Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I was sitting on the couch enjoying a movie tonight when I heard yelling outside, so naturally I went to the window to see what was up.

Outside in the middle of the street were 4 young black men, whooping it up, yelling "fuck you whitey we gonna be running things now".

And so it begins!!!!


Kathi said...

It's like that here too, Loki. I am waiting to see if the crime rate goes up, since so many now think they can't be touched with Obama in charge. The ones that bothered me were the folks yelling "fall in line whitey".


Anonymous said...

Funny Loki, how suddenly the blacks believe that all the injustices will be reversed due to Obama being our 44th president. Or how the blacks think Obama is going to favor them and in a blantly manner too. Yet these idiot Blacks don't realize that Obama is not above the law and the Constitution. It's wishful thinking for these blacks.

I even heard a black woman saying in public...."thank g_d Obama won, I no longer have to pay my mortgage or pay full price for gasoline. These blacks are in for a huge surprise and only a matter of time. Till they call Obama a Uncle Tom. And the beauty behind this negative (Obama being elected)is the Blacks will turn on him in 2012 since he didn't give them special treatment. Also, Obama set the bar so high in what he promised he would do. And when he's unable to produce this will turn off the voter base who voted for Obama. Obama set the expectations so high that he cannot achieve them, which will make him out to be a liar in the voters eyes.

So, yes Obama had a huge victory, but in the end it will be his demise. Due to the expectations and setting the bar so high. In which he won't be able to accomplish these things he wants to do. If Obama is able to complete 30% of what he said...I will be impressed. But, it still won't be enough and this will cost him big time. And cause him to not to be re-elected. So there is some light at the end of the tunnel when his four years is up. We just have to be patient.

And don't forget that the media and America people will be watching Obama under a microscope. Thought the media was in the tank for Obama...they still will be watching him very closely, as well as, the American people. We will demand why he hasn't kept true to his promises he made. I'm a firm believer that good always prevails in the end. And sometimes we have to take a few steps backwards in order to take huge leaps forward. And this situation pertains to what I said above. I suppose America has to learn a hard lesson in this matter. And we'll all get the message. Obama will go down in history as a president who had a lot of vision which never came to fruition and will be seen as one of our worse presidents.

In fact the Obama situation is exactly like the Carter Administration and look how history judged Carter...wasn't a pretty picture for Carter and it will be the same for Obama. The comparisions between Carter and Obama are strictingly the same, which is scarey too.

And now that a Black man is president. Black people cannot use racism anymore...when Obama fails big time. We can say...we gave you n opportunity and you failed misriablly. I know you and others understand what I'm conveying in this comment. Black people are delusional. And now they'll get what they truly deserve.

Black people need to understand one main thing. They need to STOP playing VICTIM for something that occurred hundreds of years ago. The reason blacks have not advanced in America. Is because they refuse to stop acting like victims and move forward. Blacks have the highest drop out rate from a basic education, highest rate in abandoning their kids (70%), and the highest incarceration rate too. Blacks refuse to understand that they aren't entitled to things, instead they need to understand that the key or secret to success or doing well in getting a quality education. which will enable them to get a decent job. Once in a good job, they have to work hard to advance and move forward. But, between the media and people like Sharpton, Jackson and Farakhan...these people only hold back the black community. And these aforementioned men do this intentionally because it provides them with a job (if you want to call it that) and being in the public spot light. Imagine if these men didn't do that...they would actually have to get a real job.

The black community fails to see these things and therefore will never move forward and advance in our society. If anything the black community should look at what other minority groups have done and the asians, jews, even some hispanics, etc. And they would see they advance simply by following the rules of how things are done here. And then those other people see prosperity via hard work and not complaining and not believing they;re entitled to things. Until then the black will remain running in one spot and never advancing. Obama is not their savior per se.

Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors. Just a bit tired, but wanted to added my two cents to this subject matter. And sure you and your reader get the jest in what I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

Sure looks like Obama is doing good for himself.

LOKI - Nana said...

That is exactly what I've been saying.

I also believe that NEVER AGAIN should any of us allow a black person to cry "oppression" and get away with it.

I believe this is the very reason we didn't see hardly any of Sharpton or Jackson during this long election process.

They knew that if Obama was elected they would no longer be able to blame whitey for everything, and since that has always been their ONLY job....this kind of puts them out of business!!!

Once Obama had the election in the bag the other night....I hoped beyond hope that the Democrats would have overwhelming majorities in both the House & Senate, because that way not even the Republicans can be blamed for what is NOT going to be accomplished in the next four years.

And to Anonymous 2:39....
And just what has he done so far??
I see no changes other than alot more arrogance from black people who think they are in charge now.

I say let them be in charge.
They think they can do so much better, when in reality, White did not get us in this mess that America is in, no greed did, and greed comes in all colors.
A lesson blacks & ultra-liberals need to learn!!!

Already black people are getting greedy, and power hungry.

In the end this will only hurt race relations and they will have no one to blame but themselves this time!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said Loki, I couldn't have said it better myself. And you're absolutely correct about the majority of the congress being democrat. Who are the democrats going to blame? Especially when the republicians cannot use "fillabusters" in bills going to the congress for a vote. Here's the problem amongst all Americans...regardless of race and gender. Many don't understand how our political system operates. They have no clue what a "fillabuster" or "earmarks" means. As well as, most don't understand that when a House Representative or Senator writes a Bill. It goes in front of a 'Sub-committtee" if passed there, it then moves forward to a "full committee" and if approved there. Then it goes to the floor of the House or Senate for a vote. Which it must passed with 2/3 of the vote to go to the other house of congress for them to vote. If a Senator writes a bill and is approved at the sub and full committee then it goes to the Senator floor first. And vise versa for if someone creates a bill in the House of Representatives. But too many Americans have the slighlest clue in this process of a bill being approved, advancing to the next level or just never making it to the congress. And why some bills take years for approval due to people in the congress voice their concerns on somethings and want to have other things added to the original bill. Even add to the bill when it doesnt pretain to the subject matter of the bill. The McCain/feingold Bill took something like 4 years before it was approved due to what I said above. And this kind of thing needs to be stopped too.

If a bill is about earmarks. No need for a few ppl to want to add something to that bill that has nothing to do with the initial bill. What we need is change, I do agree with that. Just we don't need Obama's and the democrats subsequent change. Rememeber that not all change is necessrily good for the people and America. Look at NAFTA it was a good bill on paper. But, when practiced it's truly hurting Americans and benefitting the nations bordering us...especially Mexico. And now Obama wants to add to NAFTA which would be devasating to the American people. I will go into the adding to NAFTA on another thread.

And in my initial comment regarding the Black Community. I want to make it clear I wasn't addressing all Blacks. Just the majority of them. Many Blacks have made great strides in advancing and those are the Blacks the other people need to look up too and follow their lead. Is there hope for their community...absolutely. But, they need to see the bigger picture and keep their eyes on the prize per se. I just wanted to clarify that NOT ALL BLACKS are bad or mis-guided. For example look at Cg's husband. He has done it right. He worked hard and didn't rock the boat and now he has a great family and doing well for himself. So I admire a person like Cg's hubby. Just wish others would do as he has done. And then those people will say oh didn't know it was done like this. Race relations in America has a long way to go. But, a dialogue and change will take time to achieve a balance. It's not one races fault...but both sides are for blame. Just the way I see it. Is the white race has done something and then more to reach out and help these people. And yet they prefer to complain, rather than take advantage of what is offerred them.

Unfortnately, many blacks don't believe an education is important. And don't want to learn our history and understand how things are done here. So for now, blacks are their own worse enemy until they're willing to change themselves. Instead of thinking just one man is going to change things for them. They must realize that they have to do for themselves to have success.

Anonymous said...

Glock says niggers never accomplishes anything for themselves. Sure looks to me like Obama accomplished something for himself, like being President of the USA for instance,

Anonymous said...

Hellzbellz says niggers never accomplishes anything for themselves. Sure looks to me like Obama accomplished something for himself, like being President of the USA for instance. (sorry Glock)

Anonymous said...

Excuse me........ have you seen my pussy?

LOKI - Nana said...

I believe Bill Cosby says it best when he talks about the black community.

He completely understands their issues and tells it like it is.

I personally don't give a shit about color, but I do have a huge problem with the attitude that often comes with color and the belief that one is "entitled" to something just because of their color.

My problem with Obama is NOT his color.
My problem with him is his associations with racist preachers, terrorists, and his muzzie background (being as his father was amuzzie).
My problem with him is his complete lack of experience, and the fact that like all politicians he made any & every promise he could in order to get elected.
My problem with him is that he wants to let all the illegals stay in the US, and that he wants mandatory socialized medicine.

My problem with him is the fact that he got 95% of the black vote, and most of those simply voted for him because he is black.
My problem with him is the fact that a large number of white people voted for him just to prove that they themselves are not racist.

We elected a man based SOLELY on his race and that proves to me that a lot of Americans don't really care about fixing the nation at all, they just wanted to be part of a history making event.

Anonymous said...

Obama just appointed a Jew for Chief of staff yet you idiots call him a muslim.

No Muslim would appoint a Jew for Chief of staff.

LOKI - Nana said...


I never said HE was a muzzie,
But the muzzies sure think he is because in Islamic law if your father is a muzzie then you ARE a muzzie.
You can't change it and if you try to then Islamic law dictates that you be put to death!!!

This is their law, not mine!!

My problem is that he is to closely associated with muzzies because he is only one generation away from Islam.

Besides did it ever occur to you that maybe his appointment of a Jew was simply to convince people that he isn't a muzzie????

BTW, the Islamic world sure is awfully happy Osama Obama got elected....I wonder why that is!!!!