Thursday, July 10, 2008


In 2007 - Bush signed a bill..... which says in case of a national emergency he can postpone the presidential elections and maintain his presidency.
This will still be in effect when the next president takes over and the next and the next.
It's a clause in the patriot act.
The Patriot act allows for law enforcement to search YOUR home without a warrant, to arrest YOU without charges, to provide YOU no lawyer, to detain YOU as long as they want, etc, etc.... There is nothing in the patriot act that says only muzzies fall under this act. It applies to all of us.

Also in 2007 - With 32 CFR 501.4 - Bush repealed the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 - that act stated that no U.S. military could have any type of operations on American streets. It forbid the U.S. military from policing on U.S. soil.

But now they CAN!!!!

On October 17th 2006, in a stealth maneuver, in a private Oval Office ceremony, Bush signed into law a provision which will actually encourage the President to declare Federal Martial Law.
It does so by revising the Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C. 331-335) - a set of laws that limits the Presidents ability to deploy troops within the United States.
**The Insurrection Act has historically, along with the Posse Comitatus Act, helped to enforce strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement.

Public Law 109-364, or the "John Warner Act of 2007" (H.R. 5122) (2) allows the President to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere in America and take control of state-based National Guard units without the consent of the governors or local authorities, in order to "suppress public disorder".

REMEMBER: the term for putting an area under military law enforcement is very precise. The term is "Martial Law".

**The "John Warner Act of 2007" also facilitates militarized police round-ups and detention of protesters, illegal aliens, potential terrorists, and other undesirables for detention in facilities ALREADY contracted for and under construction by Halliburton.

The Romans might ask - "Que Bono"??? meaning - who benefits??
So let us also ask....who benefits from these new laws???
I know who it does NOT benefit, and that is we the people.

We are told these things must be done out of NECESSITY in order to protect us from the evil doers.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the creed of slaves"
William Pitts to the House of Commons

So could Martial Law ever really happen here in America???
Oh hell, lets face it, the very next terror attack we have and Martial law could be the order of the day!!!


Anonymous said...

In China we awe undew mawshal law all the time. So why you cwy like little giwl? Cum again.

loki said...

Who gives a fuck about China???

Anonymous said...

we dont have to worry about martial law because all of our military is in the middle east and might be there forever

loki said...

military personnel are not absolutely necessary when we have police who are becoming more militarized everyday.

Many departments have alot of the same equipment as the military these days...weapons, tanks, etc...

However even in a perfect world, when everything is going our way, we should always worry about what could happen so that we remain alert rather then complacent.

After all it is when we are not looking that things happen behind our backs.

Anonymous said...

In China we have old provewb. "Always look behind you befowe picking up soap". Cum again, big giwl.

Anonymous said...

would you happen to be under a doctors care at the moment?

loki said...

Well lets see here

Who is more delusional??

Someone who knows the government is corrupt and believes they might do something unconstitutional and wrong.


Someone who knows the government is corrupt and yet still believes they would not do anything unconstitutional and wrong


Who really needs to be on meds here???

Anonymous said...

Military operations is much different than policing. Also, the patriot act in what you mentioned above is only partially correct. first you do need a warrant. Law enforcement goes infront of a specila panel of judges to get the warrant. Which this panel of judges are kept a secret, as well as the affivdavit.

If the president had to remain in office beyond his term. Those natioanl emergencies are spelled out quite well in what constitutes a president to postpone any elections. It;s not like the president can claim this or that as an emergency and the election is's has to be something very specific which is written out. And would need cogressional approval and oversight too. There are fail safes to prevent a president from doing a Mursharif move.

Also the bills you are speaking of are not permanent laws either. Which means when a new administration comes into office this new election year or 20 yrs from now it can be recindered.

LOKI - Nana said...

Sure they CAN be rescinded but that does not mean they WILL be.

As for what you said about the Patriot Act...

(Sec. 213) Authorizes Federal district courts to allow a delay of required notices of the execution of a warrant if immediate notice may have an adverse result and under other specified circumstances.

Yeah they can arrest you and then get a warrant later.
And secret panels of judges always makes me feel really safe!

And I'm not saying there wouldn't be "national emergencies" needed in order for a President to postpone an election and remain President himself.
Something very another terror attack maybe??

All I am saying is that it CAN happen.

Anonymous said...

your right loki it can happen hopefully it wont though and about the warrant thing if they dont give you the warrant when they show up at your house how can they prove the warrant was issued before they barged in they could just back date it and say it was issued before they showed up

Anonymous said...

The thing that always bothered me about the Patriot Act was that if the far left ever got complete control over the what it's looking like for the next 2 years at least....they could use the Patriot Act against American citizens to silence any opposition. Look at what happened under the Klinter administration without the PA.....Waco....Ruby Ridge...turn loose a communist like Osama obama with the PA and any organization or group that he feels is a threat to him will be targeted.....basically any right wing or Christian based group. We are looking at the beginning of the end. If the nigger gets in office the US will be done as a sovereign country. Look at all the cities where niggers are in charge.....Wash DC, Detroit, New Orleans.....they are all "chocolate" shitholes...It's clear to me that it's time for another "American Revolution". In that I mean it's time for the people in "fly over" country to secede from the union and start over like what the Founding Fathers meant in the Constitution. Funny thing is that two fictional novels ......1984 by George Orwell and the Turner Diaries are both coming true.....2012?? end of the world??.....also coincides with the next presidential election. Just a coincidence? maybe...but I don't think so. Keep you powder dry and load up on ammo. Bang Bang Lady Morgon ;)

LOKI - Nana said...

Bang bang me Glockster!!!

And I agree with you 1000%