Thursday, May 1, 2008


Exxon-Mobile released their profit earnings for the first 3 months of this year.
They made $10.89 BILLION IN PROFITS!!!
That equals almost $120 MILLION in profits EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!

This is the 2nd highest quarterly corporate profit ever recorded in the history of the world!!!
The very highest quarterly corporate profit ever in the world??
Also came from Exxon-Mobile.... Big surprise right!!!

And last year Exxon-Mobile raked in a total of $48 BILLION in PROFITS for the fiscal year of 2007. Also a world record in corporate profits!!!
I think they will break their own record this year!!!

Now remember Exxon-Mobile is just one of MANY oil companies around the globe and they are all literally swimming in cash profits!!!
Now you know what you're REALLY paying for when you pull up to the pump!!!
In a related story of how we are being completely screwed!!!

While food prices soar in the U.S. and we worry about feeding our families, President Bush is asking Congress to approve a $770 MILLION dollar emergency food aide package to help feed the poor in other parts of the world, mostly Africa.
This is on top of the $200 MILLION asked for just 2 weeks ago.
That is almost $1 BILLION dollars!!!

You, on the other hand, don't matter at all.
So fuck off and go hungry Americans!!!


Anonymous said...

JUst to let you know congress has asked the six largest oil companies to produce a document which displays where the profit money is going. This is kind of dumb from congress since these oil companies will most definitely create something that favors them in how the profit money is distributed. If congress was smart they would send in the GAO (investigative arm of congress) to look into the matter and get real results.

And in 1995 Bill Clinton "Veto" a bill which would allow our oil companies to tap into alaskian and the colorado/utah oil fields. In fact the colorado/utah oil field hold 1.7 trillion tons of oil...enough to support america's oil habit for 150 years. And the technologies back in 1995 and today is great which it wouldn't hurt our environment. In fact when hurricane Katrina occurred. We didn't have one oil spill. So what makes ppl believe we would have environmental oil spills on land.

Now the alaskian oil field hold much more in the lower states. If we produced our own oil. We wouldn't be reliant on anyone, the prices would decrease dramatically. And the world market prices would decrease since we would cause competition with them. Also, if we tapped out oil wells, this would create 40,000 jobs when the drilling initially starts up. Those people now become well paying taxes payers since these jobs pay very well. The companies would be paying more taxes to the feds and possibly new companies would sprout up as well. Also, all these new employees would be spending money as consumer spender which only adds to our economy....

So, my problem is why are democrats so fucked up. They proclaim they are for the people. Well, the demos just want to see people hurting so they can be seen as our rescuers and look good. WHen in fact they (democrats) are just hurting good ole american peoples lives. And to think the current gasoline prices has added $1500 to peoples house holds, but as an expensive and NOT as better living which the democrats would have you believe. How can some americans be so dumb. Write your federal congress reps and senators...demanding we start drilling oil thats on our own LAND. This would help many facets of what's hurting america today. Then the politians can concentrate on other important matters. This is not rocket science and if the people speak out enough. Knowing the facts I presented...they would have no choice but to do something.

loki said...

Amen, and Amen!!!

Anonymous said...

the world is going to hell in a hand basket

Anonymous said...

Nobody believes me when I tell them the sky is falling.

Anonymous said...

If congress was smart they would send in the GAO (investigative arm of congress) to look into the matter and get real results.

The GAO has absolutely no authority to investigate private companies. There is a reason that the name is Government Accounting Organization. It oversees only governmental bodies, not private companies. Congress has no authority to investigate them either, unless there is some evidence that the companies are committing crimes. Some of the companies that Congress wants to "investigate" aren't even American companies. Unless Congress starts tending to its own business and quits trying to interfere with private companies and their stockholders, let me tell you what is going to happen. Every single one of the oil companies will move their companies and their jobs to some other country that doesn't poke its nose into the company business. There are plenty of countries that would love to have the headquarters of Exxon or Shell in their countries. Congress should be investigated as to why the Democrats refuse to allow and constantly obstruct this country's efforts to become energy independent.

Anonymous said...

Loki will you marry me? Bang Bang!!

LOKI - Nana said...

If I do will you share all your "toys" with me???

BANG, BANG babydoll !!!