Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I love baseball, always have, and one of my very favorite teams, win, lose, or draw is the cubs.
Each year I bite my nails and hope the curse will finally be lifted, and each year I'm disappointed but hopeful that next year their time will come.

That is until now........
This year I prayed as hard as I could and with all my heart and soul that my beloved cubs would lose the national division playoffs.

Why you may ask??

Because there are muzzies in their midst.
Muzzies organized and gathered at Wrigley field and prayed that allah would rescue the cubs from their 100 year curse and help them win.

Upon hearing this all my hopes and prayers were that the cubs would lose,
and lose they did!!!!
Sorry cubbys but this is about much more than just baseball.



Anonymous said...

There are muslim fan's in every sport. What you did was stupid.

LOKI - Nana said...

What I did???

Yes it was solely my power of prayer that made the cubs lose!!


Damn I am good
All hail the Loki!!!!

J*A*C*K said...

I have summoned the gods who look over Borr. The Cornhuskers will prevail.

LOKI - Nana said...

In your dreams!!!

Apparently my powers are absolute and I deem that the cornhuskers will go down in flames.

So it shall be written, so it shall be done!

Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

Muzzies organized and gathered at Wrigley field and prayed that allah would rescue the cubs from their 100 year curse and help them win.

seems allah is asleep at the wheel lol

Anonymous said...

Allah is always asleep at the wheel, since it doesn't exist. Allah was made up by mohammed who wanted power and was jealous of everyone. Fucking muslims need to remove themselves from our lands immediately if they want to live.

With our economic worries going on. Nothing like a good old war to bring things back. And of course the enemy would be islam. I bet the stupid muslims think we're weak now and would attempt somekind of terrorist act. That would be a grave mistake. Then we would unleash on them. Without any doubt in this writers opinion. War is coming against the muslims and islam much sooner rather than later. And they better watch out too.

Unlawful_Sign said...

I'm a Sox fan, gotta go with the south siders. But the Fucking rays beat'em 3 games to 1.

loki said...

Looks like the Sox are on a come back now....To bad cause I was hoping the Rays and Dodgers would be in there... but as of now it looks like it might be the Phillies and the Sox.

On a football note.......
I am absolutely devastated that Texas A&M beat my beloved Sooners today!!!

Woe is me....oh woe is me!!!!


loki said...

Well maybe I spoke to soon lol

It took 11 innings and 5 1/2 hours but the rays pulled off the win tonight.

What a game!!!

Kathi said...

Sorry Loki, but I'm a Cardinals fan, you know how that goes! I was secretly rooting for the Cubs tho, but JUST this once...lol! I hope if the Cards get in the race next year the scum in our "little bosnia" keep their prayers to themselves.


Terry¨*♥ ♥**♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ ♥*¨¨*♥ said...

hey crumb. Sorry to say i am not a baseball fan ever since they pulled the strike. Gimmie some football..and it will all be alright.lol