Monday, November 19, 2007


Also known as the capital sins, the seven deadly sins are those transgressions which are fatal to spiritual progress. You probably commit some of them every day without even thinking about it.

#1 - LUST - Luxuria
The sin of lust is usually thought of as involving obsessive or excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature.
Lust can be described as the excessive desire for sexual release. The other person can be therefore seen as a "means to an end" for the fulfillment of the subject's desires, and becomes thus objectified in the process.
Lust is the self-destructive drive for pleasure out of proportion to its worth.

#2 - GLUTTONY - Gula
The sin of gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste.
It is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food, or its withholding from the needy.
However gluttony does not pertain only to food, but to entertainment and other legitimate goods, and even the company of others.

#3 - GREED - Avaritia
The sin of greed is, like Lust and Gluttony, a sin of excess.
However, Greed applies to the acquisition of wealth in particular.
Greed wants to get its "fair share" and much more.

#4 - WRATH - Ira
The sin of wrath may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. These feelings can manifest as the desire to seek revenge outside of the workings of the justice system.
Anger is often our first reaction to the problems of others.
Impatience with the faults of others is related to this sin.

#5 - SLOTH - Acedia
The sin of sloth is the failure to utilize one's talents and gifts.
The definition of Sloth has changed considerably since its original inclusion among the seven deadly sins. In fact it was first called the sin of sadness. The original meaning of sloth was to exibit melancholy: apathy, depression, and joylessness.

#6 - ENVY - Invidia
The sin of Envy is to desire something that someone else has which you perceive yourself as lacking.
Dante defined this as "love of one's own good perverted to a desire to deprive other men of theirs."
Envy resents the good others receive or even might receive.

#7 - PRIDE - Superbia
The sin of pride is the the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise.
Pride is the desire to be more important or more attractive than others. The excessive belief in one's own abilities.
Pride is the deadliest of all the sins and Vanity and Narcissism are prime examples of this Sin.
If someone else's pride really bothers you, you have a lot of pride.

If you would like to take a fun little test to measure which of these sins you are guilty of.....
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
But be honest now, afterall this is only for yourself and no one else has to know about it.

I took the test and here are my results
Lust:Very Low

Damn!!!, and I thought I was doing pretty good in my life
Anyway, now that you know my sins perhaps you should find out about your own!!


Anonymous said...

That lust score seems very low for a woman who loves little green men.

LOKI - Nana said...

Actually Jackass
I love ME!
I trust ME!
I understand ME!

And I lust after NO ONE!!!

I do however enjoy a good flirt.

I really thought that score was way to high lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Loki I believe I can fit you in this afternoon

Anonymous said...

I did mine and man it sucked
I better get back in church lol

Anonymous said...

The questions on that test are kind of odd lol

Anonymous said...

These 7 seven deadly sins are very mild when compared to the multitude of terrible sins that go on in this world today.
If these are the "big" sins in our lives at this time in history, I think we are really doing pretty good.

Anonymous said...

every single one of the horrible grotesque sins that happen in the world today all stem, in one way or another, from these 7 sins.

The sin of lust can lead to the sin of rape and adultry

The sins of pride, greed, or wrath can lead to the sin of murder

The sin of envy can lead to the sin of thief

The sin of sloth can lead to the turning of a blind eye when autrocities occur to those around us

The sin of gluttony can lead to children going to bed hungry at night


And dont forget it is the sins of pride, envy, and greed that led to the development of a religion that says it is ok to kill others who do not believe the same as you do, and we all know what that religion is.

LOKI - Nana said...

I think your right about that.
Allowing any weakness to win out over what we know in our hearts to be right is sinful.

And allowing ourselves to get away with the so called little sins can lead to us allowing ourselves to get away with bigger ones.

So even the little sins count!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

allah said...

get thee behind us satan

J*A*C*K said...


Anonymous said...

wow loki, I never knew you disliked sex , learn something new everyday, hahaha


loki said...

lol Lowglow,
I love sex I just don't lust after it lol