Friday, November 30, 2007


New information is coming to light that many admirals, and other senior commanders in the Pentagon now say they had no idea about.
And we thought they were on top of things.

Last week the Chinese govt. refused safe harbor to 2 U.S. mine sweeper ships who were caught in a bad storm out at sea and had requested to make port in Hong kong until the storm was over!!

On Thanksgiving day the USS kittyhawk battle group prepared to make port in Hong Kong so that thousands of sailors and airmen could have a few hours shore leave.
Hundreds of family members of the crew had flown to Hong Kong to spend time with them, and all for nothing, because at the last minute China refused to allow the ships to dock.
Several hours later the Chinese changed their minds but by then it was to late as the ships were already heading back out to sea.

Just today information has come to out that the Chinese are refusing to allow the USS Reuben James, a frigate, to make a port call in Hong Kong on New Years eve.

A total of nine U.S. military ships have, in the last few months, been refused ports of call in Hong Kong. The last time China refused entry of U.S. ships was in 2002, and yet now suddenly they have done it 9 times in just the last few months.

Also it should be noted that a C-17 aircraft making a routine supply visit to the U.S. consulate in Hong Kong was turned down for flight access into China.

Now that Navy Admirals, and the general staff at the Pentagon have been "informed" about these incidents they say they are stunned & preplexed.
Wow is that all they have to say about it???
The White House seems to share the Pentagons apathy, with no real outrage expressed.

The Navy Admirals and crews "in the field" however do have strong opinions about this and are definately NOT happy!!!

ADM, TIMOTHY KEATING, COMMANDER OF THE U.S. PACIFIC COMMAND said "It's not, in our view, conduct that is indicative of a country that understands its obligations as a responsible nation," he added that he hoped the decision "is not indicative of future repeated denials."
The admiral also expressed concern about China's refusal to allow the minesweepers USS Patriot and USS Guardian to enter the port in Hong Kong.
"A storm blew up and they needed to get into a place of refuge ... so for the Chinese to have denied those two ships, in particular, that is a different kettle of fish for us and is, in ways, more disturbing, more perplexing than the denial for the Kitty Hawk's port visit request."
Keating added that there was an unwritten law among seamen that if someone is in need, you offer safe harbor. He described China's refusal to do so as "behavior that we do not consider consonant with a nation who advocates a peaceful rise and harmonious relations."

I will leave it to your imaginations to decern what the sailors and airmen of these ships have had to say about all this.
But believe ain't pretty!!!

The Pentagon says that the Chinese have yet to offer any explanation for their denial of entry in any of these cases, but reports are that the Chinese are angry because the U.S. congress recently gave a medal to the Dalai Lama, whom China's communist government considers an enemy, and because the U.S. has sold military equipment to Taiwan.


Anonymous said...

China is the one we should really be watching, they will one day be far more dangerous to us then the muslims

Unlawful_Sign said...

You can blind them dink midgets with dental floss. I never liked any Chinaman because they're shady folks.

Anonymous said...

the olympics are going to be in china. we need to boycott them and all americans need to not go to them. we need to start putting a high tax on their exports to us. that will get their attention.

Anonymous said...

I agree we should boycott the Olympics but if we did it would make everybody else happy because than they might have a chance at winning a few medals themselfs