Thursday, October 11, 2007


The Mexican consul in Dallas is warning Mexican nationals to stay away from Irving after the city began a crackdown on illegal aliens in their city!
Of course the Mexican consul calls this effort "racial profiling".

What the city is really doing is.....if someone is arrested in their city, an I.C.E. agent will then check their immigration status, and if they are in the US illegally they are being deported!!
It goes for ALL illegal immigrants not just Mexicans, although the Mexicans would like us to believe that they alone are being treated unfairly.
But seriously can we help it if over 90% of ALL illegals in the US are Mexican??

Anyway, the city began cooperating with the I.C.E. 'Criminal Alien Program'(CAP) last September and since then over 1,600 illegals have been turned over to I.C.E. for deportation.

Opponents to Irving's new program openly admit that they do NOT accept US immigration law as valid, saying.......
"you are not neccesarily an illegal once you are here in the United States. It may be illegal to come into the United States but it is not illegal to be here".
Well that makes sense...NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All this goes to show that if cities enforce CURRENT immigration laws, illegals will run and once ALL of our cities start enforcing these laws, the illegals will have no where else to go but home, and that is exactly where they belong!!!

So your cities can either take the overflow of illegals who are leaving places like Tulsa Oklahoma and Irving Texas or your cities can join them in the fight to take our nation back.
Let your city know how you feel and what you want!


Anonymous said...

I have only recently started follwing your blog. I stumbled upon it a couple of weeks ago and have until this point simply been reading it without comment, but I must say that you seem to have a fairly good take on the issues you present especially those regarding illegal immigration.

I am surprised that you do not have a larger following but you can now count me as a fan and loyal reader and I have passed your blog address on to a few others I know who might be interested in reading it. I hope you don't mind.
Keep up the good work.
Yours truely,

Anonymous said...

Anthony is gay.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anthony
I lost my phone number. Could you give me yours?

Deport all illegal gays.

Anonymous said...

watch out guys we have an out sider vying for the attentions of our loki

Anonymous said...

listen punk we dont need no smooth talking fucker cuming around making moves on our girl so back off she belongs to us

LOKI - Nana said...

Thanks for the kind words and please do drop by anytime.

Oh and don't let my favorite lil freaks from the cheap seats scare you off.
Underneath all the childish banter they're really not such a bad group!

And fellas, I luff ya but please, do try to behave.

Anonymous said...

The governor of Missouri, where I live, is doing a crackdown state wide on illegals. The police are checking immigration papers whenever they do a traffic stop or arrest someone. They are also checking for green cards at all state funded jobs. The owners will be heavily fined the first time and if caught again, no more state jobs will be given to them. Our Gov. Blunt is taking a lot of crap at this supposed "racial profiling" but he is standing firm. I hope they start checking the lawn services and eateries


Anonymous said...

I think Anthony is cute.

Anonymous said...

dont mess with anthony. he is probably the only sane person who comes here.

Anonymous said...

ANONYMOUS 10/12/07 5:37 AM

Are you on Anthony's payroll, or are you Anthony?


I pray that all illegal aliens go back to their original home for their own safety. AMEN

Anonymous said...

no, i am alicia. i am just trying to keep the chat vampires off anthony.

LOKI - Nana said...


Anonymous said...

You know what? I think this is absolute proof that it works. You are right..if all cities would do it...they really wouldnt have a place to go...but back where they came from! Go TEXAS! And im not really a TEXAS fan! Thats saying something.