Saturday, March 29, 2008


Today we did one of our disaster preparedness training excercises here in Vegas.
I participated, I usually do because they are important and because they are actually fun, PLUS I get to hang around me firemen all day

Anyway, It got me to thinking and I was wondering if you guys were doing these types of things every year or so in your cities???

In these times it is imparative that we all be good boy/girl scouts and stay prepared because you never know when some muzzie fucker is going to blow something up!

I know here in Vegas we are a huge target...I believe we even made the official al-qaeda target list lol

Anyway, was just wondering.

On a side note......
Below is a news clip of Geert Wilder regarding his new short film "FITNA"

1 min & 35 secs long

Friday, March 28, 2008


Another tidbit of wisdom from across the pond!

5 mins & 59 secs long
I wish even one of our elected leaders understood Islam just a 10th as much as this guy does!!!

What this gentleman describes is exactly what we here in America have in store for us if we do not nip it in the bud pretty damn soon!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008


4 mins, 19 secs long

A good video which shows not only the fear Islam creates regarding freedom of expression, but also shows that while they do not want us to practice free speech and insult them in any way, they have absolutely no problem practicing their own free speech and insulting us!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008



Thomas Paine
September 11, 1777

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Mad that the mohamhead cartoons were recently reprinted, muzzies once again show the true colors of Islam.
These are not the "bad terrorists" we are constantly being told are the only bad people in Islam.
Nope, these are the "peace loving, tolerant, moderate, ordinary" muzzies living in Britian.

Pay attention to what they say, for it is not only Denmark they are mad at, hell no they want to completely destroy Europe and of course the U.S.A too!!!
(I guess it's the ol' "kill everyone for what Denmark did" sharia law.)

You will even hear them say how they want to destroy Denmark and "take their women as war booty".
Sex slaves you say???....Oh surely not in Islam!!!

One muzzie says that they are using their "right to free speech" with this protest, which is ironic considering the whole purpose of their protest was to say that the non-muzzie Danes have no rights to free speech at all.
I guess if it works FOR THEM than free speech ain't all that bad.... right!!!
Can we say "hypocrit"??

11 mins, 23 secs long

Muzzies CAN insult us, our beliefs, our Messiah, our culture, and anything else they choose to, BUT we are NEVER EVER allowed to insult them in any way shape or form because if we do we face death!!!
This is the belief of ALL muzzies!!!
This is their definition of "freedom".

Sunday, March 16, 2008


We pay alot of attention to the violent, terroristic, extremly radical part of Islam, but we pay very little attention to the nonviolent radical Islam which is more likely to alter the makeup of Western society over time than is terrorism.
For while it is relatively easy to mobilize public opinion against terrorist groups, however no institutions exist to counter the demands of non-violent extremists.

Lawful Islamists lobby for legislation, influence curriculum and media content, advancing their agenda patiently, through non-violent means, bringing about fundamental changes in society.
They also use "lawfare" (aggressive legal maneuvers) to close down academic, media, and political critics.

As Daniel Pipes said.... "Quietly, lawfully, peacefully, Islamists do their work throughout the West to impose aspects of Islamic law, win special privileges for themselves, shut down criticism of Islam, create Muslim-only zones, and deprive women and non-Muslims of their full civil rights."

Recent examples of lawful Islamism include:

* Leading Muslim students in prayer at a public San Diego elementary school.
* Allowing cab drivers in Vancouver, B.C. to refuse certified guide dogs for reasons of religious conviction.
* Admonishing doctors and nurses in Scotland to refrain from eating in front of their Muslim patients and colleagues during the month of Ramadan.
* Proposing in the Netherlands that people of all faiths refer to God as Allah in order to "create more dialogue."
* The Archbishop of Canterbury's arguing that adopting elements of Shari'a law in Britain would benefit social cohesion.
* Allowing members of polygamous marriages to claim extra welfare benefits in Britain.
* Sponsoring a Muslim lifeguard program for the benefit of private female sessions at the city pool in Mississauga, Canada.
* Dropping Knorbert the piglet as mascot of Fortis Bank for fear of offending Muslims.

There are many other examples of this going on .....

A new website is up and running devoted to the study of lawful Islamism, and to keep you informed about it.
GO TO....

Friday, March 14, 2008


A news report that actually tells it like it really is without all the political correctness that has kept the main stream media lying to us about Islam all this time!!!

5 mins, 55 secs long

Thursday, March 13, 2008


2 mins, 14 secs long
Hummmm, and I thought Islam was peaceful and tolerant and oh so very respectful to their women!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Is NIKE supporting Islam???

3 mins, 8 secs long

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Geert Wilder, a member of the Dutch parliament since 1998, has made a short film called ‘Fitna,’ an Arabic term for ‘discord.’
It will be approx. 10-15 minutes long and it "intersperses verses of the Koran with footage of terrorist attacks and other Islamist-inspired violence".

Naturally the muslim world is in an uproar, even though nobody has even seen the film yet, and are demanding the film not be aired.
Many muzzie nations have called for a boycott of Netherland products, along with the "death to the Dutch" rhetoric we are all so used to.

Many western leaders, including the Dutch themselves are urging Mr. Wilder not to air the film because they are afraid of the backlash that will occur from muzzies in the Netherlands and around the world.
In other words, they are completely willing to allow islam to take away more of the free world's free speech rights because we wouldn't want to upset the muzzies now would we.

As for Mr. Wilder, he says he WILL air the film no matter what and if he can not find a broadcaster to air it on TV he will show it on the internet here...

So keep checking back with the site and let's all support Mr. Wilder in his fight against Islam by watching this little film.
Lets make sure all our friends and families see it too!!!

He has proposed closing the country to all non-Western immigrants for at least five years and banning construction of Islamic schools and mosques for the same period.

He has also proposed a law that would prevent foreign imams from preaching in the Netherlands and forbid preaching by anyone in any language other than Dutch.

In addition, he has sought to ban the Koran, calling it the Islamic answer to Hitler's manifesto ‘Mein Kampf.’

Every law-abiding nation should follow this man’s example.
There should be numberless individuals speaking the same counsel throughout the world.

Below is some excellent commentary by Pat Condell regarding the appeasement of islam
You will enjoy this I promise!!!

7 mins, 38 secs long

Monday, March 10, 2008


Naturally there is much outrage when a certain person's middle name is used, or when cartoons of mohamhead are published, or when muzzie prisoners have underwear placed on their heads,
BUT where's the outrage in the mainstream media and from human rights organizations for this war crime by Hamas.................

An officer in Israeli Military Intelligence revealed in a briefing by foreign minister Livni to foreign ambassadors that.......

"before the IDF attacks Qassam workshops or warehouses it distributes flyers asking the residents to evacuate the area.
But Hamas exploits the flyers and places small children on the rooftops in order to foil the attacks, and thus because of this trick the IDF is forced to halt many such bombings at the last moment."

"We are working with our hands tied because of all these laws and because we are part of the free world and because this is part of our values,"
Israeli foreign minister Livni said.

So many Islamic autrocities occur EVERYDAY and yet you never ever hear the mainstream media or human rights organizations condemn them.
But the second someone says Barack "Hussien" Obama, all hell breaks lose.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


This is in Aphganistan
A 12 yr. old girl, in a forced marriage, talks about the abuse she recieves from her husband.
37 seconds long

This man is NOT one of the "bad guys" they keep telling us about,
you know the ones "giving Islam a bad name".
Nope this guy is just the run of the mill muzzie, marrying a 12 yr. old little girl and beating the shit out of her.
Ah yes, Islam is just soooo fucking moral & peaceful!!!

Anything to say about this Ferret or Deception???
I imagine not!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Is pronouncing a man's middle name tantamount to insulting him?
In Sen. Barack Obama's case, the answer appears to be yes.

The name in question is "Hussein," Obama's middle name and the name of his Kenyan Muslim father.
Obama has accepted apologies from those who dared utter his middle name as if using his father's name was, indeed, an insult. Why?

The name Hussein means "most benign" or "very beautiful" in Arabic but that isn't enough to persuade Obama to treat it more kindly. (Hussein is also one of the most popular names for Muslims, especially Shiites.)

BUT Obama's problems do not end there because.......
"Barack" is also Arabic, from "barakah," meaning "blessing."

"Obama," meanwhile, is a word in Swahili - a language based on Arabic and it refers to members of his father's tribe who converted to Islam.

In other words, "Barack Hussein Obama" is a perfectly common identifier for someone with an ethnic East African Muslim background.

Barack denys that he was ever a muzzie, however in Islam of course, anyone born of a Muslim father is automatically regarded as Muslim.

What's troubling about Obama's approach to the mini-storm stirred up by his political enemies over his name is that it looks like an attempt to hide something.
He HAS behaved as if he does have a family secret, and as if the name Hussein is something to be ashamed of.
So it is not the fact that others have called him Hussien, but rather the fact that he himself has such a problem with it that should be raising the red flags!!!

It should be noted though that Obama's efforts to distance himself from Islam contrasts greatly with his innovative approach to US relations with its Islamist challengers.

Obama offers a policy of dialogue and accommodation.
He has opposed listing Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization and proposed a grand bargain with Syria's rulers.
He is even prepared to ignore two UN Security Council resolutions that require Iran to stop its uranium-enrichment program as a precondition for talks at the highest level.
He has campaigned for a formal congressional move to prevent Bush from taking any military action against Iran.

In an important symbolic move designed to signal an end of the special relationship between Israel and America, Obama has become the FIRST major presidential candidate in 25 years not to commit himself to transferring the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Last but not least, Obama has promised to withdraw from Iraq in his first year in office - meeting a key demand of all radical Islamist forces, both Sunni and Shiite.

The message is clear:
Obama wants a new relationship with radical forces in the Islamic world while distancing America from its traditional regional allies.
In other words, he proposes to reverse policies that have taken shape over more than six decades under 12 successive American presidents.
Obama plans to give Islam everything it wants, but as we all know once they get that they will come up with a new set of demands and enough will NEVER be enough for them!!!
The more we give the weaker Islam will see us as being and the more they will try to bring us down!!!

These ideas from Obama are what deserves to be very closely examined and debated, much more so than the origin and meaning of his middle name.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I like this guy, he certainly does make alot of sense and he is damn funny at times!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008


This is for the morons around here who still think terrorism is not real Islam. Only terrorists do the bad things right?
I mean good ol' regular muslims are just nice, tolerant, simple folks who wouldn't hurt a fly....RIGHT???

Well this happened on 3 March 2008 In Jeddah Saudi Arabia —

A 25 year old man had an argument with his sister and her husband, and apparently he did not get his way because later on he followed his sister to the market where she was shopping with her 15 month old son.

In full view of all the other shoppers and staff at the Al-Marhaba supermarket on Sari Street, this regular good ol' muslim man (not a terrorist) grabbed the baby out of the mother's arms and decapitated him right on the spot.

A police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Arab News, “The murderer was in a dispute with the boy’s mother and her husband. He chopped off the boy’s head in front of the mother to get back at her.”

Ah yes, a muzzie man who gets his lil feelings hurt by his sister.
So what to do, what to do???....hummmm what would Mohamhead do???
Murder a 15 month old baby in the most gruesome way of course!!!
Yeah that'll teach the bitch!!!


Be careful Deception this could be YOUR baby one day!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


My fellow Americans!
Tired of having to wait to get your gun??
Are you frustrated that the U.S. government is infringing on your constitutional right to bare arms by making you fill out an application and wait a few days before you can take your firearm home???

Well dont feel bad because we are not the only ones who are having our rights stepped on.
A new Iraqi law would require a 5 day waiting period before anyone can get their suicide vest!!!

In The Know: New Iraqi Law Requires Waiting Period For Suicide Vest Purchases

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Iran has a new proposed draft penal code which for the first time in the history of the country formally imposes the death penalty on those who leave Islam.
The proposal is currently before parliament.

Athough the death penalty has been carried out in Iran for apostasy(leaving Islam), the punishment has never before been set down in the country’s laws.

If passed, the penal code would impose the death penalty on male apostates and a prison term on female apostates.
They need to keep the jihadi breeders alive right lol

It also establishes two types of apostasy: innate and parental.
1 - Innate = the would-be apostate has Muslim parents, is raised as a Muslim and abandons his faith as an adult.
2 - Parental = the apostate has non-Muslim parents, becomes a Muslim as an adult and then abandons the faith.

According to the new legislation the punishment for "innate apostasy" is death.

The punishment for "parental apostasy" is also death BUT after the final sentencing the criminal will have three days to come back to Islam. In case of refusal to do so, the death penalty would be carried out.

(Someone needs to explain to the Islamic world the definition of "compulsion").

Who is an apostate according to the legislation?
Anyone in the world, (not just Iranians) born to a Muslim parent;
Only one parent needs to be a Muslim at the time of conception for Islam to own that child for life.

Ok so who do we know, who is running for President of these United States, who was born to a muzzie parent, and who is now a muzzie apostate (left Islam for Christianity)??
Yep that's right Mr. Obama himself!!!

If elected President Barack wants to "negotiate" and talk nice with our enemies, and instead of sending diplomats he has said that he himself would make these visits.

So if Barack goes to Iran, and if Iran passes this new law into their official penal code...then we can add 1+1?
It would be highly hypocritical on the Iranians part not to murder him because by the muzzies very own definition
Barack Hussien Obama IS AN APOSTATE!!!

Which is why all the Al Qaeda websites are full of loathing for the man who may be the next U.S. president.
By him denying his Islamic heritage for our sakes (votes) he is enraging the islamic world who view him as a trader to the faith!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Tired of the government wasting your tax dollars on pork barrel spending and pet projects?
Would you at least like to be informed of what they are spending your tax dollars on?

There is now a site where you can do just that.
However if Democrats get their way it won't be around for long!

House Republicans had asked the house democrats to join them in supporting an immediate moratorium on all earmarks while a bipartisan select committee identifies ways to bring fundamental change to the way in which Washington spends taxpayers’money.
The Democrats answer...No Thanks!!!

So in spite of the Democrats’ refusal to change the way Washington spends taxpayer dollars, the republicans took a novel approach...let the citizens know who is spending their money and what they are spending it on.

To this end on Febuary 12, 2008 House Republicans announced that their new Web site would serve as a hub for news and information regarding House GOP efforts to hold Democrats to their earmark-reform promises.

But nine days later, on Feb. 21, House Republican Leader John Boehner (Ohio) was told the Web site ( must be shut down and moved to a different location with a different domain name.

As of today the house Republican leader John Boehner is refusing to shut down the site, we'll see how long it lasts.