Saturday, November 24, 2007


A young couple falls in love, gets married, and hopes one day to build themselves the house of their dreams.
In the 1980's they buy a plot of land in which to build this home one day. They are happy and oh so hopeful!!!
Their name is the Kirlins.

As often happens though children came along, 3 to be exact, and the building of the house took a back burner to the raising of their little family.
But they never stopped dreaming about that house. They continued to pay the homeowner association dues and property taxes each year, they lived only 200 yards from the property so they hiked past it every week with their dogs, and even sprayed for weeds and fixed broken fences, ETC... then finally in 2006, as the children began to make their own way in life, the couple decided it was time to build that little dream house of theirs.

What they did not know however was that someone else had taken a shine to their little plot of heaven, Someone very powerful!!!

Richard McLean, a former Boulder District Judge, Boulder Mayor, RTD board member - among other elected positions, and his wife, attorney Edith Stevens, used an arcane common law called
"adverse possession" to claim the land for their own.
All the McLeans needed was to develop an "attachment" to it.
Of course their city connections couldn't have hurt, either!!!

In the court papers, McLean and his family admit to regularly trespassing onto the Kirlins' property. They created paths & they put on political fundraisers and had parties on the land (even though not a single photograph of these events surfaced during the court procedings.
Anyway apparently this habit of trespassing developed into an affection for the land and the judge and his wife decided they just had to have the land for their very own!
Now if we take the judge at his own word then he should have faced charges of criminal trespassing, and been labeled a common criminal.

Oh but this is America, and in America the powerful are often allowed to get away with criminal behavior, in America the powerful are often allowed to pervert the rule of law to suit themselves, and in America it is often the regular Joe's, or in this case the regular Kirlins', who pay for the unbridaled greed of the powerful.

The greedy old Judge and his greedy old lawyer wife pulled a few strings, some very powerful strings, and another Judge ordered the Kirlins to sign over about 34% of their 4,750-square-foot lot to McLeans.
To add insult to injury, the case, which the Kirlins are appealing, has cost the family over $100,000 in legal fees so far.


What lesson can we all learn from this?
Easy. If you fancy some undeveloped property - and have no scruples - keep walking on it until you create a path, have a few parties, and then claim it for your very own!!!


Anonymous said...

If you buy property put a fence around it (with "no trespassing signs") and build something on it, even a shit house or storage shed and maintain it.

Anonymous said...

Shit like that is so unfair. Well, it's too bad that the Kirlins rushed into having children. Things would have probably worked out better for them if they used rubbers until they built their house on that land. But still, that's besides the point. It was THEIR land. That judge and his cunt wife should be counter sued for trespassing and theft. And if they do end up being allowed to own this land, then the owe the Kirlins ALL of their money back from the property tax and homeowners association dues, and they should also pay the Kirlins for their time maintaining the property (weeding, etc..) and they should pay Kirlins FULL MARKET VALUE of how much that land costs TODAY. If these assholes want the Kirlin's land, then they should BUY it from them. WITH the Kirlins permission. What is happening here is so fucked up.

I happen to know this old dude that owns an acre of land. He had fencing, barbed wire and No Trespassing signs all around it, and these dirt bikers decided that they wanted to trespass and ride their bikes on this land. They cut the fence, ignored the No Trespassing signs, and rode their dirt bikes all over this man's land. One of the dirt bikers rode his bike right into the barbed wire fence and he was hurt pretty badly.



Too much weird shit involved with owning land that you don't actually live on.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the world today?

Anonymous said...

the rich get richer and the poor just keep getting poorer

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean... I dropped over 300 thousand at poker last night. I may have to sell my Rolls.

Anonymous said...

that is so messed up!!! that makes me mad...

Anonymous said...

2006 Rolls Royce Phamton Coupe for sale. No less then $100,000.00 dollars. Go to Ebay, keyword "lakewood". Thank-you. Oh and that Rolex watch is real.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll let this blog stay for another week or two

then I'll think about shutting it down

don't say I didn't warn you

tick tock tick tock tick tock


Anonymous said...

Hey tommy_g... doesn't look like your blog is going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I had this nightmare one night where I caught Tommy_g peeking through my window at me while I was dancing naked on my bed. I reached my very long arm through the window and grabed him by the balls and squezed untill they turned blue (his balls) while all the time he was screaming "harder harder, oh I love it". Then I woke up. Thank God.

loki said...

Hummmmm Anonymous 8:37

Having a bad hair day or just needing a little attention??

Please DO contact google, Please have them shut down my blog for expressing my right to free speech!!!

I could really use the money, and unlike these other people I really would take google to court.

And being that it would be a constitutional issue,
fuck I would be famous,
end up on Fox news and CNN,
I would end up rich too, and never have to work again.
so I see zero bad effects for me here!!!


Until then all I have to say to you, once again is.....

blah, blah, blah,
whine, whine, whine,
yawn, yawn, yawn.

Anonymous said...

no, it would not be an issue of free speech. the constitution prohibits the government from restricting your speech. it does not prohibit private companies, such as google, or private individuals, such as bloggers, from restricting speech. non governmental entities, such as employers, your parents, and businesses can and do restrict speech all the time. you do not have a constitutional right to have a blog on google, and google, since it is not the government, at least not yet, is free to ban your blog under any of its own terms. always remember that the constitution was written to limit governmental action, not that of private companies or individuals, except under certain limited circumstances when their activities impact a constitutional right, such as voting or travel.