Monday, November 12, 2007


The American civil war was fought between the north, who wanted to end slavery, and the south, who wanted to keep slavery.

November 6, 1860 - Abraham Lincoln, (a white man), who had declared....
"Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free..."
is elected president, the first Republican, receiving 180 of 303 possible electoral votes and 40 percent of the popular vote, and let us not forget that ALL voters at that time were WHITE MEN.

When choosing sides....
Both North and South were influenced by the ideas of Thomas Jefferson (a white man).

Southerners emphasized the states' rights ideas mentioned in Jefferson's Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and the right of revolution mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.

Northerners ranging from the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to the moderate Republican leader Abraham Lincoln emphasized Jefferson's declaration that all men are created equal.

White families were torn apart, white brother against white brother, white father against white son, white neighbor against white neighbor, to end the horrific practice of slavery.

This war, only 4 years in length, which was the deadliest in American history, causing 620,000 soldier deaths and an undetermined number of civilian casualties, was fought by WHITE men to end the slavery of the black man.

Now 200+ years later the question is......
Have the black men ever even acknowledged that it was WHITE men who fought & died for their freedom in the first place???

The white man wanted to end slavery AND racism...the black man only seems to want to keep the racism going.....why is that???
How long can the events of centuries ago be used to justify the blacks racism against whites today???


Anonymous said...

Rock on Morgon your the fucking bomb!!!

White people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the black man all along. Maybe not every single one of us but enough that we should at least be given credit where credit is due!
I am sick of being called a racist just because my skin is white. I am sick of people like you being called a racist simply because you think people should be held accountable for their own actions in the 21st century.
Keep up the good work Morgon, they can not argue with facts even though they may try to.


Anonymous said...

Good post loki I wonder what kind of childish arguement tommy will come up with for this.

Anonymous said...

tommy is not smart enough to argue his case he will do what he always does and keep threatening to shut blogs down because he is to simple minded to argue back intelligently
your doing a good job loki tommy is obviously scared of you that is why he is threatening you

Anonymous said...

loki I may not agree with you on every issue but you do make a good point here.
Black people act like every white person is a racist which makes them by definition racist themselves but they can not seem to comprehend that at all.
To belittle someone due to their color is racist and black people belittle white people all the time.
Lily and Tommy seem to think you are one of the biggest racists around but they dont understand that their own actions and words against you show them to be the real racists here.
I am sorry they ruined your veterans day blog.
It was completely uncalled for since you never once mentioned race or color anywhere in it.
It just goes to show that there are those among the black race who want to make everything about them no matter what

Anonymous said...

Ruined poor loki's veterans day blog? When I mentioned blacks also died she could have simply mentioned how she was greatful..But no she had to go into the head bobbin sshpeel. When did I call every white person racists? Don't try and put ur name in this it was between I and the blog owner. *pukes* I could easily make a blog about whitey..But I'll leave the racism to the racists.
Peace Out! I thought you could handle an adult conversation loki. Looks like I wrong!! Post what you want..I wil not contribue to your cross burnings any longer!

Anonymous said...

A lot of Southerners still think they won the war. LMFAO

I don't think Tommy loves me anymore. LOL

Keep up the good work, Loki.

Anonymous said...

Lilly stop crossing ur legs on tommy it makes him cranky
hi loki

Anonymous said...

loki is not the one who brought up the race thing lily you did and all you had to do was mention that you were greatful for what the vets have done but you started the race thing instead Lily you are the one who is not adult enough to admit that racism exists on both sides but instead you want to fuck with loki because she doesn't back down just because your lap dog tommy tells her to and you are the one who thinks nobody can have an opinion unless it agrees with yours
so run along lily we dont need you around here anyway

Anonymous said...

did everybody notice lily didnt have a comment about the civil war post I guess its hard to argue with facts and where is tommy_g? no comment from him either lol
I guess we know who won this battle.
people with weak minds should never debate loki she is one bitch that will let you dig your own grave and then will crush your skull with your own shovel lol

Anonymous said...

All of Tommy_g_95376's comments have been sent to Google along with his blog name(s).

Anonymous said...

this is good shit lol

Anonymous said...

yeah this is good shit its funny as hell when fucktards like lily and tommy get their panties in a twist thanks for the entertainment loki

Anonymous said...

well done Morgon you held your ground and ran off the whiney bitches lol

Anonymous said...

Go Loki! Nice post! I was waiting on something like this from you! You didnt disappoint me! I hope your day is going good...ttys!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lily it's not our fault you don't know wether your black or white... Stop bitching long enough to figure it out... Got it? Good!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Lily is still whining about this shit. FFS! Blacks get treated better than whites in this country anymore. Whites are afraid of them. Whites are trying too hard to be nice to blacks because they don't want to be accused of being racist. White people are being turned down for promotions and blacks that are not as qualified are getting these promotions. I know white a man that worked for Shell Oil Company for many years. He said back in the 70's he was up for a promotion but they instead gave that job to a black man that wasn't even as qualified as my white friend. The managers said it was because they needed to bring some black employees into higher positions so they would look more like an equal opportunity employeer. The black man eventually got fired or for doing a poor job and my white friend ended up finally getting the promotion that he deserved but this bullshit ended up screwing him out of a really nice pension in the end. Whites are getting the short end of the stick and yet blacks STILL WHINE!

The problems that blacks face today is THEIR OWN FAULT!

WHY don't they focus more on keeping their kids in school and out of gangs? Why don't they focus on educating their kids about the dangers of unprotected sex instead of having crack babies and not even knowing who the father is?

Why do blacks RIOT when they don't get their way?
(Watts Riots)(L.A. RIOTS)

WHY did O.J. Simpson get off? (Fear of another riot)

Why do blacks take out their anger on all white people? (Jena 6)

WHY can't blacks act like civil human beings during a disaster? (Hurricane Katrina)


Whites in California, MANY whites lost their homes during the wildfires. 28 different fires were burning California and these people that lost everything HELPED EACHOTHER. They acted like HUMANS.

So FUCK OFF to Lily and the likes of her.

Anonymous said...

hey loki, go take a picture of oj at the courthouse and post it.

Anonymous said...

i rest my case about them;_ylt=AlFBpqXR2C8h_YYDdRw_F7Os0NUE

Anonymous said...;_ylt=Ajp2OzcbfOb5PrYvCQ0tgP6s0NUE

Anonymous said...

I am incredibly amazed at the ignorance displayed in the comments of this blog. People who clearly attack others.

I am an active duty Soldier and can agree with Lily that the American Soldier bonds; black, white, yellow, or brown.
I can tell you this Lily "I am a service member serving right now, in Afghanistan, sharing my thoughts from this dusty computer.

If you think for ten seconds that there is no validity in the points made here about the "N" word, then you're simply ... twisted.
First, you "personally" may not use the word, but people within your culture do. A spade is a spade so let me call it.
Stay focused. If this "word" is 'the ultimate expression of racism and superiority by whites.' And 'No other word captures the hatred and racism directed towards blacks.' And 'This is true even today.' Then wake up! Listen to what you are trying to tell everyone.
That the "black people" (pardon my expression, I am color blind) can loosely refer to one another as this "expression of racism" but when this is coming from a white man it expresses hate.
So should we implement programs within the "black" (pardon me again, for I am truly color blind) community to teach themselves how to LOVE themselves?

My foxhole is shared by a "black" man, he is a man, a Soldier, a friend, my eyes when I'm not watching, my ears when I am not sleeping, and my life line if I go down.
Even he, a proud "black" man, would not deny that elements of his ethnicity clearly fail to forgive elements of my ethnic background, and "they" choose hate. And vice versa for my ethnicity.

We (you and I alike) cannot change the past. What we can do is change the future! Maybe that concept isn't clear enough for you. I will use a simpler illustration.

Drive ALL the way to work tomorrow using only your rearview mirror. You think this is ludacris, but with this slavery issue, that's exactly what you're doing. Continue to look back, eventually you will crash and burn.

I won't have anything to do with it, it's a personal self destructing mission.

As a Veteran, I thank you! You're compassion is clear.
As a Father, I fight, hoping my Son will not have to.
As a Husband, I fight to make the world a better place so that I may spend the rest of my life with my Beautiful Wife.
As a Soldier, I fight for everyone else's freedom. They were right when they said "Our very way of life is under attack!"

During a dinner with General George Casey a few months ago he emphasized once more what we fight for.

For the rest of the bloggers, it's unfortunate that the comments on this blog went the way they did.

I only hope that next time, we look towards the future and have the ability to stay on track.
Some folks are more narrow minded than others.

Freedom isn't free, Six Heroes began their final journey home Sunday at 1AM as they paid the ultimate sacrifice. A price paid so you could have the freedom to spit this rubbish from your mouth.
Thanks a bunch.

SGT #^$*@*$, Jonathan
United States Army

Anonymous said...

SGT Jonathan, I agree with pretty much everything you said, but just to let you know, Lily started this whole race war on this blog. (Look down a few threads.) I have nothing against blacks that act like civil human beings, I have great black friends, but when the majority of blacks in America act the way that they do and then they bitch about how unfair everything is, then I am going to say something about it.

Other than that, more power to the blacks THAT DESERVE my respect, the educated ones, the ones fighting for our country, the responsible ones, the non-violent ones, but to the others, fuck 'em. We have done plenty for them. I pay for their housing, their foodstamps, their medical care for the pregnant ones and their crack babies. Like I said, fuck 'em.

There is good and bad in all races, just seems that there is more bad in black races, don't you think? Just look at how blacks handle situations, the same situations that whites face. See a difference? I do.

Again, not ALL blacks, I certainly am not dissing the entire race, but to the ones that act like "niggers' ...

well, if the shoe fits!

Anonymous said...


loki said...


So glad ya finally made it.
I told you it was a clusterfuck didn't

I appreciate what ya wrote,
It's nice to get a REAL soldier's prospective in situations like this.

I talked to Mo today and she can't wait til December.

Anyway, love ya, keep your head down and as usual you and the guys are ALWAYS in my prayers!!!

loki said...

Anon 3:54,

Jon knows exactly who started this lil "race war"

I told him and invited him to come and read and then comment after Lily announced she is a veteran.

She better hope she really is a veteran because Jon WILL know.
Either that or she better stay really quiet lol

Cause a fake soldier can NOT fool a real one!

loki said...

Anonymous said...
hey loki, go take a picture of oj at the courthouse and post

How about a picture of the ocean of satellite trucks down the street from the courthouse?

It's fucking ridiculous the attention this asshole is getting around here!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Loki did you see Criss Angel levitate over the Luxor?

Anonymous said...



LOKI - Nana said...

Anonymous said...
Hey Loki did you see Criss Angel levitate over the Luxor?

No but I have seen him do some amazing shit a couple times downtown on Freemont street.

He is truely AWESOME!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yah he rocks. I am glad that for whatever reason he didn't end up being a part of Skankbag Spears act at the VMA. That could have put a flaw in his awesomeness.

Anonymous said...

To the American Soldier (Jon). First and foremost...THANK YOU and all your buddies for what you're doing overseas. I truly appreciate the ultimate scarifice you make daily so I can enjoy the very freedom and liberties I and the rest of americans have.

As for your comment, it was well thought out and you articulated it perfectly. Lily is exactly what you said...she is narrow minded. And until blacks begin to look forward and not remain in the past. They will never advance and make progress.

And Loki excellent job in posting the facts on the Civil War. Yet blacks don't are so ignorant and lack the proper education to even realize. That war was based on freeing slaves and that white men fought and died to ensure that blacks would no longer be slaves.

Anonymous said...

no comment from either one of them

tommy-g who i thought was gay now is not gay? how does that happen maybe hes bi but i remember him coming into the rooms with his little cotton candy pink fonts just gay as can be

and lily well we all know abiut her

Anonymous said...

scuba girl said...
tommy i wouldn't sue you. But why do you feel so compelled to threaten people. By saying you will close their blog down. It doesn't do any good in the first place. Simply people will just open another blog. What you need to ask yourself, as well as why are you sccared of freedom of speech, even though you two don't agree with what is being said. And last I recall, being a racist is not against law.

In fact, the way you two are reacting and responding is a reflection of your own racism. It's smarter to let other Think you're a fool. Rather then Open your mouth and Prove you're a fool. Essentially, why not think before you open your mouth and spew something. Why not debate the subject matter in an intelligent manner. Rather than be threatening and using vile words. Most would respect another who is polite than being an asshole. And being proud of being an asshole is nothing to be proud of.

And a while back didn't you tell me and many others you were gay and came out of the closet. Or were you just bullshitting. Personally, I believe you are gay from what we discussed. So suddenly you are no longer gay and hooking up with Lily. Many men have attempted to deny what they truly are. And then waste years of a womans life just to tell them they were always gay. And the man thought if he only got married had some kids and tried to be normal, there being gay would go away. Now, if you're attempting to do this you will find out the hard way you cannot change what you are.