Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I love you guys, well some of you anyway, so I thought I might provide a little ammunition for you to use in the rooms against the muzzies!!!
Afterall we can only say "fuck allah" so many times right? LOL
and if nothing else, some of these will make you laugh, and lets face it we could all use a good laugh every now and then!!
SO HERE GOES...................

#1 - First let's hear about the creation of man from the muzzies own play book (the Qur'an) shall we.......Now remember these are the words of Allah himself!!!

Sura 96:2-
allah said - I created man out of a mere clot of congealed blood
Sura 15:26-
allah said - I created man out of sounding clay, from mud molded into shape
Sura 3:59-
allah said - I created man from dust
Sura 3:67-
allah said - I created man out of nothing
Sura 16:4-
allah said - I created man from a single drop of sperm

I think allah is just a tad bit confused folks!!

#2 - Now let's hear some more wonders from the muzzies own playbook.....Remember once again, these are the words of allah himself!!!

Sura 18:86-
Allah says - the sun sets in a muddy pool of water every evening
Sura 86:7-
Allah says - man's sperm comes from his backbone and ribs

Oh dear it must be quite embarrassing for allah to be proven wrong by mere mortal men whom he himself created.

Sura 65:4-
Allah says - if you marry a young girl who has not yet had puberty, you can divorce her after 3 months of having sex with her if she does not please you

WOW allah, the pedophile's friend!!!

#3 - Muzzies like to whine that the bible & Torah have been corrupted, and they use quotes from the Bible to prove this.
BUT how can one claim something is corrupt unless they have the REAL version to compare it to??
Well as it happens we DO have the "real" versions.....

A. The dead sea scrolls (the old testament) were discovered in 1948, and they date back over 2000 yrs. and they match perfectly to the old testament we use today. Therefore NOT corrupted!!

B. We also have over 24,000 manuscripts of the new testament and those match perfectly to the new testament we use today.
Therefore NOT corrupted!!

So to continue.....

Muzzies say that their Qur'an has been preserved without change for some 1400 years and therefore that makes it authoritative and from God...
But WE have proven that our Bible has been preserved without change for at least 600 years longer than the Qur'an, therefore by their own definition, the Bible IS authoritative and from GOD!!!

Also in the Qur'an it says that Jesus was sent by God to confirm the Torah (old testament), which means the Torah could NOT have been corrupted at that time, otherwise why would God have sent Jesus to confirm it??

#4 - Now of course all good playbooks from God need a book of interpretation,
no wait..do they?
Well the Qur'an does, so here goes.....

Well actually I think I will save that for tomorrow
So until then..HAPPY MUZZIE BASHING!!!


Anonymous said...

lmao good work Morgon I especially like the part about how allah created men. you would think that god of all people would know that one lmao

Anonymous said...

I think im in love with you loki.

Anonymous said...

loki belongs to me so back off

Anonymous said...

Salami Asslikum

We are having a pig sale every day this week. Come out to the farm and check out the pigs. Bring the kiddies, they will love to ride the pigs (it's free). Our pigs are untouched by human hand and are trained to face twords Mecca on command. If you are not satisfied with the pig you buy, bring it back for an exchange or refund, but only if you have not had sex with the pig. Sorry... no bombs allowed on farm.
Thank-you and cum again.


(space will be provided for prayer)

Anonymous said...

loki I knew most of this already but it is good that you provided the chapters and verses to back it up it always fucks up the muzzies when you can provide those
then they start yammering about how we misinterpreted what we read lol
They are very predictable

Anonymous said...

That stuff about all the different ways allah created man is great
I cant wait to ask the muzzies how allah created us and then bring this back on them should be funny lol

Anonymous said...

well put together and good writing style loki

Anonymous said...

oh come on you guys your going to give loki a bigger head than she already got lol

Anonymous said...


Kathi said...

Thank you for the info. It's good to learn new facts that I didn't know. My hatred of muslims runs deep and on a personal level, so thank you for the new ammo!


Anonymous said...

Now loki you are being to hard on allah, you cant expect him to remember all the little details like how he created man. What is he a machine?

Anonymous said...

Loki if muslims believe that the bible (OT/NT) is corrupted then tell them how come the Quran needs the bible for their Quran, since the Quran cannot stand alone on it's own. Without using parts of the Bible the quran would make much more less sense.

Also, the word "Adam" in hebrew means MAN. And this was given to us all in the old testament. Per, the quran Adam was 90 feet tall, so if we're all from Adam how come we're are not this tall.

Also, in the sura in which man was created by clay. That region were the clay is from is extremely high in density with Aluminum Silica, yet there are NO traces of this element in humans. So, again if we're from Adam how come this compound is not found in us...not even minute trace amounts of it. Any fool can tell that the quran was made up from mohammed due to how crazy it is, it's not in chronological order and repetitive too. Why would a god have to constant repeat things...their book of fables, just doesn't add up.