmarks all together, since he believes its govt wasting money.

And example of an earmark. Is when Texas congressman Charlie Wilson got together with a CIA Case Office when the earmark was given towards the Afghanstan war between the russians and the afghani people. This war lasted 10 yrs before the russians left. In the eighth year. There two guys gave millions to the afghani ppl to purchase stinger missles and other stuff. And this was the turning point of that war. A few CIA advisers went to afghanstan and taught the ppl how to use the missles. The russians really didn't lose that conflict. They were pissed off in losing expensive helicopter and fighter jets. Now if earmarks weren't used. Our govt would've had a debate if we should send them money and enter this war by proxy. It appalls me that representatives of congress have access to so much money and can give it to whomever they want to without any oversight. And most ppl who get earmarks domestically never use the money for what they initially requested it for and then the money goes to something like a tea cup musemum...again no oversight, accountability and under false pretense. And earmarks come out to be in the billions annually.

Last thing we need is some need research on why birds are travelling to this location opposed to going to where they use to. Even if the govt re-vamped and did modified the protocols. It still wouldn't work. Once the money is given to some entity that entity can use the money for whatever they want or give it to something else. And they don't have to report this the govt nonetheless get approval for re-directing the earmark money.

When the money is given out no one has to show how the money was spent. That is govt waste at it's finest. And no one in govt cares and the american people suffer. If the allotted earmarks were set aside and discontinued and given towards things that would definitely benefit the american people then that would be fine. This is just another means of govt wasting and not applying our tax money for good causes and things that really need to get done. Also, no such thing as conflict of interest with earmarks. A person can give earmark money to a friend who very well will profit from it.

I mentioned Charlie Wilson above. And when he used his earmark for the afghanstan war. It was known on capital hill as the Charlie Wilson war. And what he did was not to help the afghanstan ppl. It was to counter the russians. And now we are paying the back lash to this action. Since the taliban are using equipment, missles and RPG's left over from the war to kill american soldiers.

Personally earmarks are a waste of the tax payers money and can be used for other things that truly benefits our country and its people. But, so many ppl in govt want the earmarks to remain. Since it's a lot of free money at their disposal to be used without it being questioned in how it's used. So, congress reps said that if someone request an earmark for research or a city needs it for a specific thing. That the earmark must be used for what it was approved for and cannot be passed down towards something else without getting approval. But, we all know that wouldn't work.

At least some (very few) ppl in congress want to end earmarks all together. Earmarks are one of the biggest frauds in govt. spending.

Many americans don't know that when someone says congress it means the house of representatives and the house of the senate. Many believe congress is being in the house of reps. It's a shame that way too many americans haven't a clue in how our system works. If you asked people what are the 3 branches of govt. I bet many would get it wrong and have no clue what the legislature part is, or the executive or judical part is. People have a tendency to vote a person into office because they like their personality. Well, this isn't a personality contest. It's about getting the brighest and most experience into to office to represent the people. But, then we have plenty of stupid of people in america and in our government too.

tommy_g_95376 said...

I paid $ 4.69 in Cali....

Time to ride a bike

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous 3:28

Absolutely true what you said!!!

LOKI - Nana said...

The same gas station where I paid $4.13 yesterday is now charging $4.16 today
....that's up 3 cents in just 24 hours

Anonymous said...

They say will continue to rise through out the next year. And last year at this time. Gas was roughly $2.95 something doesn't smell right in demark. Now we never did drill in several spots in america because the evironmentalist won that battle back in 1995 when clinton vetoed every drilling opportunity...wonder which lobbiest had clinton in their pocket at that time.

America will eventually drill for our own oil but will it be too late...that's a huge question. And our elected officals never seem to move quick enough on the serious matters. But pass laws that are so stupid or insignificant within a week.

America has the most coal than any other nation. We have a huge abundence of coal and this coal could easily be converted to fuel and diseal fuel. this is an alternative we should be doing right now if our govt will not allow drilling on our own land and coastal lines. this is not a difficult decision to make. allow drilling. since it will take time till it affects the market. and convert coal to fuel since we have plenty of it. and it's easy and cheap to convert it.

again, no wonder people don't trust elected officals anymore. they tell us one thing to get elected and then do what their party tells them to do or how to vote on something. this isn't how our govt was initially established or suppose to function. we should get rid of a 2 party system and have no parties. i think elected officals forget that in our type of economy that 2/3's of the economy is based on consumer spending and not on corporate greed, spending or corporate anything. it comes down to the ppl. corporations are nothing if the people aren't buying their goods and services. and the ppl won't buy if things like gas cost so much, as well as other common items we're accustom too. these politicians have lost ALL insight in that they represent the people and our govt is for and by the people. something needs to change and fast too. and not obama just proclaiming change. he's a wanna be elitest who hasn't a clue. his idea to fix everything is to raise taxes in all areas. oh this is wrong mr obama....he says raise it's taxes. or tax it if it isnt taxed yet. just look over the ocean at the UK. they tax everything and have extremely high taxes on all things...has it helped them...i don't think so.

and if and i mean a big if...obama becomes president i would call him or bestow upon him the honor of calling him mr. president. i would call him mr. muzzie guy who tricked america.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah America has ALOT of coal and most of the electric companies in the US run on coal.

The problem is that the coal companies do not want to invest in "clean coal" production which is one reason why the environmentalists fight against it.
The other reason evironmentalists hate it is because harvesting coal requires strip mining, which is where approx. 70% of our coal comes from.

And in the last 20 years they also use a process called "mountaintop removal" which is just as devastating or maybe even more devastating than strip mining is.

Mining coal also produces a byproduct called "coal slurry" which is extremely toxic to the environment and to us.

I believe we MUST begin using fuel sources that cause no harm to the land or the air or to us...such as solar power, wind power, hydro power, etc....these technologies are available right now BUT are unpopular to corporate America because it will be very hard to charge people for such things as sunlight and wind.

Once they figure out how to rake in the all mighty dollar on these things then they will suddenly jump on the band wagon.

As far as Obama goes, I am afraid he will be elected and he will throw massive taxes upon our already overtaxed shoulders, and one day those taxes will break us!!!

And the worst part is....NOTHING will change for the better!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that the "Country Of Origin Law" would be a good idea.

For example, my neighbor bought a bunch of bananas from the grocery store and when she brought her groceries home, a gigantic foreign tarantula crawled out from the bananas and tried to bite her.

Recently in So. California, a husband & wife were grocery shopping together and in the produce isle, she suddenly felt pain in her arm, then she didn't feel well and went to their car to lay down. The husband finished the shopping and went to their car and discovered his wife dead. It was later discovered that a small deadly snake hiding in a bunch of cilantro bit her and it's venom killed her.

Many thin skinned fruits like grapes that are from Chili have lethal toxins in their skin because the soil these grapes are raised in (in Chili) is FULL of toxic pesticides. If people feed these poisonous grapes to their pets such as parrots, etc... They die.

Everyone that can, should just grow their own, and find safe pesticides like spraying vinager and use scarecrows wearing sweaty human smelling shirts to scare away little animals that could eat your corn, etc...

LOKI - Nana said...

Actually I heard on the news just the other day that a little girl was bitten or almost bitten by a tarantula while reaching into a bin for a melon or something while at the store. I believe it was at a Wal-marts.

It's scarey to think that something like that could happen.

And you're right about the pesticides too.
I mean other countries just do NOT have the safety measures that we have here in the US when it comes to the use of pesticides and things like that.

I think they fight against enforcement of the "country of Origin law" because they know MANY people would buy ONLY food grown and raised in the U.S.

It's ridiculous that I know where my shirts, and flower vases, etc come from but not my food.

tommy_g_95376 said...

yawn....yawn....yawn.....Oh it's Loki's Blog.......I must get to bed.....when i can't sleep.....I come to Loki's blog......yawn.....goodnite

And Loki....if you need to have an orgasm....come to my blog....AGAIN....bring you're toys

I enjoy my blog too Loki....we both like men so we have something in why are you tense???

LOKI - Nana said...

Aaww, did I hurt your wittle feelings???

tommy_g_95376 said...

I'm sorry you do not like gays Loki

I am who I am and coming out is not easy will never know what that's like

LOKI - Nana said...

As I have said before I don't give a shit if you're gay or not.
Makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever!!!
The fact that you're gay is completely irrelevent.

What bothers me about you is that you're an incredible asshole!!!
You're a flip flopping dung beatle and you are completely untrustwothy.

YOU are the one who started the shit between us.
This time AND the last time.

The evidence is right here in the blogs!!!

I forgive bad behavior once but after that, fuck it.
There are no third chances with me.

You have shown your true colors and they are not very pretty so you can try to blame my attitude on your faggdom but you and I know the truth.

tommy_g_95376 said...


If you look at my started it you nim wit

are you that much of a dung beatle?


go back and look who started the shit on my blog...

then i will await you're apology

I do give second don't know I am a nice person and gives second chances

LOKI - Nana said...

Asshole YOU started all of this shit here on MY blog.

That's why your a dung beatle..because you're so full of shit!!!

Let me refresh your memory.....
see my post for May 19, under comments YOU started the shit simply because you were trying to get back into the good graces of lily.

If you look at all the comments BEFORE that will see that we were getting along fine, and discussing the issues at hand.

I just checked your blog for comments made in May but naturally you have deleted everything before June.

If you have them saved somewhere have a gander at your own comments section from around May 17 onward and see just who drew first blood.

So I will be waiting for YOUR apology.
On second thought don't bother cause I won't believe you mean it anyway.

Now fuck off!!!

Anonymous said...

tommy gay is jealous so he tried to fuck up your topic... ignore the retard.

tommy_g_95376 said...

I'm still awaiting you're aplogy Miss Loki

Anytime you come to you're senses let me know

I'll call a truce if you call a truce...

Now I'll see how much of a human you are

LOKI - Nana said...

Fuck your truce, no need for one anyway since I have no plans to go to your blog anymore.

And fuck your apology too because you know that YOU started all of this shit in the first place and I'll be damn if I apology for anything!!!

Besides I prefer to remain enemies.
Now how's that for human!!!

tommy_g_95376 said...

No apology started all this shit and got you're ass kicked to the floor....lololololol

We did what we wanted to do..............keep you out of my blog

you stupid cunt.....elf looking twat......why do you look like an elf???

you got bitch slapped for two days in my blog and now you did what we said to do



LOKI - Nana said...

LMFAO.....Yeah right! that's why you were here last night begging for a truce.
Now your little feelings are hurt because I don't find you truce worthy.....LMFAO

What is it with all you mentally challenged fuckers?
always talking about kicking someone's ass on the World wide web. ROFLMFAO!!!
So easy to be a badass on the net ain't it.
My God what a freak!!!

Staying off your blog is not a problem, all you had to do was ask.
It's a sucky blog anyway.
Absolutely never anything of substance on it.
Actually it's just repetative.
You coming out of the closet every week or so!!!
What a fucking joke

Your real problem with me is the fact that I won't kiss your ass and buy all your bullshit.

I am a blow to your fragile self-esteem which is why you freak out so badly when I disagree with you.
Everyone has to agree with fag boy or he throws a temper tantrum.
My God grow a back bone you spineless little shit!!!

You are completely easy to read.... Your emotions turn on the drop of a dime. One minute your ready to be friends and the next your stomping your little faggy feet and throwing grade school insults.
Why would anyone trust a truce with that??

Is that really the best you can do???

What a fucking loser you are!!!!!!!!

tommy_g_95376 said...

you stayed off my blog cause you got bitch slapped.....lolololol

Stay off... you don't have many friends left....lololololo

not that you had many anyhow

like I look like an elf.....just an observation....most women I've seen are pretty....but you are NOT.....but hey ....thats why you never get laid...

now it all comes full circle

you can stay on you're boring blog that NOONE posts anything on....or comes to.....

I have all kinds of ppl coming to my blog to you used to look at the hot guys....mmmmmm

and they are hot arent they???

LOKI - Nana said...

Oh have 3 people tops who come and comment on your silly little blog.

And if your definition of bitch slap is insulting people then I have been bitch slapping your ass all over the place. LOL

I am staying off your blog because I choose to, you WILL NOT goad me into coming back so stop trying.
I can see right through your little game here.

You are secretly upset that I fucked you and your faggy little blog off.
Otherwise you would be happy and just let it go

As far as people liking me, I could really care less, I do NOT come on line to feed my ego or to win popularity contests.

However ALL of the people who liked me yesterday still like me just fine today and will continue to like me tomorrow.

The few dumbasses who comment on your blog like ferret, lily, Mafia, etc... NEVER liked me anyway so it's not like I've lost anything.

Like you, they can not stand anyone who has a different opinion than themselves.
How pathetic is that!!!
Finding yoursevles unable to conduct a lively and heated debate you all turn to immature insults that aren't even worthy of grade school children.

Poor little dung beatle thinks he's king of the blogs and has a tiny temper tantrum when someone reminds him that he's not LMAO

Anyway I guess I'll see you when you check back in because apparently you find me irresistible.


tommy_g_95376 said...

Oh yes Loki I find you simply irresistible......

I doubt very likely lily comes to my blog....I know who does and who does not....I had said.... a lot come to the look to see the new gorgous men I have put on.....only a few comment.....I could care less anyone comments......but I know who looks....even a few guys....who are probably bi-sexual.....they look and leave....

So if I apologize will you accept...?? Just curious

LOKI - Nana said...

Is it important to you that I do??


tommy_g_95376 said...

yes it is important

no need to laugh...but it is

tommy_g_95376 said...

I guess you declined my wanting to apologize or you're sleeping?

LOKI - Nana said...

No I have actually been busy, waxing my elf ears and all that.
You know how it is lol

Anyway, I think it would be silly for you to apologize for something that YOU say you did not do, now wouldn't it???

And since you do not believe yourself to be at any fault an apology from you would not be meaningful.
One can only express a true apology if one truely believes he has wronged another.

I believe an apology from you would merely be words, and soon you would once again revert to the same old behavior you have exhibited for the last month.
It already happened once before.
Do you remember?

So I think it best we just remain in our separate corners and call it a day.

Now I must get back to work, my little pixy wings need washing lol

tommy_g_95376 said...

welll I do apologize and know it was my fault and started by me....

Yes I do remember what I had done prior

So my apologies are given...

and you do what you want with it

I'd like another chance....honestly....

LOKI - Nana said...

tommy_g_95376 said...
I'd like another chance.... honestly....


Well I can't for the life of me figure out why.

Besides I have let it go before and we just end up right back here.

And you know the old saying about the burning me once and then twice thing lol

Besides why on earth would you want to socialize with a prudish whore elf? lol

tommy_g_95376 said...

well I don't know what to say....

Look ....I said things out of anger...I said I was sorry

I know you have let it go before, and I'm asking for another chance...

I'd like to comment on you're issues on you're blog...I think we have the same sort of opinions....maybe I'm wrong

LOKI - Nana said...

Comment all you want, I never said you couldn't, and I haven't deleted anything.

This blog is open to all, and all opinions are welcome even if they don't agree with me.

tommy_g_95376 said...

well will you forgive me?

I'd like to have that too

LOKI - Nana said...

I'm sorry but at the risk of pissing you off yet again, I will have to pass on that.

It is not in my nature to forgive so I only do it once.

But hey that doesn't mean we have to fight, I mean unless you just want to of course.
I can go either know how we elves are lol

tommy_g_95376 said...

Loki no I don't want to fight

If you ever want to forgive me I'd like that

I'd like to be you're friend and maybe I can prove you wrong about me? Maybe?

but I hear you loud and clear

tommy_g_95376 said...

hi Loki