Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I was watching the news today and a story came on about the rescue of a sea lion who was embedded with over 40 hooks in it's mouth and flippers.
After the video of the rescue finished playing the reporter commented "wouldn't it be great if people were as nice to each other as they are to animals"?
Well Mr. Reporter I must strongly disagree with you and say I could not stand it if we treated people the same way we do animals!!!

The following video gives a glimpse of just how we humans really DO treat animals and for everyone who sees this I would just like you to know what these particular animals go through in order make your Thanksgiving tables complete.

I'm not trying to get you to stop eating turkey BUT you should at least know HOW they get to you!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't want to watch this because I have seen it before and it really killed me. I will never buy a turkey for Thanksgiving from the grocery store again.

Factory farms like Butterball treat their livestock like shit. They throw the birds sround, they stomp on them, bash them, poke their eyes out, and if I remember correctly, some mexican fuck face shoved his finger up a turkey's vagina and raped her!

No thanks. I will not support cooporations that abuse animals.

If I want turkey, it will come from a LOCAL FAMILY FARM, like all of my meat and dairy comes from, or I will eat a turkey that someone hunted. I'd even hunt one myself if I could.

Glad you posted this. People need to stop being such gluttons and start being aware.

Sometimes I wonder why God has allowed so much tragedy to occur on our homeland. Could it be because of the way we have been treating his creatures? I thought that God placed animals on Earth as a gift to us. For companionship and as a food source, but people don't care. It's a shame.

We need to start respecting all forms of life. Animals have feelings and emotions too.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Also, Loki, I wanted to ask you how you feel about Thanksgiving since you are part Native American Indian...?

"The United American Indians of New England web reminds us, "Since 1970, Native Americans have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill in Plymouth to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the US thanksgiving holiday. Many Native Americans do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. Thanksgiving day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience."

LOKI - Nana said...

Well because I am PART Native American, Thanksgiving has become a very conflicting holiday for me as time goes by.

Having grown up on the, lets call it, "European side" of America, Thanksgiving has always been a part of the landscape of my life and I always enjoyed the day.

It was only when I became an adult and realized that I had another side of myself to explore that I began to understand the true meaning of the day for those on the "other" side of it.

Because of this I have tremendous empathy for the plight of the Native Americans.

I find great pride in the fact that it was ONLY with the help of Native Americans that the pilgrams DID survive their stay in America.

I feel great shame in the fact that the Native Americans were repaid for their kindness in the way that they were.

And I feel utterly conflicted to be part of both worlds, and it is always on Thanksgiving that I am reminded of this fact.

I am extremely proud of my Italian roots and my Irish roots.
I am also extremely proud of my Apache roots.
Obviously, in my family anyway, the differences were over-ruled by love, so if given the chance,
I wouldn't change a thing.

So basically I use Thanksgving as a day to count my personal blessings and to be thankful for the things I have in my life.

Anonymous said...

Well said Loki... and may you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have our own personal reason in why this day hold such importance to us. The native indians with no doubt looked within their hearts to help the pilgrims. And later on we were cruel...which is a sad part of american history. Too many people now see thanksgiving as a paid holiday off and a lot of good food with people who are close to them. Many forget what this day truly represents. I am thankful for many things. But, I always make sure at my dinner table on this day. That something is said about how the native indians did what they did to help us. And why we should be thankful to them and their kindness. I am just amazed how we can sometimes be so cruel to people when they want to help us and ask for nothing in return.

Kathi said...

I know there are animals that are treated horribly in this and other countries, but I can't help it....I still eat beef, pork and poultry. I do agree with animal protection, primarily for domestic animals or pets, circus animals and livestock not being used for food purposes. I do feel bad for the animals we eat, but I try not to think about it because then I would only eat veggies.

Anonymous said...

Kathi you can look into other meat sources instead of supporting concentration camps for helpless animals. Everytime you buy meat from the grocery store, you are paying people to do what has happened in that video.

There are some alternatives... You can send Pat out there to shoot deer, bird, or catch fish, or you could try to obtain your meat and dairy from local family farms where the animals are not beaten, shackled and denied the right to walk or be in the sun!

At least animals hunted or fished in the wild have had a fair chance at life because there are hunting laws and regulations that protect hunted species, and these animals do not live their lives in cruel conditions.

Anonymous said...


shut the fuck up slut

Anonymous said...

scuba girl said...
Pat, Kathi, Alicia and the rest of the Crew...I would want to extend a warm and Happy Thanksgiving to you ALL. This is a day that has a lot of meaning to our great nation. Granted America is not the most popular country in the world today. But, it's America who takes a stand and helps others in time of need. Last I recall when someone offers assistance, the person and/or country ususally said thank you. Whereas, today they people accept our help and then take trash about us.

Have a beautiful holiday season and never forget what these holidays represent and mean to us. May peace be upon all free people and fu*k the muslims who are attempting to take away what we stand for

Pat, Kathi, Alicia and the rest of the Crew...I would want to extend my hatred towards all of you. Your all a bunch of garbage. Especially Scuba the whore. Pat and Kathi the idiots of chat and Alicia the cocksucking whore as well. May you choke on a turkey bone and spit up blood and die. ASSHOLES!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who's the asshole? It this cock sucking anon Pastordevil? He's the only one that has a problem with Scuba.

Sorry that he attempted to ruin your blog. You have some great topics going on here... Animal cruelty against turkeys & Thanksgiving, and Native American Indians and Thanksgiving and then comes along Pastordevil that tried to ruin it all exactly like Lily tried to ruin your Veteran's Day thread.

It is because Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving means nothing to him.

Anonymous said...

yeah I'm pasterdevil

you got me asshole

your so smart

damn what gave me away??

sorry anon, I didn't include you in the I hope you choke on a Turkey Bone and spit up blood and die

But first I hope you suffer a bit, and see your face turn blue, then die

you fucking cocksucking motherfucking piece of shit

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:00 must be a muslim. An angry murder happy muslim.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I cant watch the video. But i may go vegan because of it all. I mean all the way they treat the animals that become our food.

Happy Thanksgiving Loki!
You Rock!!!

Anonymous said...

may all the tards in chat have a lousy Thanksgiving

and may you choke on a Turkey Bone and turn blue then spit up blood then die

you fucking idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anon 11:00 must be a muslim. An angry murder happy muslim.

November 21, 2007 11:48 AM
No it's not Pastordevil or a muslim. It's Tommy_g who gets this way when he wants attention. Tommy has said bad things about Scuba in the past under anon names about shutting down Pat's blogs. Tommy is a little pussy.

Anonymous said...

you fucking cockaroaches

Anonymous said...

Yah it must be either Tommy_G or Pastorfag...

Oh well, have a great holiday to everyone else!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Loki,
As you know i'm native American and I to was conflicted about Thanksgiving, But I would like to remind everyone that Thanksgiving has many many meanings for everyone, to me it's a day of thanks for all that God has given me in this life, I guess I kind of look at it as a milestone that another year of family and friends being close.
As for the my brothers and sisters of the land, I and many natives do not agree with thier views nor do we blame what happened to our people exclusivly on the white man.
We must look at this in a historical context, besides it's no use blaming the livng for what the dead did, long before they were born.


loki said...

Happy day to all!!!

May your bellys be full, your glasses never empty, and may you all find lots of things to be thankful for!!!

Kathi said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Future is now said...

Happy Turkey day!!!! my indian sister

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Loki,
I hope you and your had a very Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm making a comment to you this morning because I do not have a blog anymore and I trust your opinion on human rights issues etc.

I was thumbing through newspapers, like i do all the time to find articles that are swept under the rug, when I came upon this one http://www.denverpost.com/harsanyi/ci_7501264?source=email, please, Loki, if you don't mind, read it it and post your opinion.
I was shocked at the arrogance of this left-winged nut and his attitude and it scares the heck out of me that in the future how and what excuses people like this can use to steal our property.
Oh and one more thing, immagine if some Mexican that crossed the border of some American ranchers land and made this same claim and went to court and had the Americans land taken away ?.
