Monday, March 2, 2009


40 year old mom... VS ...7 ft. 3 in. sex offender

In Tacoma Washington a mother saw a sexual predator talking to her 11 year old daughter and went after him with a baseball bat!!!

Today the woman was sentenced to 90 days in jail.

Oh yeah, justice certainly is blind...and in this case deaf and fucking dumb too!!!


Kathi said...

He's lucky she let him live.


Anonymous said...


One used baseball bat. Only used once but has stains on it. Call for price.

Anonymous said...

did she know that the man was a convicted sex offender? was he doing anything other than talking? because if she just walked up and started swinging on him, thats not allowed. the proper response is to call the police unless there is an immediate danger. if he was trying to molest the child, yeah, beat his brains in, but otherwise, remove the child and call the police. you cant go around batting people for just talking, especially if she didnt know his sex offender status before she assaulted him.

Unlawful_Sign said...

You should be aware of this. I was listening to Mark Levin this morning and about 20 minutes into the show he plays a clip of Obama talking to his Kool Aid drinkers. He is rallying his troops to begin knocking on doors this Saturday to push his latest spending bill.

Mark talks about this and how we should handle it. Also, this is important to note for another reason. Aside fror the fact he is mobilizing His gang to hit the streets. It underscores the need for us to become educated and to also hit the streets.

If anyone actually cares.

Unlawful_Sign said...

It's very important that y'all watch this.

Anonymous said...

sign dont you know when you join groups and sign petition that the people you are petitioning against, ie. the government, is reading all that and getting your name?

Anonymous said...

.....not to mention the pic of the guns on Sign's comments and blog.

Unlawful_Sign said...

Anonymous said...
sign dont you know when you join groups and sign petition that the people you are petitioning against, ie. the government, is reading all that and getting your name?

March 23, 2009 3:24 PM

And I am also protected under the 1st Amendment to. Look up your bill of Rights.

Unlawful_Sign said...

I hope the Gov. is reading this because "THEY" work for "US"!!!

J*A*C*K said...

Happy Mother's Day, Morgen.

loki said...

Um thanks but I am not a mom lol...and it's morgOn

J*A*C*K said...

Sorry about that, MorgOn.

Please remember our freedom fighters who gave their life for our country.

Anonymous said...