Wednesday, July 2, 2008


#1 - On December 21, 2012 (the winter solstice) the sun will line up with the center of the Milky Way galaxy, this is a VERY rare cosmic alignment that only happens every 26,000 years.
Scientists have no idea what effect this may have on the Earth yet.

#2 - At the same time another astronomical rarity will occur - the earth will complete a wobble around it's axis - This is called a procession - one complete processional wobble takes 26,000 years.
This could and most likely WILL cause a lot of havoc on the earth in regards to catastrophic weather patterns all over the planet!!!

#3 - Also our little planet is about to cross through the "galactic plain" which is the gravitational central axis of our entire galaxy (the galactic equator if you will).
When this happens it will cause a pole shift, which will definately cause catastrophic weather patterns all over the planet!!!

#4 - On top of all that there is Nibiru!!!
Named Eris by NASA, the planet has also been called planet X, the winged (or horned) disc, and Wormwood (Wormwood you can look up in the Bible).

The first conformation that a new planet was out there was on December 30, 1983.
In the direction of the constellation Orion it was spotted by an orbiting telescope called IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite).
It is so big that astronomers were not sure at first if it was a planet, a giant comet, a distant galaxy so young that it was still forming it's first stars, or a galaxy shrouded in dust so that none of the light cast by it's stars ever got through.

Immediately after the announcement was made that a new planet was found they came out again and said it was a mistake.

OK fair enough, mistakes happen...
However it has been continuously observed by astronomers in Antarctica from around the world, and by space telescopes from NASA, France, Japan, etc...ever since.
If it's a mistake and nothing is there then what the hell have they been observing all these many years???
Even the Vatican is said to be secretly involved in launching their own space telescope in order to observe this "nothing".

It is believed that Nibiru/Eris has a 3600 year orbit of our sun, but is actually a member of another solar system near ours.
(WOW! exactly the same as the ancient Sumerians said - Fascinating!!!)
It orbits (moves) in an opposite direction of all of our own planets.

Scientists have known that there are what they call "extra solar planets" for a long time. These are refered to as traveling or wondering planets.
So the discovery of Nibiru/Eris should come as no big surprise.

So what is going on here???

Because of the Earth's tilt, Nibiru/Eris can only be observed (with high powered telescopes) from the South pole right now.
But it should be visible with a regular telescope, from most places on the planet, by May 15, 2009 (It will be seen as a faint reddish object).
By May 2011 you should be able to see it with the naked eye.

On December 21, 2012 Nibiru/Eris should pass through the eliptic plain, and will be seen as a bright red star and will appear like a second sun.
It's pull on our gravity will cause dramatic weather anomalies and a probable pole shift.

This is something we might well wish to know about right???
So why the secrecy???

Insiders from NASA, the Dept. Of Defense, National Military Intelligence, S.E.T.I., and the CIA, speculate that 2/3 of the Earth's population will die during the coming pole shift.
Of those who survive another 2/3 could die due to starvation and exposure to the elements.

So why would they want tell us about it!!!
I mean just because we foot the bill (a very large bill) that doesn't give us the right to know anything about it!!!
Besides it's best not to stir the pot, after all they don't want people running amuck now do they!!!
The world governments know all about this, and have for sometime, but rather than start a panic they remain quiet, and secretly build underground shelters for those they deem worthy of saving, while they point more and more infrared telescopes towards the heavens.

Of course this whole Nibiru/Eris thing could be bullshit, let us all hope that it is.
But why spend billions or trillions of dollars on bullshit???
I guess we will all have to keep an eye on the sky to see for ourselves.

However the first 3 things I mentioned are no fairytale and WILL occur just as they always have.
What these things mean for the planet and our own survival??
Makes me shudder just thinking about it!!!

By the way, why would NASA name this new planet Eris?
Eris afterall was the Greek goddess of strife.

Anyway how about you follow the money!!

10 minute, 3 seconds long

The evidence is there if you just look for it.
Here is a good starting point.....


Anonymous said...

that is a lot of satelites to be looking at nothing the government is really good at keeping secrets I heard a story where the brookings institute told nasa that if they did ever discover aliens they should not tell the public because it would cause a major panic so they will keep anything like that a secret from all of us we won't know about the aliens until they start killing everyone with laser beams lol

Anonymous said...

so should i stop paying off my credit cards?

Anonymous said...

Loki have you built your bomb shelter and can I come over and join you in it?
I promise to keep you warm at night.

Anonymous said...

There is NO evidence that reflects a polor shift will occur. In fact no one knows what will happen and that's if anything happens at all.

LOKI - Nana said...

Let us all hope that you're right but I guess we will just have to wait and see now won't we.

LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said...
so should i stop paying off my credit cards?
You just gave one of the exact reasons why the government would NOT tell us about any of these things or about proof of aliens or any other "earth shattering" event.

People would stop working, they would not pay off their debts, and the entire global economy would crash in the space of a few weeks.

Those who like finding reasons to run amuck would certainly have one if these things were revealed.
It truely would be global mayhem.

Now I am not saying I believe in these things or in aliens or any of that...
I do however definately believe that IF these things were true and IF the world governments knew about it they WOULD keep it secret from us.
This I believe without a doubt!!!!