Monday, July 7, 2008


Well you're NOT!!!

OK this will require a little time to connect the dots, so bear with me because this is fascinating and very enlightening once it is all put together.
Of course remaining ignorant does have it's perks too, so it is up to you whether you want to know about your slavery or remain blind to it!!!

Now you might think the Federal Reserve belongs to the U.S. government but you would be wrong.
It is actually a privately owned corporation.
It makes it's own policies and is under virtually no regulation by the U.S. government.
It is a private bank who makes loans to the U.S. government with interest attached.
It is a corporation which can, and has many times, brought America to it's knees.

FIRST A LITTLE HISTORY...after all school was a long time ago for most of us LOL

In 1775 the American revolutionary war began as the American colonies sought to detach themselves from England and the oppressive monarchy
Many reasons are named for this revolution but one that sticks out as the primary cause is that King George III of England outlawed the interest free, independent currency the colonies were producing and using for themselves, which in turn forced them to borrow money from the central bank of England with interest attached, immediately putting the colonies into debt.

"The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the revolution"
Benjamin Franklin
Founding father

In 1783 America won it's independence from England, however it's battle against the central bank concept and the corrupt greed-filled men associated with it had just begun.

A central bank is an institution that produces the currency of an entire nation,
here in the U.S. it is called the Federal Reserve.
Based on historical precedent, 2 specific powers are inherent in central banking practice....
#1 - the control of interest rates
#2 - the control of the money supply (inflation)

The central bank does not simply supply a government's economy with money, it LOANS it to them with interest attached.
Then through the use of increasing and decreasing the supply of money, the central bank regulates the value of the currency being issued.

It is critical to understand that this entire system can only produce ONE thing in the long run........DEBT!!!

Every single dollar produced by the central bank is loaned at interest, which means that with every single dollar that is produced, there is also an additional percentage of immediate debt that comes with it.
So since the central bank holds the monopoly over the production of the currency for the entire nation, and they loan each dollar out with immediate debt attached to it, where does the money to pay back the debt come from???

Well it can only come from the central bank again, of course!!!

This means that the central bank has to perpetually increase it's money supply to temporarily cover the outstanding debt created, which in turn, since that new money is also loaned out with interest attached to it, creates even more debt!!!

The end result of this system, without fail, is slavery!!!!
For it is impossible for the government, and thus the public, to EVER come out of this self generating debt.

The founding fathers were well aware of this.....

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies....If the American people ever allow private banks and corporations to control the issue of currency...the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered"
Thomas Jefferson
U.S. President

"If you want to remain slaves of the bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation's credit"
Sir Josiah Stamp

By the early 20th century the U.S. government had already implemented and removed a few central banking systems which were swindled into place by ruthless banking interests.

At that time the dominant families in the banking and business world were......
the Rockfellers, the Morgans, the Warburgs, and the Rothchilds, and in the early 1900's they once again sought to push legislation to create yet ANOTHER central bank.

However they knew the government and the public would be very wary of such an institution so they created an incident to affect public opinion.
J.P. Morgan, who was publicly considered a financial luminary at the time, exploited his mass influence by publishing rumors that a prominent bank in New York was insolvent or bankrupt.

Morgan knew this would cause mass histeria which would affect other banks as well, and that it did.
The public, in fear of losing their deposits, immediately began mass withdrawals (bank runs), consequently the banks were forced to call in their loans, causing recipients to sell their property, and thus a spiral of bankruptcies, repossesions, and turmoil emerged.

Putting the pieces together a few years later, Frederik Allen of Life Magazine wrote......"The Morgan interests took precipitate the panic (of 1907) guiding shrewdly as it progressed".

However at the time and unaware of the fraud, the panic of 1907 led to a Congressional investigation headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich, who had intimate ties to the banking cartells and later became part of the Rockefeller family through marriage.
The commission, led by Aldrich, recommended that a central bank should be implemented so that a panic like the one in 1907 "could never happen again".
This was the spark the international bankers needed to initiate their plan.

In 1910 a meeting was held at a J.P. Morgan estate on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. It was there that the Central Banking bill, called the "Federal Reserve Act", was written.
This legislation was written entirely by bankers, not by lawmakers.

After this bill was constructed it was then handed over to their political front man Senator Nelson Aldrich to be pushed through Congress.
In 1913, with heavy political sponsorship by the bankers, Woodrow Wilson became President - having already agreed to sign the act in exchange for campaign support,
and 2 days before Christmas, when most of Congress was at home with their families, the "Federal Reserve Act" was voted in and Wilson in turn, made it law.

And thus the United States Federal Reserve was born!!!

Years later in 1919, Woodrow Wilson wrote in regret....
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by it's system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men"
Woodrow Wilson
U.S. President

Tomorrow I will post part 2 of this and show you exactly how much power the Federal Reserve really has, and how they have used this power, at great expense to the American people.
It is truely awful what some people will do to fatten their already enormous wallets!


Anonymous said...

very good post loki and even though it is long it was a very short read someone needs to tie it all together so that everyone can see the big picture I am a fan and I enjoy reading your blog everyday you find intelligent things to talk about and things that should make us all think.
You are right about some people wanting to stay stupid many wont read this post because they have the attention span of a flea and when they see something that might take a few minutes out of their little lives to read they just move on.

LOKI - Nana said...

Thanks, and I feel the same way lol

Anonymous said...

ok this is some heavy shit what ever happened to the good old days when we just had fun ripping apart the camel jockeys

LOKI - Nana said...

Well that kind of went out the window when we decided to bash each other instead.

Anonymous said...