Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Because the elected officals in Washington refuse to do their sworn duty, by protecting US citizens from invasion, loss of jobs, loss of revenue, bankruptcy of social services and medical establishments, etc, etc... states & citys around the nation are having to step up to the plate and try to take care of things themselves.

One such example of this is my home state of Oklahoma.
Anyway, as of November 1st this year a new state law will take effect that will make illegal immigrants subject to deportation if they are arrested for anything. The law will also greatly limit the public aide that illegals will be able to receive in the state.
Tulsa has already begun to impliment the law and reports are that as many as 20,000 illegals have already fled the city in anticipation of the new law and the current crackdown.

Opponents of this law call attention to the economic effects that are already occuring in Tulsa....for example, construction projects have fallen to only 30% of their capacity due to the lose of workers, meaning where they used to build 10 houses, they now only build 3.

This does not phase me, because construction companies will simply have to hire American workers now and pay them what they are worth, instead of ignoring American workers and hiring cheap mexican illegal workers!!

Oklahoma is simply the latest state/city to take on the problem that our own government refuses to address.
For the people in Washington, it is better to have illegal aliens here for several reasons.

#1 - If we are all concentrating on the illegal immigration problem, then we are not focused on other issues such as their gross mismanagement of tax payer funds, along with a bevy of other issues we need to address.

#2 - Since illegals are counted in the census, congressional seats can be gained by flooding certain areas with illegals.

#3 - Votes, votes, votes.....politicians want votes. They don't care how they get them or who they get them from, so when large groups such as La Raza threaten to give their votes to a candidate who will let all their relatives into the country, politicinas listen.

#4 - Money, money, money......politicians want money, and again they don't care how they get it or who they get it from, so when corporate America sends in their lobbyists, clutching fists full of dollars, promising cash flows for cheap labor, politicians forget all about "we the people".


Anonymous said...

you are completely right on the reasons you gave loki, the US government makes me fucking sick to my stomach these days

Anonymous said...

well I new oklahoma was good for something lol

dont kill me loki but screw the sooners lol

Anonymous said...

Send me some money, baby.

Anonymous said...

loki you are a fucking racist bitch
the US should deport your ass

loki said...

Ya that's right I am a racist fucking bitch!!!

I hate every single mother fucker who sneaks into MY country uninvited!!!

And I have NEVER hid that fact!!!

Now the real question is.....

What the hell are YOU gonna do about it??

Oh and btw, at least I am ALWAYS brave enough to put my ID on my shit.

Now go fuck yourself anonymous, ya mook!!!

Anonymous said...


NOT THE (ugh) "mook" WORD.

I'm calling my Congressman as soon as I find out who he or she is.

I see a hate crime here.

Sorry... it took me 5 minutes to get the verification letters right (damn nazis).

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
loki you are a fucking racist bitch
the US should deport your ass

hey fucker leave loki alone at least shes honest and loves her country

I love you loki will you sleep with me?

Anonymous said...

I think loki may be a nazi lol

just kidding baby I think your HOT

Anonymous said...

I bet if you put a couple of illegals in front of loki she would be a natural born killer

Anonymous said...

wow morgon looks like you have a little fan club here lol

Anonymous said...

loki is far from being a racist. I'm sure loki has no problem with anyone migrating to the usa. As long as they do it legally. She makes a lot of valid points which happen to be true. Washington, is doing absolutely nothing in reference to this problem which is forcing the cities/states to protect themselves.

Recently, a person killed 2 white teenager girls and received the death penality for his criminal acts. Well, the mexican government got involved and said its wrong we gave this dude the death penality. Since mexican is against the death penality. So Bush, told the state to provide another hearing...what kind of hearing is not known...just a hearing.

Many politicians at all levels said that when a vistor is in america legally or illegally. They are bound and obligated to live by our laws.

And our government needs to go after the people who hire these illegals and not just a slap on the wrist. Take away any job opportunity from these illegals and then there would be no reason for them to want to come here. If the illegal alien situation was dealt with accordingly. Many problems we have would go away and free up a shit load of money too.

Representative Tom Tancredo (R) out of Colorado, is running for president. And his views are very strong and harsh on illegal immigration. He's on the peoples side when it comes to this issue.

Anonymous said...

A term coined by Douglas Rushkoff in an episode of PBS's "Frontline" entitled "The Merchants of Cool." Mooks are archetypal young males(teens-early 20s) who act like moronic boneheads. They are self centered simpletons who live a drunken frat-boy lifestyle(or are frat-boys).

Anonymous said...

Is Gino a "over the hill" mook?

Help deport illegal aliens.

Anonymous said...

1. Loki

Loki is the Norse God of trickery, mischief, and change; a major character in Norse Mythology.

LOKI - Nana said...

Actually the term "mook" has been around a very, very long time.

It is simply not a widely used term as is lets say.. "idiot" or "dumbass" or "moron" or whatever.

I hate droning along with the crowd in my language skills, which includes the insults that I hurl at mook has always been a favorite insult of mine!!


LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said...
Loki is the Norse God of trickery, mischief, and change; a major character in Norse Mythology.

Yes, yes, that's me alright,
but you forgot the chaos part!!


Yes I heard about that case.
I plan to post about it in the next couple of days, tomoorow probably.
It makes me so fucking mad that President Bush would side with murderers and Mexico over the lives of 2 young American girls!!!

Anonymous said...

loki will you drone on me lol

loki said...

Anonymous said...
loki will you drone on me lol

Not even in your

Anonymous said...

Go sooners...Go sooners! Proud Okie...and loving it!