Friday, February 22, 2008


It seems a 70-year-old man has been sentenced by an Iranian judge to four months in jail and 30 lashes for going out on the street with his dog.
What a fucking criminal!!!

The incident took place in a suburb of Tehran when the owner of the dog was caught by the police and was quickly handcuffed and arrested. He was later charged by an Islamic judge for "disturbing the public order".
You just can not go easy with these hardline criminal types!!!

The dogs are at the center of a theological controversy because Islam considers dogs to be impure, and for this reason the government has banned owners of domestic animals from taking them on the streets of the city.
Damn satan is just everywhere these days!!!

However not all is so dark in bizarroland, as Iranian President Ahmadinejad recently purchased 4 German guard dogs at a cost of 110,000 Euros each.
Spregin zei deutch anyone???

Well naturally Iranian citizens are having a problem with the fact that he can have a dog and they can't!
I can't say that I blame them!!!

A spokesman for the President, said "The purchase of these dogs was authorized by a fatwa issued by several ayatollahs who approved the use of these animals if the only goal was to guarantee personal security and not infringe on any religious rules."

By golly you just can't take your eyes off of dogs for a second, I mean they could destroy an entire religion if your not careful!!!




Anonymous said...

yea dogs rreally are evil little bastards

I wonder if islam thinks female dogs are worse than male dogs I bet they do

Anonymous said...

In islam dogs are only permitted for working and not as pets. And to be so harsh on a 70 year old man is just a reflection in how zealous these idiots are. Unbelievable in what these idiots think.

Anonymous said...

I will be camping out at YAHOO! headquraters tomorrow morning to stop the take over by that gagster, Bill Gates. Bill wants to make changes so that nobody can boot people, which can not be allowed to happen.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God Damn Loki I just read your post on sex lies blog you are one fucking awesome ass woman
You could educate every person in America and do a better job than any professor ever could.
I love reading your posts here but I really love to read your comments on the other blogs when you go off on some muzzie lover traitor. I can tell you have a temper just by your writing lol I bet when those fucking cunts read what you have to say to them they almost shit in there pants ROFLMFAO

Be careful though honey or they will put a fatwah out on you lol

Anonymous said...

Dont give the bitch a swelled head she is just an internet crusader who sits on her ass at the computer trying to make everyone believe she knows more then the rest of us do.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Dont give the bitch a swelled head she is just an internet crusader who sits on her ass at the computer trying to make everyone believe she knows more then the rest of us do.

pissed off you big nosed cunt we all know its you

Anonymous said...

That is terrible to do that to that to a 70 year old man... What did they do to his poor dog?
I hate islam. I just hate it.

And Ferret, Loki is a good person that has a very imformative blog with examples of how "peaceful" *cough* islam is.

These facts about islam piss you off because you have tried for years to convince people that muslims are nice and that islam is not bad...

Loki exposes islam, the shitty cult which you are always trying to protect.

You are a sick bitch ferret.

Stay off this blog. Only True Blue Red Blooded Americans with a passion to save our country and freedom from evil islam are welcome here.

Why don't you go to the middle east and walk your nose in public.

Anonymous said...

Hey ferret face I bet loki could teach you more than just a few things I also bet she could whip your ass up one side and down the other loki is so far above you your not even good enough to lick her shoes.

LOKI - Nana said...

Thanks for the support you guys and ferret kiss my ass!!!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to post this article of a recent example of how illegal aliens act in our country and have no remorse for what they do.

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The driver of a van that hit a school bus in a crash that killed four children was charged Friday with four counts of criminal vehicular homicide and two lesser charges, authorities said.

The woman, identified as Alianiss Nunez Morales, 23, of Minneota, failed to stop at a stop sign Tuesday before hitting the bus, which was carrying 28 students from Lakeview School, a prosecutor said. The accident happened near the small town of Cottonwood in southwestern Minnesota.

Morales was also charged with a stop sign violation and for driving without a valid license, Lyon County Attorney Richard Maes said.

Authorities said Morales is not the woman's real name, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were trying to figure out her true identity. Claude Arnold, special agent in charge of investigations, said Morales told investigators she was from Mexico, and his agency believes she is in the country illegally.

Yes Divirsity at it's best, let them all in to kill our children. this is just heart breaking.

Islam is a danger to Women,Children, and all living things.

LOKI - Nana said...

Yeah Lowglow,
You should visit the ALIPAC site.
These types of things go on every fucking day.

The site, if your interested is linked here on my blog under "protect US borders"

Anyway, illegal aliens kill more Americans every year then all the Americans killed in the war each year.

It's disgusting!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol I love chick fights

Anonymous said...

If people like Ferret roll over and let muslims run our country they way that they see fit, pretty soon any of US that are caught walking OUR pet dogs in public with be whipped and imprisoned.

Those sick muslim fuckers probably stone those poor dogs to death. The dog's crime? Being a dog. What a peaceful religion.

S-H-I-T in the name of islam

P-I-S-S in the name of allah

FUCK mohammad may his rotten evil deranged soul burn in hell for eternity.

Anonymous said...

That wailing on the loud speakers sounds like a cat dying I am telling you that would drive me out of my ever loving mind if I had to listen to that shit every day blowing that thing up should be considered self defense.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ferret would like it though.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone think a cute little puppy like that could be evil