Saturday, July 5, 2008


We (all of mankind) are what we are because of what we know, and we know what we know because of what we learn, and each culture is willing to defend their known views to the death if necessary.

So what makes one culture different from another???

Westerners are by nature very curious people, we like to know exactly how things work and why they work the way they do.
We like to debate each other, and to challenge present knowledge, and we take great pride in new discoveries.
Knowing how things work will inevitably bring about change, therefore we westerners learned a very long time ago to embrace change, and this change has allowed us to progress and to have everything we have today, both the good and the bad.

Eastern civilizations, on the other hand, are not curious people by nature, novelty does not excite them, and change is considered unnecessary, taboo, and often times even threatening.
Buddhists for example feel they learned everything they needed to learn some 2000 years ago and therefore see no need for curiosity.
To them the universe will not change therefore there is simply no need to look for change.

Muzzies by the same token believe everything they need to know was given to them some 1400 years ago when Mohamhead told them exactly how he thought things were.
They accepted his interpretation, and to this day they see no need for curiosity or for change.
To them things are what Mohamhead said they are and therefore curiosity is unnecessary and change is dangerous because progress represents a threat to their entire belief system.

So who is right?
Well each side firmly believes that their views are the correct ones, and each side is willing to fight and even die in order to protect their own interpretation of things.

All conflicts, throughout human history, can be traced back to this fact;
One culture has been determined to change another culture to their own way of thinking, which is exactly what is happening today.

Muslims are determined to turn our thinking to their way, and we are just as determined to remain as we are.

They unwilling to change......and we unwilling not to change
This, in a nutshell, explains why muzzies and western civilization can NEVER live peacefully together, and why we can NEVER reach any sort of a compromise with each other.

So when you hear either side suggest compromise of any kind you should understand that compromise will simply delay the inevitable.
And what is the inevitable in this case???
Simply put, neither side will ever live in peace as long as the other side lives at all.


Anonymous said...

Mowe stawch please.
We in China say "You will nevew know what you will find undew a buwkha".
So i always say "sniff befowe you look". Thank you vewy much and cum again.

Anonymous said...

that was a very good analysis loki did you write that yourself?

loki said...

Well yes I did write it and thanks, but it's really just basic sociology!!