Sunday, July 20, 2008


Last week a federal judge in Tennessee ruled that stealing someone's identity was NOT a crime.

The case was regarding 2 illegal aliens (Mexicans) who had stolen American citizen's ID's and used them.

The judge said that since the men had merely used to ID's to obtain work, no crime had been committed!!!

Do ANY OF YOU think you would get away with stealing and then using someone else's identity????


Anonymous said...


Fuck I hate mexicans. We should be at war against mexico for what they have been doing to our people and our country.

Anonymous said...

OMG that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe a person like that sits on the bench of a court system. I sincerely hope people make enough beef of this and have this guy not just taken off the bench but to have him dis-barred from practicing law. Regardless what the intent was or the reason the ID was's still stolen property.,hence against the LAW. Unbelievable in some of these liberal judges on the bench. They are a huge reason why we have a problem with the mexicans today.

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

yeah let someone steal his identity and see how he cries like a baby, while screaming identity theft. Pathetic, people don't care or stand up for another unless it happens to them.

Anonymous said...

Good Point CG...well said.

Anonymous said...

Pale face come to our land and kill our buffalo and squat on our hunting grounds. Then they round us up like cattle and confine us to bad lands. They refuse to speak our language and treat us like animals. Soon there will be nothing left of us except in casinos, gas stations and beer halls. Do you think this is fair?

LOKI - Nana said...

Hey you're talking to a native American here.
Fair or not that IS what happened so we must move on and persevere and make sure no other fuckers come in and do the same thing!!!