Thursday, November 29, 2007


According to the Center for Immigration Studies, a new census reports states the following................

The U.S. is now getting a higher number of immigrants, both legal & illegal, then we have had in the last 3 decades.

Over 1/2 of the estimated 10 million immigrants who arrived in the U.S. in the last 7 years have been illegal. 90% of those being from Mexico.
And this is a low number as MANY remain hidden in the shadows and are therefore never even counted in a census.

And unlike in the old days when education was a great priority for immigrants, the U.S. census bureau reports that since the year 2000, approx. 33.5% of immigrants no longer bother to graduate from high school.

These are among the main reasons for America's
rising poverty rates
School over-crowding
Soaring healthcare costs

The census bureau also reports that at least 1/3 of all immigrant families have at least one of its members on public assistance (welfare).
A welfare budget that is paid for by your tax dollars!

The minimun wage in Mexico is just under $5 per day, so when they come to the U.S. and are offered $5 or $6 an hour they jump on it, which drives down the standard U.S. wage for American citizens.
Not to mention the lose of the job itself which is going to an illegal rather than to an American sitizen.

So jobs lost, wages depressed, Soaring healthcare costs, bankrupt medical institutions, school over-crowding which leads to the "dumbing down of America", rising poverty rates which puts an even greater burden on ALL public assistance programs, over-crowding which always leads to crankier people and higher crime rates, and a new generation of outsiders who will soon, if not now, be deciding the governmental makeup of this nation!

This is what open borders has given us!!!!

A country who can not protect it's own borders will not remain a sovereign nation for long!!!


J*A*C*K said...

Reminds me of the Roman Empire in it's last years.

LOKI - Nana said...

The British lady who was convicted yesterday of "insulting religion" by letting her class of 7 yr olds name a teddy bear Mohhamed is now serving a 15 day jail sentence.

Mean while outside her jail hundreds of muzzies are protesting her and many are calling for her execution!!

Only a cruel satanic cult could come to the conclusion that naming a teddy bear is a death penalty offense

Anonymous said...