Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Some things don't happen very often, and some things are extremely rare occurances indeed.
I would like to tell you about a couple of things that are about to happen that have not occured for 26,000 years.

First of all, every 26,000 years the earth completes a wobble around it's axis, this is called a procession.
1 complete processional wobble takes 26,000 years.
The particular wobble that we are in now will complete it's cycle on December 21, 2012.

Secondly, every 26,000 years the winter solstice sun lines up with the center of the milky way galaxy. We will see this happen on December 21, 2012.
No one knows what effect this extrodinary alignment will have on the earth but geophysicists have a prediction... a pole shift.
This could take place in a matter of days or even hours, causing world wide disaster and mass extinction.
As unlikely as it seems it is backed by science. Albert Einstien first suggested it back in 1955, and a new study from Princeton University shows the poles HAVE shifted before.
Even if this shifting took place slowly, over years, it would result in global climate change and shifting sea levels.

What these things will actually bring I can not say, but the date of 2012 seems to be coming up alot.

The date December 21, 2012, is a very significant date.....I have blogged about it before and won't go over it again right now. (For those who didn't read it but want to now, see my archives for Oct. 15-18,2007)

It should also be noted that on July 31, 2006 a significant event happened on the sun. A reverse polarity sun spot, which is indicative of the start of the next solar maxim cycle (# 24).
This cycle is when the sun goes into its maximum emissions activity (solar flares)
The peak of this activity will occur in, yes you guessed it, 2012.

Solar flares can knock out electrical grids, cause power outages all over the world, knock out orbiting satellites, and if the flare happens to be a large one it can actually force an earth wobble and can cause a shift in our north and south poles.
If you don't know what the pole shifting can mean for the planet...... earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, flooding, massive volcano activity, instant climate changes, rivers reversing their course, etc...on a massive and global scale.
Basically colossal devastating events.

Approx 4,000 years ago. the north & south poles shifted. The results of that are still being discovered even today.
For instance......The frozen body of a mammoth was discovered in Siberia in 1977. These were tropical creatures who would not be living in the frozen Siberia we know today. The animal was found to still have food in it's mouth, suggesting that it was most likely flash frozen in almost an instant.
Many, many (hundreds) such animal remains have been found in the frozen northern hemisphere (Canada & Siberia), and they too were found to have been grazing on warm climate foods when they were apparently flash frozen.
This is just one example of the results of shfting poles.

There is another piece of the 2012 puzzle that I would like to talk about......a new 10th planet(Nibiru)
But I will save that for another day.

For now I will leave you with this.....
Alexey Dmitriev, a Russian geophysicist, specializing in extreme climatology (considered the very best in his field) says mega storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanos are going to start synchronizing into repetative loops and amplifying each other causing major destruction all over the globe!!!


Anonymous said...

Loki your paranoid

Anonymous said...

Mm, no no, you don’t believe We’re on the eve of destruction.

J*A*C*K said...

Anonymous said...

and your point is?

Anonymous said...

The point is.... Stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass good-bye. Also... don't go outside when the sky is falling.

Anonymous said...

For now I will leave you with this.....
Alexey Dmitriev, a Russian geophysicist, specializing in extreme climatology (considered the very best in his field) says mega storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanos are going to start synchronizing into repetative loops and amplifying each other causing major destruction all over the globe!!!

Loki.....what will happen to Islam Chat 1 and 2

will I still be able to go there and stay there 24/7? Will Naz,Dank and Nuke protect me?

I Better start camming a lot

Anonymous said...

I will protect you, Lily.

Future is now said...

Planet x some say is here and about to cause a pole shift and it will be in position in 2012 to do that

loki said...

Yes Nuke, that's what they say!

loki said...

the albino monk said...
Mm, no no, you don’t believe We’re on the eve of destruction.

Yes, one way or another, yes I do.