Sunday, October 26, 2008


Our eye on the prize reporter has obtained this at great risk to her own personal safety. She hid in the bushes behind Senator Obama's house after hearing that a weekend sleep over/BBQ was going to take place there.

This is just some the footage she captured.....
As you can see all the movers & shakers of the democratic party were there.
And boy were they movin' & shakin".....JUST LOOK AT EM GO!!!

Sen Nancy Pelosi was over heard saying... "this election is in the bag and finally we democrats will have the government all to ourselves and we can do whatever we want"!!!
At which point Bill Clinton raised his glass and shouted... "FREE SEX WITH NO REPERCUSSIONS WOOO HOOO"!!!

Hillary then shot him a fierce, I'll see you in hell look, and Bill, with a sheepish grin, quickly added... "just kidding honey", but then gave Obama a high five & a wink after Hillary had strolled off to refill her plate at the buffet table.

Obama gave the first of many toasts, saying.... "finally we will be just like the Europeans; culturally diverse, socialistic, and with borders that are wide open".
He then added... "I just can't wait to sign that North American Union thingy into law, here's to the new United States Constitution".
With this all in attendance raised their glasses and shouted "HERE, HERE"!!!

Barbara Streisand spent much of her time hovering around the buffet table, muttering to herself, and singing songs that haven't been popular since the 1960's.

When asked by Sen. Harry Reid what she thought about the problems between the muslims and the Isrealis, Barbara replied... "hey I'm rich and as long as I don't have to live in the firing zone I don't give a shit what happens to the Jews, hey is that chocolate cheese cake"!!??

Bill was overheard by our reporter giving Barrack pointers on how to sneak out of the white house undetected by both the wife and the secret service saying... "sometimes you just need a break from the same old white house intern trim ya know".

Barrack agreed, smiling brightly, and asked Bill if he had ever sampled the Chicago street pussy, licking his lips and adding... "those hoes will do anything for a $20".
They both laughed heartily but quickly changed the subject to power tools when the wives strolled over to join them.

Later, as the margaritas freely flowed, Barrack took Hillary aside and was over overheard whispering to her... "sorry old girl but just as the black man got the right to vote before women, the black man has the right to get the Presidency before women... it's all part of that black entitlement thing, you understand right"?.

Hillary, smiling, agreed with him, but was later spotted by our reporter in a corner of the yard, sharpening a large hunting knife while muttering to herself... "That's alright you arrogant, limp-dicked, coon-faced nigger, we'll see who's running on the Democratic ticket in 2012"!!!

As the evening wore on and Hillary slipped into her usual margarita coma, our reporter noted Bill slipping off into the house and chasing Michelle Obama into the pantry.
We can only infer what happened next!!!

The rest of the evening was mostly filled with chatter about how stupid & gullible the American people are and which pork projects they would support in order to pad their already big bank accounts. Obama was heard saying... "fuck the checks and balances, we can do whatever we want come next year, hell we may never have elections again"!!!

This garnered raucous cheers from everyone with shouts of... "all hail King Obama", which awoke Hillary, who was quickly handed another drink by Bill.
Our reporter noted that he was hungerly eyeing the maid as he did so.

Well there you go, breaking news of the day from our eye on the prize reporter, who must remain anonymous as she would be assassinated if we did reveal her identity.

Stay Tuned Patriots, you ain't seen nothin' yet!!!


Anonymous said...

roflmfao now thats some funny shit you write that yourself loki?
sad part is that it is probably true.

Anonymous said...


J*A*C*K said...

It's party time boys and girls.

Anonymous said...

The sad part is that these guys are probably thinking and even saying those things to each other for real.

When the government is to one sided (ie: mostly democrats or mostly republicans) then there is no one to stop them from doing things that would normally never be allowed.

I fear Obama will win the white house and democrats will get at least 60 democrats and therefore rule congress and then we will see this country go in a way that we have never seen before.

The men and women in our government no matter what their party have proven to be untrustworthy and the only reason they haven't destroyed this country sooner is because they were split by party and therefore spending most of their time arguing with each other.

If Obama wins they will now finally be able to concentrate on the democratic agenda, with no republicans to get in their way and we will all see America go the way of Europe.

I am truely afraid for my childrens future and I am not being partisan, I would be just as afraid if the republicans ruled with a majority.
9 out of 10 of our elected officials are corrupt no matter which party they belong to.

loki said...

Ain't it the truth!!!

Anonymous said...

It appears this presidential election will be decided by blacks, a large percentage of which are admittedly voting for Obama simply because of his color,

and by young people who by and large usually do not vote, dont watch the news and therefore know nothing of what is really going on in the world, and of which 87% can't even point out Iraq on a map, and who because of their youth and lack of knowledge have absolutely no business deciding such an important issue as the presidency of the united states.

God help us all

Anonymous said...

I think when it comes to this redistribution of wealth agenda that Obama so often talks about we should look at who it would ultimately benefit rather than simply looking at whether it is a socialist/marxist position.

Who would benefit the most in this country if Obama's redistribution plan is implimented?

Answer: African Americans

The sector of our society that is admittedly;
1- the lowest on the income scale,
2- the highest on the welfare rolls,
3- the highest rate of crime, mostly committed on them by their own,
4- the highest high school drop out rate,
5- the highest rate of children born out of wedlock,

In the end Obamas redistribution of wealth plan will help his own people and I think that is exactly what he is had in mind when he came up with it.

Anonymous said...

to take from those who have and give to those who do not have, this is the core of marxism and socialism.
America does that already by collecting income taxes from those who work and giving welfare money to those who do not work.
I am not a democrat but Bill Clinton was right when he put a 2 year limit on the length of time people could suck off the welfare system.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:11 said
3- the highest rate of crime, mostly committed on them by their own,

Mother, brother, and very young nephew of actress/singer Jennifer Hudson murdered in Chicago.
Anyone want to bet on the color of the killers?

Anonymous said...


J*A*C*K said...

Just so you know. Patrick is naked.

loki said...

Well thanks for the info. lol

Unlawful_Sign said...

Obama paid for some pussy on Rush street down town Chi-town, I'm sure of it.Me and my ole lady was at the grocery store (talking amongst ourselves about the elections as most Americans are)and this fat, four eyed, mexican girl who was shaped like a fucking medicine ball chimed in our conversation saying "Obama has a better health care plan" and my ole lady looked at her and said "you need health care to put that 10 ft. booty on some mutha fuckin fruity.And she waddled off into the snack cake isle with little debbies on her one track mine.That's a typical Obama supporter, somebody who is looking for a fucking hand out.

Unlawful_Sign said...

this message was paid for by the under-ground network working over time.

loki said...

I wonder if there will be riots if Obama does not get elected.

You know like the Rodnay King riots.