Monday, September 29, 2008


I would like to give kudos and congrats to my newest favorite radio show!!!



It will be on the air every Friday Afternoon beginning September 12th in Orlando, Florida
and every Thursday in the Detroit/Dearborn area on AM radio

as well as streaming online all around the world!

It is a new show that is bound to raise a few eyebrows and get a few fatawa's issued

GO TO.......

click on archives to hear latest shows.

I understand shooter is involved in, way to go Shooter!!!!!

We need to take OUR freedom of speech back and use it to it's fullest extent to beat these muzzies at their own game!!!


Anonymous said...

Fuck shooter the woman beater!!!

Anonymous said...

Loki, actually Shooter is the co-host to the main talk host in the Orlando Market. They are being sponsored by a Christian group. And the head of CAIR in Orlando has already been on TV and said it's hate radio. And requested that the host be arrested for hate talk. Even though the radio host said that in America people have the right to say what they want as long as no subsequent threat is being made. The host continued to say that that paid in advance for 3months of radio time and what they say with their alotted time slot is their business. The host adamantly said no one is forced to listen to their show. Which is very true.

I am sick and tired of people complaining when something subjective is on the radio or tv. People aren't forced to listen or watch those stations. People have the right and common sense to simply not go to that channel or just turn their radio or tv off.

Though Shooter has done some aweful things in chat. He's always hated islam. And I give him credit for taking his passion of hating islam to another level. Because when we bitch in chat...what does it really achieve...NOTHING. It's just a group of people who are venting but never yielding any kind of positive results or outcome. Whereas, Shooter and the other host are reaching out to thousands of people and hopefully getting their message across to people who are unaware of the severity of the muslim/islam threat we face.

I actually heard a few shows and Shooter is exactly like he was in chat minus the cursing. The producer of the show played a sound bit of people praying. And Shooter said "who wants to listen to those camels moaning like a sick animal." Was hilarious and they had a muslim on that show to debate them. Basically the main host ask some serious questions and debates his guest if they're a muzzy or muzzy lover. And Shooter fills in the background calling these people idiots.

As for Shooter beating up some chick or stealing her money when she came to visit him from the UK. Who is anyone to one knows what truly transpired when this purportedly occurred. As for Shooters criminal history. Well, I don't condone his past actions. But, appears he's stayed out of trouble and has grown as a person and no longer doing criminal activity as far as anyone knows. Maybe, Shooter has found some purpose in which he has decided to go in another direction. Everyone deserves a second chance. He paid his time for his past. And just maybe he's more mature now. People can say whatever they want. But, it's their actions that tells you what they're all about. I say give Shooter a chance and lets see how he does.

Also, prior to Shooters radio gig. He was going to several college campus in central Florida. He and some others would set up a table with pamplets and would discuss the evils of islam. They even challenged the muslim clubs on those campus'. And he would record it all to show people what these sub human muslims would say in regard to the subject matter.

For people to judge and make fun of Shooter. I have one question for you. What are you doing to fight islam. And arguing in a chat room isn't much. Since your collective audience is no more than 50 people. So, before you knock down Shooter. Ask yourself what have done or going to do to advance the fight and cause we face against these muslim sub-human idiots. At least he's doing something that's getting recognition. You have to give him credit for that.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yes, yes, Shooter is doing a good thing here. We should stand behind him on this.
His past is his past and my own personel interest is in fighting Islam and he IS doing just that.

We should ALL be doing as much.

I will continue to listen to the show, its a hell of a lot better than listening to assholes bicker in the chatrooms about stupid bullshit!!!

J*A*C*K said...


Anonymous said...

holy shit scuba, is it possible for you to write anything that is concise and to the point?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for plugging the show and the website. The show and the website is a group effort and highly organized by two very awesome people and one of those people is Shooter and this is why it's been a fast success.

And yes who ever wrote all that up there lol Shooter is co host and also one of the Producer's of the show. He and the executive producer are the one's who started it and we all had a hand in getting the PR for fund raising for the show to get it on the air.

People enjoy judging others namely Shooter for things they know nothing about and further enjoy running their mouths about it... you know why... then no one is able to look and judge them. They can scrape by on an occasional mussie bash during countless chat hours but never really make a difference.

Shooter takes the fight to the streets so why don't the people who judge.. put up or shut up. If you were off your ass and doing something then you wouldn't have as much time to assume and run your mouths about others.

Out of many years chatting... who else has their names out there in the real fight... face to face with muslims? Name 5 people.. betcha can't.

Now for a shameless plug... visit the website and but a shirt to keep Radio Jihad on the air and to keep the fatwas coming. Also sign the guest book or shoot me an email and let me know what you think of the website.